Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association
Timbits U7 Cross Ice Hockey Program
Last Update: 2024-09-16
* It is important for U7, U9 & U11 coaches / TEAMS to be aware of the later start dates for games in their applicable age divisions. These later start dates for games are established by Hockey Saskatchewan and must be adhered to by all teams in Saskatchewan in these age groups..
U7 - no games of any kind before December 1st;
U9 - no games of any kind until November 15th at which time exhibition games are permitted. Tournament games permisable starting December 1st and league play January 1st.
U11 - no games of any kind before November 15th at which point games of all types may be played (league, exhibition & tournament).
Important: Hockey Sask sets a maximum # of total games per season (exhibition, league, and tournament) for these age groups as follows:
U7 - 35,;
U9 - 45,;
U11 - 45.
See the Hockey Sask Handbook for more information.
• To make children's first contact with hockey a safe and positive experience. It's a structured, learn-to-play hockey program designed to introduce beginners to the game's basic skills. It enables participants to become contributing members of a team effort, develop self-confidence, and experience a sense of personal achievement. These goals are achieved in an atmosphere of fun and fair play.
• To provide guidelines which encourage coaches and other team executives to improve their own coaching qualifications and instructing skills by participating in coaches’ certification programs.
• To promote other instruction programs which provide opportunities for coaches to improve their own instructional techniques in theory, technical and practical skills and coaching philosophy.
Goals:• to have fun while playing hockey and engaging in physical activity
• to learn the basic skills required to play the game of hockey
• to develop an understanding of basic teamwork through participation in a variety of activities and adapted game situations
• to create and refine basic motor patterns
• to be introduced to the concepts of cooperation and fair play
Program focus:• developing basic hockey skills:
• skating
• puck handling
• stopping
• passing
• turning
• shooting
Following Hockey Canada guidelines, the U7 program recommends the following practice time allotment:
85% technical skills
• 15% individual tactics
• 0% team tactics
• 0% team play
• 0% strategy Player Eligibility & Team Formation:
• To be eligible to participate in the SMHA Timbits U7 program, the player must be 5 years old as of December 31 of the current season.
• Timbits U7 teams – there are two levels based on age and ability:
1. U7 Beginner – Usually consists of 5 year olds and 6 year olds who are new to hockey and may struggle at Advanced.
2. U7 Advanced – Usually consists of 6 year olds.
Note: Players, 5 years of age, may move up to the Advanced program ONLY if the player is of comparable ability to the players in the Advanced group and when approved by the Zone's U7 Zone Coordinator.
Player Affiliation:- U9 C may affiliate from U9 D and from U7 Advanced * with Zone Executive approval
- U9 D may affiliate from U7 Advanced * with Zone Executive approval
- For U7 players that are affiliated to U9, the Zone executive must approve any and all ice times prior to the affiliates participating. Initiation is a fun, introductory level of hockey. SMHA does not want players being overloaded with ice times.
U7 Timbits Practices / Games:Practices:• Practices will be 1/3 Cross-Ice practices for both beginner and advanced programs. Two (2) teams will share the ice surface - one team at each end of the rink with the bumpers across the blue lines.
- The goal is to schedule two teams from same zone on-ice whenever possible for practices
- Coaches may expand on the drills by adding a pylon, moving them closer together or adding another skill to the drill – drop to knees, pivots, etc. as examples.
U7 Beginner – Expectation is to follow Hockey Canada U7 Skills of Gold Lessons 1-17
U7 Advanced – Expectation is to follow U7 Skills of Gold Lessons 18-34The purpose of utilizing less ice surface for 5 and 6 year olds is to allow for the children to work in smaller areas to handle the puck more and to use their edges more. A full 200 foot ice surface is equal to the size of a football field for adults.
General:• All U7 players must wear full hockey equipment (including neck guards) from the time they step onto the ice until they leave the ice surface.
- Mouth guards are optional for players in the U7 program.
• Teams will receive approximately 38-40 ice times over the course of the season. Every attempt should be made to ensure there are no more than 4 to 5 players per one on-ice instructor during practices. All ice times will be 1 hour in length.
•In keeping with the SMHA's policy of providing fun and enjoyment while playing hockey, as opposed to emphasizing winning, there will be no scoring posted on scoreboards for both levels in the U7 program at all SMHA scheduled games and tournaments organized in or out of town by any team under the SMHA umbrella. Game sheets are not required by SMHA for the U7 program. Referees are not required for U7 games - one coach from each team will serve as "referees".
•In the Beginner division all six players are to change on the line changes and must always rotate positions. Goaltenders in the U7 Beginner division have the option of using a goal stick in games.
In the Advanced division, goaltenders will wear goalie equipment and should get a practice prior to their game to try out the equipment and the position.
•At both levels, when the goalie smothers the puck, the referee (designated coach) will continue play by taking and throwing the puck into the corner to keep play moving as much as possible.
•A minimum of one and a maximum of two coaches from each team will be on the ice during the games.
•No penalties will be called. If a player commits an obvious offense, that player's coach will confer with that player about the infraction while play is continuing.
- If teams shake hands after play of a game, all players must keep their gloves on their hands.
•During back-to-back ice times (to avoid congestion in the doorways to the ice surface) teams coming on to the ice surface should be allowed onto the ice before those leaving have left. Those leaving shall line up along the boards away from the entry gate until all players have come onto the ice surface.
U7 Coaching Certification Requirements:•
Click here for Coaching Certifications required for U7. Must be obtained by December 20• All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must have COACH 1 (Intro to Coach) Certification and Respect in Sport.
COACH 2 WILL NOT SUFFICE AS CERTIFICATION FOR U7 OR U9 HOCKEY.• All registered team officials aged 16 and over must have the Respect in Sport certification. A registered team official is any individual listed for insurance purposes. This is an individual who will
ever be on the ice with the team at practice or on the bench during games.
• The team must have one person with the Hockey Canada Safety program certification. It is recommended that this be a coach so the individual is on the ice or on the bench with the team. However, the Safety person can be a non-coach parent. The Safety person must have Respect in Sport also.
- All Registered Team Officials 18 years of Age or Older must have a Criminal Record Check done annually and submitted to his or her zone by December 1.
• If an individual will ever be on the ice with the team or on the bench with the team, they
must be registered with Hockey Canada for insurance purposes. Any unregistered individual who is injured on the ice or on the bench will not be insured.and is ineligible to be on the ice or on the bench.
• A team manager who does not go on the ice at practice or on the bench at games
does not need to be listed for insurance purposes or have to obtain a criminal record check.
• A helper can be listed as a stick boy if they will be assisting on the ice at practice or swinging a gate during games. This individual does not require a coaching certification but they will require Respect in Sport if they are 16 or older. They will also require a Criminal Record Check if 18 or older.
• Registered Team Officials who do not have the proper certification by December 20th - will see teams fined $100.00 per transgression by SHA.
The fined coach will not be eligible to register the next season as a coach per Hockey Saskatchewan until the certification is obtained.- PROPERLY FASTENED HELMETS ARE MANDATORY ON THE ICE FOR COACHES AND TEAM STAFF FOR PRACTICES, GAMES AND FOR ALL ON ICE CLINICS.
SMHA U7 Program Committee:
The Committee will consist of the SMHA U7 Chairperson plus seven zone U7 Coordinators or their representatives. Each Zone U7 Coordinator will ensure that their zone is represented at all meetings.
Program Chairperson 2024-25 - Jeff Bailey