2023-24 Senior Hockey Assignors:

Jordan Boyd - Senior Hockey Assignor - jo.bo19@hotmail.com

Ray Carriere     Senior Hockey Assignor   seniorassignor1@gmail.com  

Senior Hockey Leagues:
The SMHA Referees Division covers games for the following senior hockey leagues:

Wheatland Hockey League

Twin Rivers Hockey League

Sask Valley Hockey League

Dress Code
For ALL senior hockey games there is a MINIMUM dress code of:
  - Khaki Pants
  - Collared Shirt
  - No Tennis Shoes
For playoff and provincial playoff games a dress shirt and tie MUST BE worn.

The assigning of all games will be done through the Arbiter Assigning system.  When Linesmen are listed they must travel with the Referee.  Linesmen must contact the Referee a minimum 48 hours before the game. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
If there are any questions regarding the amount of money paid for mileage, please consult the Hockey Sask Mileage Chart.