REGULATION I                     Changes in Rules or Regulations
1. The SMHA membership, or the SMHA Board of Directors, may call for a meeting to change any or all of the SMHA rules or regulations at any general meeting or special meeting called by the President for this purpose.  (See Article 7)
2. All motions for changes must attain a two-thirds majority vote.
REGULATION II                   Power of the President
1. The President, by the powers vested in him or her by virtue of his or her office and with the sanction of his / her Directors, may appoint or cancel the appointments of Committee Chairpersons, or any other appointed officers, as well as monitor the actions of Zone Commissioners, and take the necessary steps required to ensure that all zones are represented fairly at all SMHA meetings throughout the year.
REGULATION III                  Ice and Schedules
1. The Office Administrator shall develop the required indoor ice allocation for the coming season.  The ice allocation request shall be based on the requirements of the SMHA programs. The Office Administrator’s recommendations shall be submitted for approval to the SMHA Executive Director and, upon approval, will submit the ice requirements to the City of Saskatoon and the private arena operators by April 30th of each year.
2. The ice allotment received from the City of Saskatoon and the private arena operators shall be distributed to the SMHA’s programs – U7, U9, U11, AAA, AA, A, B, & C Hockey, and Female Hockey – as approved by the SMHA Board of Directors.
3. The first three weeks of SMHA ice allocation shall be allotted to the Zones with emphasis in the first week to be placed on the selection of Level 1 teams; in the second week to the selection of Tier 2 / Level 2 teams, and in the third week the forming of Tier 3 / Level 3 teams with Level 1 and Tier 2 preparing their teams for league play.
4. Schedules are to be drawn up by the SMHA Office Administrator and distributed as soon as possible once the numbers of teams in each program are confirmed. 
REGULATION IV       League Directors and Program Coordinators
1. Coordinators for A, B & C, U7, U9, U11 and Female will represent their respective zones on Central Program Committees in order to develop objectives, ice requirements, and programs for their respective program, and such related duties as may be requested by the SMHA. They will communicate with their respective teams in their zone and operate along with the Zone Commissioner and Zone Executive, that program within their zone.
2. A zone must have a coordinator represent each program (A, B & C, U7, U9, and U11) in order to have zone teams participate in a SMHA league.
1. The Zones from which teams will enter for competition shall be determined each year in the best interest of the SMHA by the Executive Officers, who shall be governed in determination of the said zone by the terms of reference as set out as follows:
                (a) Submissions for re-zoning are to be presented to the SMHA Executive Director by December 15th.
                (b) The SMHA President shall set up the Zoning Committee in order to bring recommendations for boundaries to the Board of Directors by April 1st.
2. There are currently six (6) geographic minor hockey zones, a City-Wide Female hockey zone (Comets), a City-Wide AA Program (Saskatoon AA Hockey Committee) for U13 AA, U15 AA, and U18 AA and a U15A City Wide league.
3. For the purpose of competition, zone jersey colours are designated as follows:
    D     Renegades    Silver       G        Redwings      Red
    H     Flyers           Orange      M       Aces              Gold         C   Comets (female) Green
    X     Wild             Blue            W       Bobcats         Black      
4. The Zone Commissioner or his/her designate will submit to the SMHA Office by September 1 of each year the number of teams to be registered in each division. The number of teams shall be determined using the base numbers for each division as stated in Regulation VII - Team Formation.
5. All team registrations as per Regulation V (4) must be accompanied by a Zone registration deposit in the amount of $150,000 by cheque made out to the Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association by no later than September 15th. The balance must be paid to SMHA by all zones and Saskatoon AA Hockey by December 1st.
REGULATION VI       Player Registration
1. A player may be registered in one zone only (exception: Saskatoon AA Tryout process). Female players may not be registered with the Comets (female) and with another SMHA zone or with another Minor Hockey Association.
2. A player shall play for or within the Zone in which he / she resides on September 1st or with the Comets (female players) or Saskatoon AA (players who make U13AA, U15AA, U16AA or U18AA) or in SMHA City Wide U15A.
3. After September 1st, players are not permitted to voluntarily move from one SMHA zone to another SMHA zone, including moving from Comets female to another zone or vice versa.
4. Any players in question as to where they play will be placed in a zone by the SMHA Registration Committee. ** Players cannot be released from one zone to play in another zone unless a zone has excess player numbers and moving to another zone will allow a player(s) to continue playing hockey in a zone where there is capacity. This transfer will be initated by the zones in question and not by the player.
5. Teams shall be made up of players:
(a) who are bona fide residents of the City of Saskatoon and of the zones in which they reside;
(b) who have taken up residence with their parent(s) or legal guardians on or before September 1st of the forthcoming hockey year within SMHA boundaries (new zone registrations);
(c) who, if they are residents of the City of Saskatoon, shall be in attendance at schools within the City of Saskatoon;
(d) who, if residing outside the boundaries of the City of Saskatoon in the RM of Corman Park, must reside with their parent(s) or legal guardians within the SMHA boundaries as designated by Hockey Saskatchewan (see Hockey Saskatchewan Regulation 6.03.01).
6. Prospective players who do not conform to (a) and (b) above and who are declared eligible by the Registration Committee shall be placed in a zone by the Registration Committee.
7. Acreage players, residing by September 1st within the portion of the RM of Corman Park that is designated within SMHA boundaries by Hockey Sask, shall register with and play in the Aces zone until further notice; 
Exception- the SMHA Registration Committee and/or SMHA Board of Directors may, at its discretion, direct some or all players from acreages - residing outside the City of Saskatoon but within the RM of Corman Park that is within SMHA boundaries - to register with a different SMHA zone or zones.
** All players that reside outside of Saskatoon must provide their legal land location in order to be registered with SMHA / SHA.

8. The age of players in each program is determined by their age as of midnight, December 31st.
9. The range of ages shall be as follows for players in minor (co-ed) and in female hockey:
(a) U18 AAA, AA, B & C: open to players 17 years or under as of midnight December 31 of that year.
(b) U16AA open to players 15 years of age as of midnight December 31 of that year.
(c) U15 AA, A, B & C:  open to players 14 years or under as of midnight December 31 of that year.
(d) U13 AA, A, B & C: open to players 12 years or under as of midnight December 31 of that year.
(e) U11: open to players 10 years or under as of midnight December 31 of that year.
(f) U9: open to players 8 years or under as of midnight, December 31 of that year.  
(g) U7: open to players 5 and 6 years.  To be eligible to participate in the SMHA U7 program, the player must be 5 years old as of December 31 of the current season. Four-year old players are not permitted - no exceptions.

10.  Players will play in their correct age category as specified in Regulation VI 9 above. 
Exceptions per the SMHA Age Advancement Policy:
U7 to U9 - age advancement is not permitted but U7 Advanced Program players may be permitted to affiliate to U9 A with recommendation from the zone.
U9 to U11 - age advancement not permitted but players may play unlimited games and practices as a U11 A affiliate for entire season (subject to normal affiliation rules with respect to availability).
U11 A to U13 AA - second-year (senior) U11 A players / goaltenders (must have played U11 A as a first-year (junior) U11 player) may be advanced to U13 AA tryouts with letters of reference from objective hockey sources - own coaches / opposing coaches and zone. These letters will be taken into consideration by the SMHA Board of Directors.  If deemed satisfactory by the SMHA Board, the player will be permitted to register to tryout in the SMHA U13 AA Tryouts.
In SMHA U13 AA Tryouts, the player  / goaltender must evaluate in the top half of the first line of players in their respective position - i.e. top 9 forwards / top 6 defence / top 3 goaltenders.
U13 AA to U15 AA – second-year (senior) U13 AA players / goaltenders (must have played U13 AA as a first-year (junior) U13 player) may be advanced to U15 AA tryouts with letters of reference from objective hockey sources - own coaches / opposing coaches and zone. These letters will be taken into consideration by the SMHA Board of Directors.  If deemed satisfactory by the SMHA Board, the player will be permitted to register for and tryout in the SMHA U15 AA Tryouts.
In SMHA U15 AA Tryouts, the player  / goaltender must evaluate and be ranked for selection as follows for their respective position - top 8 forwards / top 4 defence / top 2 goaltenders.
U15 AA to U18 AAA:
All requests to age advance into U18 AAA (male or female) will be required to be submitted to Hockey Saskatchewan to be reviewed by a provincial committee. Deadline is January 10th annually for the next season.

SMHA Age Advancement Application Deadline for all ages:
For SMHA requests, written applications including all necessary components noted above must be submitted to the SMHA Executive Director by August 15.
Applications must be accompanied with a $100.00 application fee payable to SMHA by either cheque or e-transfer.
All applications will be reviewed first by the Saskatoon AA Hockey Committee.  The SAAH Committee will then make recommendations to the SMHA Board of Directors.

11. Team Registration:
All SMHA U7, U9, U11, AA, A, B & C, and Female teams (all players and all team officials) must be registered by SMHA on the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) database prior to a team being permitted to play a sanctioned league or tournament game.
NOTE: Players and Team Officials not registered online by SMHA on the HCR CANNOT be on the bench or on the ice until properly registered by SMHA on the HCR. 
12. Team rosters and team staff information for each team must be supplied to the SMHA office by all zones by the dates set by the SMHA.
13. All players not previously registered with the SMHA will have to produce proof of age to their zone by supplying a copy or scan of one of the following:  Birth Certificate, Canadian Passport, Health Card or Baptismal Certificate.
14. Late player registration requires approval of the Registration Committee and must be approved by the Zone Commissioner involved and must conform to Hockey Saskatchewan registration regulations.  No new player registrations will be accepted after February 1st of the hockey season (Hockey Sask regulation).
15. Any player registering with two different teams, zones or minor hockey associations is automatically ineligible for further competition on any team until such time as his / her status has been clarified by the SMHA Registration Committee and/or Hockey Saskatchewan.
16. *** Players registering to play hockey for the first time in the U15 or the U18 co-ed age divisions must start in No Body Checking hockey - B or C level - for their first season. 
17. The SMHA Registration Committee will not meet in the period May 15 – September 1.  The Registration Committee will meet prior to or after SMHA Board of Directors meetings if required.
18. SMHA will not provide a release to players with U18 eligibility remaining to play U21 B (Junior B) in the Prairie U21 Hockey League.
REGULATION VII                 Team Formation
1. Policy Guidelines and Rules for the formation and operation of U13, U15 and U18 hockey teams at the Zone level within the framework of the SMHA:
(a) AA - Shall have a minimum of 15 skaters and 2 goalies;
(b) A - Shall have a minimum of 15 skaters and 1 or 2 goalies;
(c) B & C - Shall have a minimum of 14 skaters and 1 goalie.
(d) Zones may make application to the Registration Committee to deviate from the above (b, or c). The Registration Committee will review and seek approval from the SMHA Board of Directors if it concurs with the application for deviation.
2. Team formation and tiering policy – Six (6) AA U13 teams, four (4) AA U15 teams, four (4) AA U18 teams and one (1) AA U16 team will be formed by a City-Wide Draft Process by the Saskatoon AA Committee. Eight (8) SMHA U15A City Wide teams will be formed by a City-Wide Draft process.
3. The following grid will be used to determine the number of A and B teams that each zone and each Interlock Association team will have in the U13, U15 and the U18 Divisions:

GRID FOR SMHA ZONES for HYBRID U13A & City Wide U15A (does not apply to Interlock MHA's or to Comets female)
# of Teams              1              2              3              4              5              6              7               
                    B             1                1              2              2              3              3              4                   
                    C            0               1               1              2              2              3              3

GRID FOR INTERLOCK MHA'S U13, U15 & U18 (does not apply to INTERLOCK MHA Female hockey) & For SMHA Zones U18
# of Teams              1              2              3              4              5              6              7            
                    A             0               1              1              2              2              2              3            
                    B              1               1              1               1              2              2              2                    
                    C             0              0             1               1               1              2              2

Note: U15 B & C and U18 B & C levels are No Body Checking. smha Zones may have more teams in B and C than the grid if players play no body checking B/C

 4. Teams registered in the U9 and the U11 Divisions shall use approved grids in place for their respective programs (See Programs)

5. SMHA Concession Application Process:
Qualification Procedures apply to all City zones and to all Interlock teams from U9 to U18.
Interlock teams will be expected to follow the approved Grid System for each age division as set by SMHA.
Concession Application Criteria:
Concessions will be heard at Program Committee Meetings only and not directly to the SMHA Board:


  1. 60% or more of players must be first year players (junior year) in that age group. For U15 and U18, players in B and C that have opted into C voluntarily are to be removed from the player count for the purpose of determining how many players in the zone for a concession. 
  2. For U18 – 45% or more of players must be first-year (15-year old's) U18 players (three-year age group);
  3. Of these players 60% or greater had to have played in either A (tier 2) or B (tier 3) for U13 to U18 age players / U11 B, U11 C, or U11 D / U9 B, U9 C or U9 D the previous year.
  4. A list of players registered in the age division must be supplied showing their age for the upcoming season along with the level they played at the previous season.  Any NEW players to SMHA / Interlock MHA must be highlighted and show the minor hockey association they played for the year before and at what level they played at.
 STEP 2:
If qualified under Step 1, the zone / interlock association must submit statistical records as follows:
  1. A complete summary of how effectively the zone / interlock team has competed in the age group in question for the previous two seasons. (accurate information as to wins and losses).  Similar information as to how the age group moving into a new age group has competed in the previous two years.
With respect to the U9 age group, information must include information about the ages of the children and how many are new to hockey and the % of first-year (junior) U9 players and second-year (senior) U9 players.
  1. For U13, U15 and U18, an odd number of teams must exist in order to be eligible to apply for a concession.  I.E. a concession will not be considered for two, four or six team scenarios.
  2. City zone and Interlock team concession applications must be submitted in writing (or email) to the SMHA board by September 1 or by the date designated by SMHA annually.

a) 50% or more second-year (senior) players within the age division
b) 50% played B or higher (U9 & U11; 50% played A or higher (U13 & U15)
c) Supported by previous year’s win/loss record

6. Each SMHA team may register a maximum of 20 players in all divisions (maximum of 18 skaters & maximum of 2 goaltenders). A minimum team registration shall consist of 15 players, unless a different number of players is specified elsewhere in the Rules & Regulations or the SMHA Program (E.G. U7, U9 & U11).
7. Zone Commissioners shall apply to transfer excess players through SMHA and these players shall be assigned to teams in other zones, following the recommendations of the Zone Commissioners involved, and, if possible, by the SMHA Registration Committee.
8. Excess goaltenders are considered more than two per team in that division. Quality shall not apply. If there are not two goaltenders per team in a zone, there is no excess.
9. Except for goaltenders and U18 players, excess players will be assigned to teams not higher than lowest level for the age division involved. Exception - players that move into SMHA after rosters are finalized from out of town that are clearly too strong for the lowest level of play.  The player must have been playing a higher level in their previous minor hockey association. He or she will be evaluated by the Zone age group Coordinator and the SMHA Division Chairperson and may be placed in a higher level.
10. Players that register with a zone after tryouts have concluded will be registered to the lowest level of their applicable age division.  If the player is clearly too strong for the lowest level in the age division, he or she may be evaluated by the Zone's age group Coordinator and the SMHA Division Chairperson and possibly moved up to a higher level of play.
11. Excess U15 or U18 players may be combined amongst the zones to form additional U15 B / C or U18 B / C teams.
REGULATION VIII               Coaches and Managers
1. Each registered SMHA team must have, at a minimum, a head coach, an assistant coach, a safety person, a coach with Coach Goaltender certification and a Team Manager, the latter to be responsible for organizing timekeepers and/or scorekeepers. Head Coaches and Team Managers are required to be at least 18 years of age.

Note:  Hockey Saskatchewan requires that all teams registered in the female division (Comets teams in Saskatoon) must have at least one female Head Coach and/or female Assistant Coach on its approved roster.

Off-Ice Officials:

U7 - The home team shall appoint the timekeeper who will ensure the horn blows at the proper intervals; No scores need to be posted. No game sheets are required in SMHA U7 league play;

U9 - Both teams will supply one (1) volunteer each to work the game - one volunteer will run the clock and ensure the horn blows at the proper intervals; The volunteer from the other team shall look after the score sheet, ensuring that there is a roster from both teams (including the team officials on the bench) on the game sheet and to also record goals, assists and penalties.

U11-U18 - The home teams will supply the volunteer off-ice officials for the game - the clock worker, the score keeper as well as at least one volunteer to work the penalty box gates. One volunteer per penalty box should be in place for U15 & U18 games with body checking. The home team shall supply the warm up and game pucks for both teams to speed up the collection of pucks at the conclusion of warm up.

Game Score Entry:

In U13 & older age divisions, the winning team is responsible for entering the game score via the TeamLinkt app.  In the case of a tie, the home team is responsible to enter the game score unless the two teams make other arrangements for score entry.


Note: A Registered Team Official is any volunteer that will EVER be on the bench for games or on the ice for practices - the individual must be registered to be insured. They may be listed as a Volunteer vs. a Coach or an Assistant Coach.  This eliminates the need for the applicable Coach Certification but Respect in Sport and a current Criminal Record Check will still be required when listed as a Volunteer. Team Managers who will NEVER be on the ice or on the bench do not need to be listed as a registered team official.

1. As of December 20, 2024, all minor hockey coaches in U7 and in U9 are required to have their Coach 1 certification. **Coach 2 certification only will not suffice.**
2. As of December 20, 2024, all minor hockey coaches from U11 to U18 are required to hold a minimum of Coach 2 certification. 
3.  As of December 20, 2024, all head coaches in U13 AA (male & female), U15A City-Wide and U18 AA (male & female) are required to hold a minimum of Development 1 Certification.
4. As of December 20, 2024, all U16AA (male team only), U15 AA (male & female) and U18 AAA (male & female) Head Coaches must have their High Performance 1 certification. 
**Note - As of December 20, 2024, all Assistant Coaches in U18AA (male & female), U16AA (male only), U15 AA (male & female) and U18AAA (male & female) must hold their Development 1 certification. 
5. As of December 20, 2024, all registered team officials (coaches, on-ice volunteers, trainers, safety persons, goaltender coaches) 16 years of age or older must hold their Respect in Sport certification.
6. As of December 20, 2024, all minor hockey teams must have registered one team official who has certified for the Hockey Canada Online Safety Program (this person also requires Respect in Sport).
7. IMPORTANT - As of December 20, 2024, Head Coaches on all teams from U13 to U18 (MINOR AND FEMALE TEAMS) are required to have their Hockey University Online Checking Certification plus Checking Certification 1 (via in-person clinic).
 **Head Coaches in U9 and U11 must have taken the On-Line Checking Certification Course (HU Checking) by December 20, 2023. If the U9 or U11 Head Coach takes the in-person Checking Certification 1, they must also have taken the online HU Checking course.
 8. As of December 20, 2024, all minor and female teams from U9 to U18 must have a Head Coach or Assistant Coach that has the Coach Goaltender Certification.

9. Coaches and teams that do not complete their necessary certifications per items #1-8 above will be subject to a fine of $100 per transgression ($50.00 to Hockey Sask & $50.00 donation to the SMHA Memorial Cup Legacy Fund) after the December 20th deadline and Hockey Sask reconciles rosters with certifications.

10. Head Coaches and Team Managers must be at least 18 years of age.  An individual under 18 may be registered as an assistant coach or on-ice volunteer to learn how to coach and manage.
11. Player-Coaches are not permitted in any SMHA program.  If a registered adult coach is not present for a game, the game must be forfeited by the team without a coach.
12. It is the sole responsibility of the coaches and managers to ensure that they maintain strict control of their players. Swearing, illegal use of sticks and acts of roughing and fighting reflect the control exercised by team management. Strict disciplinary action will be carried out for neglect of duty, resulting in the possible suspension of the coach and/or manager and/or the team.

*** All coaches must sign the SMHA Coaches Code of Conduct and return to their zone by November 20th 
** Note:  The deadline for Saskatoon AA Hockey teams and for the U15A City Wide teams is November 1st with the signed codes of conduct due to the SMHA office.

13. Any official, coach, manager, district representative, team or player may be subject to disciplinary action by the SMHA President or his / her Designate.
14.  Under certain circumstances, as deemed necessary by the SMHA Discipline Committee, players and coaches will be required to take or re-take Respect in Sport and/or to attend anger management counseling at their own expense before being permitted to return to their teams. Parents may be required to take (or re-take) the Respect in Sport for Parents online course at their own expense.
(a) Any coach, trainer, assistant coach, guest coach or volunteer who is on the ice at practice must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet securely fastened to their head. i) First Offence - Any on-ice participant found to be in violation of this Regulation will be given a warning by a person in authority (Zone Coordinator, Zone Executive member, Arena Staff and or any member of the SMHA Board of Directors). This warning may be verbal or written, and shall be reported to Saskatoon Minor Hockey. The violator (s) will be asked to leave the ice and may not return until a CSA approved hockey helmet is affixed and securely fastened to their head. If the violator (s) refuses to leave the ice, he or she will be reported to the SMHA Discipline Committee and face the penalty that applies to a second offence. ii) Second Offence - An automatic five (5) game suspension from all hockey activities. iii) Third Offence - An automatic suspension from all hockey activities until a formal hearing is held by the SMHA Discipline Committee. This regulation also applies to any teams from minor hockey associations that interlock in any SMHA leagues.
** This is a Hockey Sask regulation as well and applies to all team staff on the ice for all of minor hockey from U18AAA down to U7.

(b) While on the players’ and/or penalty bench, all players must wear their approved helmet and facial protector. Any goaltender on the bench, as a minimum, is required to properly wear the same protective head equipment as players.
(c) Injured players may only be on the bench for a game if they are (i) listed on the games sheet; and (ii) dressed in full equipment. Injured players cannot be listed on the game sheet if they have been replaced with an affiliate player and therefore cannot be on the bench.
16. SMHA RECOMMENDS that all players from U9 through U18 (with the exception of goaltenders) must properly wear mouth guards for all games and practices - they are not mandatory. Mouth guards are also optional in the U7 division.
17. All players, including goaltenders, must properly wear BNQ Certified Neck Guards (separate piece of equipment preferred) for all games and practices.  Failure to wear a neck guard or the improper wearing of a neck guard during games may result in a minor penalty for illegal equipment.  Penalized players will not be permitted to resume participating in the game until a neck guard is worn properly.  It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that their players are wearing a neck guard at all games and at all practices.  Coaches will face suspension for not enforcing this important safety regulation with their teams.  This is a Hockey Canada requirement.
18. Criminal Record Checks – Registered Team Officials: - ANNUAL REQUIREMENT
DEADLINE - November 20, 2024
Each hockey season, all registered team officials 18 years of age and older (registered by SMHA in the Hockey Canada Database) are responsible for providing a current Criminal Occurrence Security Check (COSC) that has provided the Police consent to do a search within the vulnerable sector (dealing with minors).


** Note:  This deadline for Saskatoon U18AAA & SAAHL AA Hockey teams and for the U15A City Wide teams is November 1st with the Criminal Record Checks due to the SMHA office.


NOTE: An original COSC letter dated May 1, 2024 or later may be submitted to your zone instead of going through the above steps.  Example: you may have had a COSC completed for your employment or for another organization that you volunteer with.

 *** Unregistered guest coaches such as skills coaches, power skating instructors, goaltender coaches, etc. must have submitted an original version to SMHA of a clean criminal record check including the vulnerable sector search that is dated May 1, 2024 or later.  It is team management’s responsibility to request proof of a clean COSC from guest coaches. 

Note: Please keep a copy of the letter from the Police Service for your records should you require it for other organizations. .

Registered team officials who do not submit their original completed COSC letter to their zone by November 20, 2024 (or to the SMHA office by November 1st in the case of AA and U15A City Wide) will be IMMEDIATELY INELIGIBLE TO BE AN ACTIVE TEAM OFFICIAL until a COSC letter is submitted to their zone (or SMHA in the case of AA and U15A City Wide). The team official may also be subject to a $50.00 fine by their home zone.  Funds from fines collected will be directed for use in player financial assistance.

Zones will destroy all COSC correspondence and letters at the conclusion of each season - please keep a copy of your letter for your own records or for use with another organization.


19. *** U18 Travel Policy: SMHA recommends that U18-age players do not drive themselves to and from sanctioned team events that are located outside of Saskatoon (exceptions: Canlan Jemini Arena that is outside of Saskatoon City Limits but within SMHA boundaries).
For travel of 100 km or further (one-way) outside of Saskatoon for sanctioned team events (tournaments, games, practices, training, special events), U18 players ARE NOT PERMITTED to drive themselves without parent or adult supervision.  All travel of 100 km or further outside of Saskatoon to sanctioned team events must be supervised by a parent from the team or a non-parent adult coach on the team.  The parent or non-parent adult coach must be driving or, at a minimum, supervising if a U18 player is driving. Players will be subject to a minimum two-game suspension for breach of this policy.

20. SMHA Tournament Maximum:  All SMHA teams may play in a maximum of five (5) sanctioned tournaments per season.  This regulation applies to all age groups and levels.
REGULATION IX                  League Play
1. The official rules of Hockey Canada shall be followed except where modified in this document or by special SMHA Board of Directors declaration.
2. SMHA teams must play in their registered age division unless approved by the SMHA.
3. SMHA teams shall enter Hockey Sask or other Hockey Canada Branch sanctioned tournaments only.
4. Teams registered in U7, U9, U11, U13, Female Hockey, U15 B & C and U18 B & C will participate under No Body Checking Rules.
5. In the U7, U9 & U11 Programs, coaches must ensure that all Rules and Regulations set out in their respective SMHA and Hockey Sask Program are adhered to.
6. ** It is important for U7, U9 & U11 coaches to be aware of the later start dates for games in their applicable age divisions.  These later start dates for games are established by Hockey Saskatchewan and must be adhered to by all teams in Saskatchewan in these age groups..  U7 - no games of any kind before December 1st;  U9 - no games of any kind until November 15th at which time exhibition games are permitted.  Tournament games permisable starting December 1st and league play January 1st. U11 - no games of any kind before November 15th at which point games of all types may be played (league, exhibition & tournament).  Important: Hockey Sask sets a maximum # of total games per season (exhibition, league, and tournament) for these age groups as follows: U7 - 35, U9 - 45, U11 - 45.  See the Hockey Sask Handbook for more information.
7. All league games and practices in all divisions shall be played within the allotted time.
8. If a regular season game has started and is stopped permanently due to unplayable conditions or other circumstances (e.g. ambulance called), it will be deemed as an official game score once two periods have been played.  The team leading at the time play has stopped will be declared the winner and will be awarded two points in the standings (in leagues where standings are kept).  For playoff games, all situations will be reviewed by the SMHA Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis.
9. There are no time outs allowed in Saskatoon Minor Hockey scheduled regular season league games. Exception: U15A City Wide league is permotted one 30-second time out per team per regular season game.. One 30-second time out shall be allowed per team per game in City Playoff and SMHA Provincial Playoff Games.
10. It is the duty of the referee in charge that game sheets are filled out properly and signed by both team coaches and all referees and linesmen.
11. No team shall be allowed more than ten minutes to appear for the start of a game. After this time elapses the referee may cancel the game. If requested by the Coach of the team ready to play, an extra five minutes may be granted to make it 15 minutes.
12. For game purposes, teams shall dress not less than 9 registered or affiliated players, one of whom must be a goalkeeper. If a team appears with fewer than the requisite number of players, the game shall proceed and may be subject to protest. Note: Intention of this rule is to prevent coaches from deliberately leaving players at home.
13. Game Timing Cut-down (U13-U18) - Where there is five (5) minutes remaining in the allotted ice time (arena time of day clocks used as standard time) with more than two (2) minutes remaining on the game clock, the official timekeeper must notify the referee during the first available stoppage in play (by pressing the buzzer) and adjust the clock down to two (2) minutes to be played stop time to conclude the game.  Games cannot go over their allotted time.
14. Game Score Entry (U13-U18) - It is the responsibilty of the winning team to enter the game score from SMHA league and playoff games.  In the case of a tie, the home team shall enter the game score. Game scores will be entered via the SMHA TeamLinkt app.
15. Ice Time Changes - It is the responsibility of team management to make ice time changes or game changes.                              
Any team taking part in any out-of-town exhibition games, promotional games, tournaments etc. must provide SMHA with the following written information prior to leaving the City of Saskatoon to attend such games or tournaments: (This information is necessary only if the team leaving town has SMHA scheduled ice). Ice Time Change forms are available at the SMHA Office or under Forms on the SMHA website.  The Ice Time Change form must be submitted to the SMHA office a minimum of 10 days in advance of the requested change - no exceptions.  The information required is as follows:
                (a) Which SMHA league game or practice will be missed.
                (b) Name of team or teams replacing traveling team in the scheduled time slot.
                (c) When the game missed will be made up (if applicable).
(d) The Ice Time Change form must be signed by the coach or manager of the team initiating the change and the coach or manager of the team or teams replacing the initiating team and the coach or manager of the opposition team. All teams involved must be aware of and agree to the change.
PLEASE NOTE:  If a team initiating a change is unable to find a replacement team, it will be necessary for the initiating team to play that game at the scheduled time. 
GAMES AND REFEREES CANNOT BE CANCELED. Any teams failing to show for a scheduled game will default the game and the coach will receive a minimum 5 game suspension.  The team (s) that cancels the game will be fined an amount equal to the cost of the ice rental and the cost of the officials for that game.  If both teams agree to replay the game and not have a default, the team(s) that cancels will be responsible for booking replacement ice and officials at the cancelling team's expense. 
No substitution of games will be considered for teams involved in SMHA Provincial or SMHA City Playoffs – no exceptions.
16. Failure of a team to participate in scheduled games or practices will be subject to loss of ice allocation at the discretion of the Division Chairperson involved.
17. In U13, U15 and U18 leagues, postponed games not made up by February 24th will be recorded as a 1-1 tie if the two teams mutually agreed to the change or a forfeit loss to the single team that initiated the postponement.

18. All SMHA teams are required to apply for the appropriate permits or sanctions for the following:  Exhibition Games - SMHA teams must apply to SMHA / Hockey Sask to obtain an exhibition game sanction (note: just the team hosting the exhibition game is required to request a sanction, not both teams); Travel Permit - SMHA teams must apply to SMHA / Hockey Sask to obtain a travel permit in order to be able to play in a tournament within Canada outside of Saskatchewan; Tournament Sanctions - teams looking to host a tournament must apply to SMHA / Hockey Sask to obtain a Tournament Sanction in order to host a  tournament.  Note: None of the above listed permits or sanctions will be issued to SMHA teams during SMHA League Playoffs or during SMHA Provincial Playdowns or during Hockey Sask Provincial Playoffs.
19. IMPORTANT- If, for any reason, the Referee or Linesmen appointed are prevented from appearing, the Managers or Coaches of the two competing clubs shall agree on a Referee and one or two Linesmen. If they are unable to agree, they shall appoint a player from each team who shall act as officials.  The referees selected must be insured by Hockey Canada – players, coaches or other registered officials may act as referees.  The game must be played.
20. All players on the bench must be in full equipment and in uniform and they must be listed on the game sheet. This includes injured players.  Injured players cannot be on the bench in street clothes and a helmet.  If the player cannot dress in full equipment, including skates, he or she cannot be on the benchIf the injured player is replaced on the roster with an affiliate, he or she cannot be listed on the game sheet and, therefore, he or she cannot be on the bench.
REGULATION X        Player Affiliation
1. At all times a player may only be affiliated to one team..
2. Mandatory Affiliation Numbers - Required by December 1st, 2024
- Deadline to add to an affiliate form is January 8, 2025
- SMHA U9 teams are encouraged to affiliate players from lower levels of U9;
 - U11 teams must affiliate a minimum # of players that will have their team roster at a combined 16 players between roster players and affiliates.           Example: If a U11 team has 14 players on its roster, it must affiliate at least 2 players.
- SMHA U13, U15 and U18 teams must affiliate a minimum of one (1) goaltender;
- SMHA U13, U15 and U18 teams must affiliate a minimum # of skaters that will have their team at a combined 18 skaters between roster players and affiliates.  Example: If a team has 15 skaters on its roster, it must affiliate at least 3 skaters.

Teams should have all of their affiliations submitted to the SMHA office by December 1, 2024.
Additional affiliate players may be added no later than January 8, 2025.

3. A team shall not list any more players and affiliated players on a game sheet than the number of players listed on the registration sheet filed with the SMHA.  
EXCEPTION (1):  If an A, B, C or Female team has only one goaltender registered, it may dress an affiliated goaltender who will start in goal in league play only if the registered goaltender is sick, injured or suspended.  
EXCEPTION (2): Teams with less than 15 skaters may dress enough affiliates for all games to have 15 skaters on their roster.  Affiliates are still subject to all clauses under Regulation X.
4.  U18 teams may have affiliated a maximum of 10 skaters plus 2 goaltenders from a lower division, age classification or category of hockey registered from the parent zone.
5. U13 and U15 teams may have affiliated a maximum of 8 skaters plus 2 goaltenders from a lower division, age classification or category of hockey registered from the parent zone. Exception-U15 AA (see # 14 and # 15).
 6. U9 and U11 teams may affiliate a maximum of 6 skaters from a lower division, age classification or category of hockey registered from the parent zone.
7. Teams with less than 15 skaters:  U18 teams with less than 15 skaters may affiliate a maximum of 14 skaters plus 2 goaltenders.  U13 and U15 Teams with less than 15 skaters may affiliate 12 skaters plus 2 goaltenders.  U9 and U11 teams with less than 15 players may affiliate a maximum of 8 players.

8. The following list indicates the direction in which player movement may take place:

U18AA may affiliate from U18 A, U18 B, U16AA, U15AA (maximum of four (4)14-year-old players) and U15 A
U18A may affiliate from U18 B, U18C, U15 AA, U15 A and U15 B
U18B may affiliate from U18 C, U15 AA***, U15 A, U15 B and U15 C
U18C may affiliate from U15 A, U15 B and U15 C.
U18AA Female may affiliate from U18 A Female and up to a maximum of four (4) 14-year old players from U15 AA Female (Hockey Sask Regulation)
U18A Female may affiliate from U15 AA Female and U15 A Female

U16AA may affiliate from U15AA, U15A and 15-year-old players from U18A     

U15AA may affiliate from U15 A, U15 B and U13 AA (maximum of four (4) 12-year-old players)
U15A may affiliate from U15 B, U15C, U13 AA and U13 A
U15B may affiliate from U15 C, U13 AA***, U13 A and U13 B
U15C may affiliate from U13 A,U13 B and U13 C
U15AA Female may affiliate from U15 A Female and up to four (4) U13 AA Female players
U15A Female may affiliate from U13 A Female and U13 B Female
U13AA may affiliate from U13 A, U13 B and U11 A
U13A may affiliate from U13 B, U11 A and U11 B
U13B may affiliate from U13 C, U11 A***, U11 B and U11 C
U13C may affiliate from U11 B, U11 C and U11 D

U13A Female may affiliate from U13 B Female and U11 B Female
U13B Female may affiliate from U13 C Female, U11 B Female and U11 C Female
U13C Female may affiliate from U11 B Female, U11 C Female and U11 D Female


- U13 B, U15 B and U18 B teams that affiliate Tier 1 players (U11 A, U13 AA or U15 AA respectively):
  Teams may only dress one AA (U11 A for U13 B) affiliate skater per SMHA league or playoff game (SMHA Provincial Playoffs / SMHA City Playoffs). A AA (U11 A for U13 B) affiliate goalie may also be utilized if required.
- All Tier 1 affiliates to U13 B, U15 B or U18 B teams are restricted to a maximum of five (5) SMHA league or playoff games after January 10th.  Tournament, exhibition or Hockey Sask Provincial Playoff games do not count towards the maximum of five games as an affiliate after January 10.


*Teams drafted via city-wide format (AA and U15A) may affiliate players from any of the six SMHA zones or from the younger AA age group below them; Players affiliated FROM city-wide drafted teams may be affiliated to the AA level (or U18AAA) above them or to a team in their HOME zone.
Example: Player X on the U15A Saskatoon Ice Wolves is a Renegades zone player.  He or she can be affiliated to any team in U15AA, any team in U18AA or to a U18 team in the Renegades zone.

U11 A may affiliate from U11 B, U11 C and U9 A
U11 B may affiliate from U11 C, U11 D, U9 A and U9 B
U11 C may affiliate from U11 D, U9A***, U9 B, U9 C and U9 D
U11 D may affiliate from U9 B, U9 C and U9 D
 ***U11C teams that affiliate U9A players may only dress one U9A affiliate skater per SMHA league game. A U9A affiliate goalie may also be utilized if required.

U11 B Female may affiliate from U11 C Female, U9 B Female, U9 C Female
U11 C Female may affiliate from U11 D Female, U9 B Female, U9 C Female and U9 D Female
U11 D Female may affiliate from U9 B Female, U9 C Female and U9 D Female
U9 A may affiliate from U9 B and U9 C
U9 B may affiliate from U9 C and U9 D
U9 C may affiliate from U9 D and from U7 Advanced * with Zone Executive approval
U9 D may affiliate from U7 Advanced * with Zone Executive approval
U9 B Female may affiliate from U9 C Female and U9 D Female
U9 C Female may affiliate from U9 D Female and from U7 Advanced * with Comets Zone Executive approval
U9 D Female may affiliate from U7 Advanced Female * with Comets Zone Executive approval.
8.  All affiliation forms must be submitted to the SMHA office prior to the player being eligible to play in a game as an affiliate player – no later than 3 pm on a weekday game day / 3 pm on Friday for the weekend.  The deadline to make final modifications to an affiliation form is January 8, 2024 - the Affiliation form must be into the SMHA office by January 8, 2024.
 9. The Affiliation Form must be filed with SMHA prior to the date of the first use of an affiliated player.
IMPORTANT ** First use is defined as the first time the affiliate player is used in a sanctioned league, exhibition or tournament game of the team to which he or she is affiliated to. The written consent of the affiliated player and his/her coach must be obtained and filed with the SMHA office.
10. SMHA teams playing in non-SMHA leagues such as the SAAHL and the SFHL must submit their affiliate forms using Hockey Sask affiliate forms.  ** Forms must still be submitted to the SMHA office for the affiliate players to be registered properly online on the HCR.
Interlock teams playing in SMHA leagues must submit their Affiliate Lists on Hockey Sask forms to Hockey Sask and copy SMHA on them. Their own minor hockey association is responsible to register their affiliate players with Hockey Sask via the HCR.
11. Affiliate players are not permitted to miss a practice with his or her team to attend a practice of the affiliate team.
12. Per the Saskatchewan Player Development Model, coaches must first obtain the permission of (1) the player and (2) the affiliate player's coach prior to utlizing the affiliate in a game.  It is the obligation of the coach who wants to use the affiliated player to call / text / email and ask the permission of the affiliate player’s coach and then the player to ensure there is no conflicting game of the affiliate’s team or that the affiliate player is not suspended / injured. 
It is the responsibility of the affiliate player’s coach to allow the affiliated player to go up and play or practice when the affiliating team calls, provided there is not a conflicting game occurring. 
Unless special circumstances exist, it is expected that the affiliate player’s coach will permit the affiliated player to play in a game when requested if the affiliate player’s team has a conflicting practice scheduled.
When an affiliate player is used in a game, it is expected that he or she will receive a reasonable amount of ice time during the game.

13. A properly affiliated player may play an unlimited number of games with his affiliated team for the entire season. 
Exception 1: AA affiliates to U15 B & U18 B teams or U11 A affiliates to U13 B teams are restricted to play a maximum of five (5) games with their affiliated team after January 10th (tournament and exhibition games are not counted towards this maximum.).
Exception 2: Hockey Saskatchewan has placed restrictions on the use of afffiliates to U15AA, U18AA and to U18AAA when the affiliate is from the age category below. Please familiarze yourself with these restrictions if involved with a male or female AA or U18AAA team.

14. SMHA U15 AA teams may affiliate up to four (4) Specially Affiliated Players from U15 A.  Like regular affiliate players, U15 AA teams may not call up Specially Affiliated Players when the player’s team is playing a game or when the player has exams at school unless emergency conditions exist. Emergency conditions exist when a U15 AA team has 12 or less skaters available to dress in a game or one or less goaltender available.
15. U15 AA teams must follow the affiliation rules as set out by the SAAHL and Hockey Saskatchewan.
REGULATION XI                  Suspensions, Appeals, Protests
- All suspension lengths listed below are MINIMUM guidelines. 
- Additional games suspended and/or Probation and/or the requirement to take (or re-take) Respect in Sport and /or the requirement to write a letter of apology may be added to the minimum suspension guidelines at the discretion of the SMHA Discipline Committee.
- SMHA Zone or Interlock MHA discipline committees may also add additional discipline to any coach or player suspension.

- It is the Head Coach of each team that is responsible for understanding SMHA and Hockey Saskatchewan suspension guidelines or to contact the SMHA or Hockey Saskatchewan offices to obtain clarifications and/or permissions. Ignorance of the rules or regulations is not an excuse.

SMHA does not release referee incident reports. 

Click here to view Hockey Saskatchewan's Suspension Regulations including applications of suspensions

2. Any player or team official ejected from a game must proceed directly to the dressing room and remain in the dressing room or leave the rink area for the balance of the game. Any suspended person causing a disturbance at the game where they were ejected or at future games while still under suspension shall be subject to further strict disciplinary action.
3. A player or team official suspended by SMHA is suspended from his or her team's games, unless informed they are suspended from "All Aspects" of hockey.
  - A suspended player cannot be present on the players' bench.
  - See #14 below for information for suspended coaches and team officials.
  - If a player is suspended by Hockey Sask or any other sanctioned league in Saskatchewan, he/she is suspended in the SMHA until the Hockey Sask / outside league suspension is completed or lifted.
  - A suspended team official is suspended with all teams that he or she is registered to until the suspension is served with the team the infraction occurred with.
4. Any player or team official registered with the SMHA fighting immediately before or after a game, off the ice, inside/outside of the rink, will receive an indefinite suspension subject to a hearing with the SMHA Discipline Committee and/or Hockey Saskatchewan.
5. In the case of game officials (referees, scorekeepers, timekeepers, penalty box workers) using profanity, such actions shall be reported to the Discipline Committee and/or the Referees Division Committee of the SMHA for review.
6. Team officials found to be playing a suspended or ineligible player or having on their bench a suspended or an ineligible team official is suspended until dealt with by the SMHA Discipline Committee and Hockey Saskatchewan.  The range of suspension can be from 0 games to 30 days for a first offense, depending on the circumstances.  In addition, the offending team may be required to forfeit the game (posted as 1-0 loss) or possibly replay the game in the case of playoffs.
Players in older age divisions may also be suspended under this rule for knowingly playing while suspended.
7. Any player assessed a major penalty shall also be assessed a game misconduct penalty. All Major penalties (5 minute penalties) carry a MINIMUM of a one-game suspension on top of the Game Misconduct received at the time of the infraction. A game misconduct received in the last 10 minutes of a game or post game will receive an additional one-game suspension minimum.
8. Match Penalties - Abuse of Officials (Rule 11.5) - Indefinite all aspects suspension until reviewed by Hockey Saskatchewan.
9. SMHA is required to follow the Hockey Saskatchewan / Hockey Canada Minimum Suspension Guidelines.
NOTE: Some SMHA suspension lengths are stricter than Hockey Sask / Hockey Canada minimums.
All Major and Match penalties will be cumulative provincially (including league, playoff, tournament and exhibition games) under the guidelines set out below.

IMPORTANT: **Add one additional game for any Game Misconduct, Gross Misconduct or Match Penalty received in the last 10 minutes of a game

                                                 1st           2nd            3rd                     4th                                   
                                                Offense    Offense     Offense               Offense                   
Fighting Major                        2 games     4 games    Indefinite pending a hearing    
Instigator / Aggressor              1 game     3 games     Indefinite pending a hearing
Pre/Post Game Fights             4 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Pre/Post Game Fights              Indefinite suspension for coach
Pre / Post Game Brawl           Team indefinitely suspended
3rd Person in Fight                 2 games   4 games      Indefinite pending a hearing
2nd Fight in same stoppage     2 games   4 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Player-2 fights same stoppage 2 games    4 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
Other Major Penalties               1 game    3 games   5 games               Indefinite pending a hearing 
Majors in NBC Hockey              Indefinite until reviewed by Discipline Committee
Major Check from Behind        2 games   5 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Major Check to the Head         2 games   5 games    Indefinite pending a hearing                    
Match Check from Behind       4 games   9 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Match Check to the Head        4 games   9 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Match Penalties                       3 games   8 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
*Match – Spitting                     Indefinite with minimum of 5-games or a 30 day suspension
Rule 11.1/11.2 Game Misc.      2 games   6 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
Rule 11.4) Gross Misconduct    5 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
*Two 10 min misconducts in     1 game   4 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
same game under 11.1/11.2
11.2f Gross Misconduct             3 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
11.1/11.2 Coach Game Misc.   2 games   6 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
11.2f Coach Gross Misconduct    3 games    Indefinite pending a hearing
*Coach whose team receives   1 game    3 games   Indefinite pending a hearing
2 game or gross misc. under
rule 11.1/11.2/11.4 in a season
Coach whose team receives     1 game     3 games     Indefinite pending a hearing
2 or more major / matches
in the same game



10.  (a) Any player identified as the only player fighting on a game sheet (solo fight) will be treated as the instigator/aggressor and will be suspended as per the chart above for instigating.
 (b) Provided the opposing player does not receive a penalty on the same play, any player receiving an Instigator and/or Aggressor penalty along with being the only player identified as fighting on the game sheet will be suspended as follows in addition to any other suspensions:  
1st offense – three (3) game suspension; 2nd offense – indefinite suspension until review by the SMHA Discipline Committee           
11. Accumulation of Unsportsmanlike 10-Minute Misconducts – Rule 11.1 / 11.2 / 4.7 or similar;
Any player accumulating THREE (3) 10-minute Misconducts in a season in SMHA league play in a season shall be suspended as follows:
                3rd Infraction                            1 game suspension
                4th Infraction                           2 game suspension
                5th Infraction                           4 game suspension
                6th Infraction                           Indefinite suspension pending a hearing
12. Accumulation of Minor Checking from Behind (CFB) penalties – Rule 7.5; 
Any player accumulating TWO (2) or more minor (2-minutes + Game Misconuct) CFB penalties in SMHA league play in a season shall be suspended as follows (in addition to any other suspensions such as one-game for a game misconduct in the last 10 minutes of a game):
                2nd Infraction                           1 game suspension
                3rd Infraction                            2 game suspension
                4th Infraction                            4 game suspension
                5th Infraction                            indefinite suspension pending a hearing
13. Any SMHA coach, team official or player that is also involved in unsanctioned AAA spring / summer hockey programs that has tryouts or practices that directly affect attendance at SMHA scheduled games, practices or sanctioned tournament games shall be suspended indefinitely from all SMHA activities until reviewed by the SMHA discipline committee in consultation with Hockey Saskatchewan.
14. Requirements of Suspended Coaches and Team Officials:
- Suspended Coaches are not permitted in the dressing room prior to, in between periods or immediately after the game.
- Suspended coaches should be marked on the games sheet as suspended and as serving 1 of 2 etc.
- Suspended coaches should not sign the game sheet.
- Suspended coaches should watch the game from the stands as a spectator and not give any impression that they may be assisting in actively coaching their team in any way. They are welcome to take notes and/or keep stats while watching.
- Suspended coaches should not go near their team bench prior to, during, or immediately following games.
- Suspended coaches should not be in the timekeeper’s box during games
- **Suspended coaches may practice with their team(s) unless suspended under Rule 11.5 or if issued an all-aspects suspension by Hockey Saskatchewan or SMHA.
- **Suspended coaches are suspended from all teams they are registered to as a team official until the suspension is served with the team where the suspension occurred.

Appeals & Protests
15. Any SMHA suspension of five (5) games or less is not eligible to be appealed.
16. Any suspension of six (6) games or more may be appealed. This appeal must be made in writing directed to the SMHA President and must be supported by their home Zone Commissioner or the AA Chairperson in the case of AA teams.
The appeal must be submitted with a $200.00 cheque payable to KidSport Saskatoon.  If the appeal is successful, the cheque will be returned. 
If the appeal is unsuccessful, the donation will be provided to KidSport Saskatoon on behalf of the individual appealing.

17. Protests on a point of rules only, as set out in the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, will be entertained.
**No protest on a referee's discretionary decision will be entertained.
18. Protests and all supporting evidence thereof must be submitted to the President C/O the SMHA office accompanied by a $200.00 protest fee within 24 hours of the game played. If the protest is upheld, the fee shall be refunded.

19. The SMHA President and Program Chairperson involved comprise the designated committee to decide if a protest shall be entertained.
20. The Protest / Appeals Committee shall be chaired by the 1st Vice President or his/her designate.  Other members shall include the Chairperson of the division concerned or his/her designate and one other SMHA Board member to be appointed by the 1st Vice President. The Committee shall investigate and decide all matters pertaining to protests and appeals. The Protest / Appeals Committee's decision shall be final and binding.
21. Where a conflict of interest may occur in Regulation XI 19 and 20, the President may designate a replacement member.

22. All referees must submit in writing on the back of the game sheet or on a SMHA On-Line Incident Report the full details on the following: 10-minute misconducts, Game Misconducts, Gross Misconducts, Match and Major penalties assessed to players and coaches.
23. Coaches in breach of the SMHA Coaches Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action from the SMHA Discipline Committee and/or from their home Zone.  Disciplinary actions may include suspension from coaching through to removal as a coach for severe conduct unbecoming a coach.
24. Canlan’s ASHL league will be notified and has agreed to honor carry forward SMHA player suspensions of graduating players.
REGULATION XII                 Playoffs
1. SMHA City Playoffs shall be contested annually in U13 A, B, C, U13C Female, U15 A, B, & C, U18 A, B, & C.
(a) All teams in each league listed above shall qualify and compete in SMHA City Playoffs.  All teams in City Playoffs under the direction of the SMHA will enter and play all games necessary in the SMHA City Playoffs -games cannot be missed. Coaches failing to adhere to this rule will be disciplined by the SMHA Discipline Committee.
(b) The SMHA Board of Directors shall determine annually the method of declaring the City Champions and the playoff format for each applicable league.
2. There will be no SMHA City Playoffs in the U7, U9 or U11 age divisions.
3. The Board of Directors shall decide the method of determining the SMHA representative for Hockey Saskatchewan Provincial Playoffs in all applicable divisions of U13 (male & female), U15 & U18..
4. Each team qualifying and registering for Hockey Saskatchewan provincial playoffs must register with Hockey Saskatchewan the same players and affiliates that registered with that team in the SMHA.
**Note: Registered team officials who do not have their necessary coach certifications by the December 20th deadline will not be eligible to be added to a Hockey Sask provincial roster.
5. If a team in SMHA City Playoffs or provincial elimination rounds has only one goaltender available because of registration of only one goaltender, sickness, accident, or suspension, a back-up goaltender may be appointed from the zone by the SMHA President or his designate. This goaltender may play only in the event of sickness or accident to the registered goaltender remaining. It is recommended that all teams dress two goaltenders in goaltender equipment for all SMHA City Playoff games or SMHA Provincial Playdowns games.
5. Tournament sanction requests, travel permit requests and exhibition game sanction requests will not be approved for dates during SMHA Provincial Playdowns, during SMHA City Playoffs or during Hockey Saskatchewan black out dates for their Sask First program.
6. Policy regarding teams representing the SMHA- any SMHA team representing the SMHA at a special event such as a Hockey Canada provincial playoff tournament or Western Regional / Canadian championships may apply to the SMHA for financial assistance.
7. SMHA will apply Hockey Saskatchewan Tie-Breaking Regulation 3.08.01 to determine all playoff seedings.

REGULATION XIII              U18 AAA and Female U18 AAA
1. In accordance with the Hockey Sask Constitution, the Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) is responsible for the sanction and formation of the U18 AAA Hockey Teams in Saskatoon and responsible to register players and team staff of said teams with Hockey Saskatchewan, in accordance with Hockey Saskatchewan and SMHA Regulations currently or subsequently approved.
2. SMHA sanctions the operation of three (3) U18 AAA teams - Two Male teams: Saskatoon Blazers and Saskatoon Contacts; One Female team - Saskatoon Stars - to operate in a Hockey Saskatchewan recognized league of the same division and subject to the Rules and Regulations of Hockey Canada, Hockey Saskatchewan, SMHA, Saskatchewan U18AAA Hockey League and Saskatchewan Female U18AAA Hockey League.
3. The three U18 AAA teams shall each operate with an independent Board of Directors. Each team board should include a non-voting parent representative (liaison) appointed annually by the team parents: Teams accept as a condition of SMHA sanction, all financial and legal responsibility and liability involved in the operations of their AAA team. 
All three U18 AAA teams will be subject to the direction of the SMHA U18 AAA Committee and the SMHA Board of Directors.
4. SMHA shall form a U18 AAA Committee annually to: handle all communications between the U18 AAA teams and SMHA Board of Directors, enforce the Rules and Regulations of Hockey Saskatchewan / SMHA, and rule on specific situations in consultation with SMHA 2nd Vice President in charge of discipline. The SMHA U18 AAA Committee shall consist of:
                Chairperson:            SMHA Past President or Designate
                Members:                SMHA 1st Vice President or Designate
                                                SMHA AA Chairperson
                                                Saskatoon Stars President
                                                Saskatoon Blazers President
                                                Saskatoon Contacts President
                                                SMHA Board Member Appointee
                                                SMHA Executive Director (Ex Officio)
5. The U18 AAA regulations are to be reviewed by the U18 AAA Committee by March 31 of each year for approval by the SMHA Board of Directors.
6. Existing teams operating in the U18 AAA category must notify the SMHA Board outlining any changes in coaching, management, Board of Directors or major sponsorship, including changes during the year, within 30 days of the status change. 
7. Team formation and player selections for the AAA teams shall be left to the discretion of the teams in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Hockey Canada, Hockey Saskatchewan. and SMHA.
8. Rosters – The three Saskatoon U18 AAA teams may sign a maximum of 20 players to player cards at any one time.  All players must have signed a League Commitment Form and supplied a copy to SMHA.
9. Player Team Fees - all 20 carded players on each U18AAA team are responsible for paying their applicable team 100% of the current season's player registration and team fees, including fees required for tournament attendance, playoff rounds and/or regional and/or national championships.  Issues with payment collection will be forwarded by the U18AAA teams to the SMHA U18AAA Committee if required. The U18AAA Committee may suspend or remove a player from the team if required.
10. Registration – All carded players, certified team staff and affiliate players must be registered through the SMHA Executive Director.  Releases for out-of-town players must be submitted to the SMHA office in order for the player to be registered to the team.  Hockey Saskatchewan U18 AAA Affiliation forms must be completed and signed in full and submitted to the SMHA office prior to the affiliate player being eligible to be registered for use by the team.
11. The three SMHA U18 AAA teams are not permitted to sign second-year U15 age players (from within or outside of SMHA) unless the player has been approved via the Hockey Saskatchewan Player Acceleration Committee. All three teams may affiliate up to four (4) 14-year-old U15AA players per Hockey Saskatchewan regulations. No first-year (13-year-old) U15AA players may be affiliated.
 ** NOTE: The two SMHA male AAA teams are required to affiliate a minimum of two goaltenders each. The AAA Female Stars are required to affiliate a minimum of one goaltender.

12. Key Dates:
- Labour Day - Team rosters, including all team staff, must be submitted to SMHA for entry into HCR;
- Tuesday after Labour Day - SMHA must have rosters submitted on HCR by 5:00 pm;
- Tuesday after Labour Day - The male U18 AAA Teams must notify the SMHA Executive Director if they have any players playing in the WHL or SJHL that may be returned to U18AAA.  This information is helpful for U18AA roster planning.

13. Player movement to the Saskatoon U18 AAA teams involving players registered with the Saskatoon Minor Hockey Association after the start of U18 AA league play and prior to January 10 must have SMHA Registration Committee approval.
IMPORTANT: The SMHA Executive Director must be notified of the player being requested prior to the player and/or his family being asked or notified by the U18 AAA team.
14. Regulation X of the SMHA Rules and Regulations requires that the names of affiliated players must be filed with the SMHA Executive Director prior to the use of the players and no later than January 10th.  In order to have the affiliated players registered on the Hockey Canada Registry by the SMHA Executive Director, the affiliate names must be submitted on the official Hockey Saskatchewan Player Affiliation Agreement for SU18AAAHL and SU18FAAAL.  The signatures of the player, a parent of the player, the player's coach and the U18 AAA Coach or Manager must be on the form – Players will not be registered as an affiliate if an incomplete form is submitted. 
15. The Affiliated Player is only available to be utilized when the player’s registered team is not playing a regular season, tournament, or playoff game. The coach of the player’s registered team must be notified prior to each use of the Affiliate player. 
NOTE: Affiliate players cannot be released during the season after being officially registered as an affiliate player on the HCR.
16.  AAA Affiliation Rules - per Hockey Saskatchewan Regulations & the Saskatchewan Player Development Model.
17.  The three Saskatoon U18 AAA teams will provide the SMHA with a financial statement within 120 days of the team’s fiscal year end.
18.   The three U18 AAA teams will be charged the same SMHA Administration fee as all other SMHA teams.
19.  SMHA will provide funding of $3,000 to any of the three U18 AAA teams that advance to the Western Regional championship when the Regional is played out of province or within Saskatchewan where bus travel and hotel accommodations are required..  An additional $2,000 in funding will be provided to a team advancing to the National Championship.  When the U18 AAA team is the host team for either the Western Regional or for the National Championship, SMHA will provide $1,000 to the host team as a hosting grant.

Approved by the SMHA Board of Directors August 19, 2024