Age Advancement Regulation (Regulation VI, 10):

U7 to U9a- age advancement is not permitted but U7 Advanced Program players may be permitted to affiliate to U9A with recommendation from the zone.
U9a to U11A - age advancement is not permitted but players may play unlimited games and practices as a U11A affiliate for the entire season (subject to normal affiliation rules with respect to availability).
U11A to U13AA second-year / senior  U11A players / goaltenders may be advanced to U13AA tryouts with an application letter and letters of reference from objective hockey sources - own coaches / opposing coaches and their home zone. Applications and letters of reference will be reviewed by the Saskatoon AA Committee and the AA Committee will make recommendations to the SMHA Board of Directors.  Approved applicants will be permitted to register for and tryout in the Saskatoon AA U13AA Tryouts.

In Saskatoon AA U13AA Tryouts, the U11 player  / goaltender must evaluate and be ranked for selection in the top half of the first line of players in their respective position in order to be eligible to be advanced  - i.e. top 9 forwards / top 6 defence / top 3 goaltenders.

U13AA to U15AA – second-year / senior U13AA players / goaltenders may be advanced to U15AA tryouts with an application letter and letters of reference from objective hockey sources - own coaches / opposing coaches and their home zone. Applications and letters of reference will be reviewed by the Saskatoon AA Committee and the AA Committee will make recommendations to the SMHA Board of Directors.  Approved applicants will be permitted to register for and tryout in the Saskatoon AA U15AA Tryouts.

In Saskatoon U15AA Tryouts, the U13 player / goaltender must evaluate and be ranked for selection as follows for their respective position in order to be eligible to be advanced - top 8 forwards / top 4 defence / top 2 goaltenders.
U15AA to U18AAA (male or female) – Second year / senior Male or Female U15AA players may be advanced to U18AAA by hockey saskatchewan.  Interested applicants must apply to Hockey Saskatchewan for consideration. Hockey Sask deadline date - January 10th
SMHA Application deadline:
Written applications to SMHA including all necessary components noted above must be submitted to the SMHA Executive Director by August 15th of the upcoming hockey season.
The application must be accompanied by a non-refundable $100 application fee payable to SMHA.  E-transfer or cheque will be accepted.

** All applications will be reviewed first by the Saskatoon AA Hockey Committee.  The SMHA AA Committee will then make recommendations to the SMHA Board of Directors.
Approved by SMHA Board of Directors August 25, 2015; amended and approved September 21, 2016, April 1, 2019 and October 5, 2020