West End Slo-pitch Association
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The WESA Official Scorekeeping Manual is in Draft form and can be viewed HERE.  Your feedback on the draft manual  is appreciated.  Please send any comments/suggestions to Commissioner (at) WESA.net.

To help develop new Official Scorekeepers and provide for a more unified approach to the process, the league has developed this easy to follow manual.

What happens when a WESA game is played without an Official Scorekeeper?
Softball convention provides for the scorekeeping of games to be handled by the Home team in the absence of an Official Scorekeeper.  In WESA, the league has a long-standing tradition of members who scorekeep for each other's games.  Managing Coaches should always be prepared to keep track of their own score and that of the opposing team because there will always be games where there is no Official Scorekeeper.  Each team should  check in with the other team every half-inning to confirm an agreement on the number of runs. In the event that there is a discrepancy, the Home team's accounting of the score will rule.

Why do we have Official Scorekeepers?
Having volunteers to take on the task of  scorekeeping helps by:

  • Freeing up of players and Coaches to focus on enjoying their games without the added administration of taking score and statistical notes.
  • With game details, the league can offer statistics on a member's play that season.  Our Official Scorekeepers provide essential information that would normally be performed by Team Managers.
  • Volunteering helps build community.
  • Scorekeeping deepens a member's knowledge and understanding of the game.

A few simple steps will put you on the path to joining the ranks of league Official Scorekeepers:

  1. Read the WESA Official Scorekeeping Manual and refer back to it often
  2. Contact the Rules & Regulations Commissioner to schedule some in person training with a league Official Scorekeeper at a WESA game.
  3. Be proud of being a part of a long-standing WESA tradition and deepening your understanding of the game
  4. Enjoy the perks of being a WESA ViP

The WESA Official Scorekeeping Manual is in Draft form and can be viewed HERE