Winnipeg Basketball League
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2017 Garbonzo's U of W AnX MVP's

January 16, 2018 - Justin Oldfield

Justin has won a free pizza from our friends at the U of W Garbonzo's location for his team-high 15 points against Hoodie Melo. Congrats Justin!

December 21, 2017 - Peter Lennington

Peter put up 34 points for Old School in a 2-point game against the Anti B-ball B-ball Club this week. He has won a free pizza from Garbonzo's for his great play and good sportsmanship. Congrats Peter!

December 10, 2017 - Mohammed Nasari

Mohammed has won a free pizza from Garbonzo's for his efforts with BigBallsBrand in a close game against Suit Up in Division 12!

November 23, 2017 - Paul Kneeshaw

Paul had a ton of assists last week for Shoemaker and has won a free pizza from Garbonzo's!

November 9, 2017 - Tong Gan

Tong has been putting up big assists and rebounds in division 8 with the Avengers. He's won a free pizza at Garbonzo's for keeping the game fun and fair!

October 30, 2017 - Matt Evans

Matt has won a free pizza for his play this week when the Fighting Mongooses battled the Tenacious Turtles in division 5. Congratulations!

October 16, 2017 - Kevin Vince

Kevin has won a free pizza for his play with the Goats in division 8. He's averaging 25 points per game through the first 3 games of the season and has demonstrated excellent sportsmanship in all games.

October 10, 2017 - Patrick Gatsby

Patrick elevated the Lickers to a 2-point win over Who's The Boss in Week 2 and has posted 53 points through the first two games. Patrick has won a free pizza courtesy of Garbonzo's U of W AnX location!