Saskatoon Lasers Softball
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The Laser zone is committed to developing coaches and will fully reimburse approved coaches who successfully complete instructional required courses.

If you are interested in coaching and coaches clinics please fill in the volunteer registration form to indicate your interest and confirm approval for reimbursement of the cost of clinics.

When indicating your interest in coaching, please provide the following information:

  • What role you would like to volunteer as: Coach/Manager/Other
  • Indicate which age division, and any other messages:
  • Current coaching certification level:
  • Do you have your Respect In Sport certificate?: Yes/No
  • Contact information: Phone number/email address

In cases where there is more than one interested candidate for the position, coach candidates will be reviewed and selected by the coaches committee.

Coach Requirements

All coaches and assistant coaches must have the following: 

  • Respect In Sport. You will not be allowed on the bench without it! Access Respect In Sport online at the following link:
  • Criminal record check.  The zone will reimburse approved coaches for the cost of the check.  More details on this process will be forwarded to selected coaches.

U15A, U17A, U17B

All teams registering for a Provincial Championship that leads to a Western Canadian or Canadian Championship require:

  • a minimum of one (1) Coach to be fully certified Competition Introduction (All two weekends) and the Making Ethical Decisions (MED) online exam  or
  • have a complete Softball Level II Coaching Certificate (Technical + Practical + Introduction to Competition Part A & B)

U13A, U13B, U15B

All Minor teams registering for a Provincial Championship that does not lead to a Western Canadian or Canadian require:

  • a minimum of one (1) coach who has completed the Community Softball Coach Clinic or
  • Softball Competition Introduction weekend 1 and weekend 2 or
  • have a complete Softball Level 1 Coaching Certificate (Technical + Practical + Introduction to Competition Part A)

Coaching Clinics

*Zone will pay your fees if we pre approve you for either clinic.

Please look at the softball SK website (link below)

Additional information on coaching and upcoming coaching clinics can be found at the links below:


Softball Saskatchewan: