Saskatoon Lasers Softball
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Our Vision:

To develop teamwork, sportsmanship and softball skills in children of ALL abilities by facilitating a safe, fun, diverse and competitive environment, where ALL have the chance to excel. 


Zone 3 Executive:

Commissioner:  Ryan Corrin

Past Commissioner:  Steve Prokopchuk

Junior Coordinator: Cam Krakowka 

Timbits Coordinators: Deanna Doherty & Jodi Head

Equipment and Diamond Maintenance Coordinator:  Boyd Kirk 

Facilities, Evaluations and Training Coordinator: Michael Becker

Secretary: Carrie Baptist

Communications Coordinator: Blaire Schwartz

Treasurer: Jodi Pren

Webpage Coordinator: Tanya Spelay

Bingo Coordinator: Rhonda Flaman

Timbit Equipment Coordinator: Ryan Krebs

Members at Large: