HEO District Three Minor Hockey Association

Risk & Safety


District 3 is committed to providing and maintaining an athlete-centered minor hockey environment where all individuals are treated with respect.

Volunteer Screening:

Vulnerable Sector (VS) Checks (form LE220) are required to be completed by all associations for all volunteers. To ensure you are using the most current forms, please go to the OPP website. If a volunteer has a criminal record and wants to process the check in a quick manner they may fill out the Declaration of a Criminal Record form (LE229) also available on the OPP website.

Codes of Conduct:

The following Codes of Conduct identify the standard of behaviour that is expected of all District 3 members, including parents, players, coaches,  and officials. For Spectators, District 3 has adopted the following policy and procedures - Spectators Code of Conduct

Complaint Process:

There must be a 24 hour cooling off period (of an incident) before any complaint is made. Hockey is a sport where emotions run high... It’s important to take the time to ‘cool down’ before making a formal complaint.

All initial complaints to District are to be submitted to the District Chair
Complaint Process
Complaint Form


Please click here for information on how to address bullying issues.

District Three Bullying Prevention Policy

Green Armband Initative:

Please find information about the Green Armband Initiative, passed by the HEO Board of Directors.

  • HEO Memo
  • Green Armband Initiative Presentation: An Initiative to Reduce Harassment and Abuse of Minor Officials within HEO
  • FAQ

Allergy Policy:

It is the responsibility of the team trainer to obtain a Medical Form for each player. It is the parents' responsibility to disclose any and all allergies. If a team identifies that a player or volunteer has an allergy (i.e. peanuts), the team trainer and other team officials are responsible to engage the team in preventative and responsive measures to properly manage any potential incidents resulting from exposure to the allergen.

Parents and players on a team where an allergy has been identified (peanut or otherwise) must adhere to any directives issued by team or local Minor Hockey Association representatives. Such directives shall be given to all players and parents of the team in writing - this shall constitute a written warning to all players and parents. Players and Parents who do not adhere to such directives will be suspended for each indecent of failing to adhere to such directives. Repeated offences may result in suspension for the season.
