HEO District Three Minor Hockey Association

Coaches Corner

District 3 Coach Development Coordinator: 

The pages under this section will provide information to coaches with regards to certification requirements, game reporting and development.

It will also serve as an oportunity to share tips and tricks. If you have tips you would like to share please email the District 3 Coach Development Coordinator.


Whatever role you play, in the life of a player, it needs to be your focus to help them meet their fullest potential. I believe that each child is unique, needing a disciplined, secure atmosphere to inspire them to grow and mature in all areas of their lives.

Three important aspects of creating such an environment are; one, playing fair, working hard and enjoying a great experience. Two, working with and encouraging a child’s natural talents and abilities to maximize their development, and three, teaching players to have the utmost respect for themselves and others.

Good communication and an effective teaching ability are essential to individual development. A player’s, and coach’s, commitment to the program, in a team environment, needs to be encouraged. Work ethic and discipline need to be modeled and enforced both on and off the ice. This will help both grow the players love for the game as well as teach valuable life skills.
For me, coaching provides an opportunity for continual learning and growth. It is my hope that sharing my passion, commitment and experience with our young adults will be another building block in their development as students, players and future leaders.

Alain Raymond
Coach Development Coordinator
