HEO District Three Minor Hockey Association

Coaching Certification Requirements

Hockey Canada's changes to the coaching certifaction program are a result of the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and Hockey Canada working to ensure standardization of approach and content across the country while applying current teaching methods for adult learners, including online learning. The changes mirror the principles and policies in the Long Term Player Developement (LTPD) document, the foundation for the athlete-centred approached.
Key Changes that will be mandatory effective September 2013:

The HEO (ODHA) will no longer have a "graduated" certification (in which a coach must first take Coach Stream then Dev 1, etc).  A coach will enter the certification program at the age or level he/she is coaching. For instance, a new coach assisting with a competitive Peewee A team would only need to take Dev 1.

To find out which coaching clinic you need, click here
Certification Renewal: The CAC has a renewal blueprint to be followeed by Hockey Canada and all of its branches. Each coach stream will require a different number ofpoints or credits over a 5-year period in order for certification to be renewed. This will formally tak effect in September 2014. How these points accumulate is still to be determined. However HEO`s intention is to begin recording attendance at specialty clinics, lectures, etc. this season to give coaches a "bonus"  year to obtain the necessary points.

Coach stream:          10 points over 5 years
Development 1:         20 points over 5 years
HP 1:                       30 points over 5 years

Note that your local Association or the District may have additional requirements so please check with them.
