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Youth Spring Dek Hockey League!

 Starting the Week of March 30th

  • Take the great sport of hockey outdoors and onto the Dek! The season will consist of 9 games and guaranteed at least one playoff game. Game times will be 9 AM for Chipmunks and 10 and 11 for ?Beavers on Sunday Mornings (occassionally Saturday based on weather). Each team will play one game per week.
  • Registration Price includes scheduled practice times!
  • Cost of New T-Shirt inclduded in registration prices for everyone (new or returning)
  • Practice times for Chipmunks Division will be on Tuesday Evenings (and occasionally Thursdays based on weather) from 5-6 PM and Beaver Division from 6-7 PM!
  • Please register by FRIDAY MARCH 14TH in order to get your t-shirt in time!! 
  • We also will be having two (at least) Evaluation Dates so that we can reorganize the teams and try and make them as even as possible. If you are new to the league this session, or haven't played in a while, we STRONGLY encourage you to make it to these dates. The evaluation dates will be on: Monday March 3rd and Wednesday March 5th from 5-6 PM fro Chipmunks and 6-7 PM for Beavers.  After that we will be ordering the entire league new t-shirts after forming the teams.

**For questions e-mail Kyle Hammer at**


  Adult DEK Hockey League

Starting on Monday March 31st

Take the great sport of hockey outdoors and onto the Dek! The season will consist of 9 or 10 games and guaranteed at least one playoff game.

 Game times will be 5:45, 6:45, 7:45, and 8:45 on Monday nights (and occassionally Wednesdays.) Each team will play one game per night. Must be 16+ Years of Age or Older

Click here to Register!! 


Equipment Required:

Caged/Bubbled Hockey or Lacrosse Helmet



Shin Guards

Elbow Pads (optional)


**For questions e-mail Kyle Hammer at**