Step 1: Start Your Coaching Journey!
Thank you for being willing to coach for Subzero Volleyball Club! Before we begin you need to get a NCCP # by joining the Coaching Association of Canada - The Locker. This is how we will keep track of your progress. To start, your coaching journey, click here. (Choose Don’t have an NCCP#? Create one now! and keep this tab open)
Step 2: Join the Volleyball Canada Family
Now that you have an NCCP #, we need to get you into the Volleyball Canada Coaching Center. This is important as it's how you will register for Volleyball Specific Courses (more about this in Step 5). Click here for the VC Coaching Center and join the growing volleyball family. (Choose Create and account and keep this tab open).
Step 3: Find Out What You Need
What you need for coach certification depends on your coaching context, i.e. the age category and level of your athletes. There are 3 different coaching contexts for Subzero Volleyball Club coaches.
Click here to find out what certification you need based on your coaching context.
Trained vs Certified: “Trained” means that you have done all the NCCP modules and the VC Coach workshop. “Certified” means you have done all the modules, the workshop, and successfully completed an evaluatuation for a given context ex. Development Coach.
Step 4: Find Out What You Have
After you know what you need, go back to your locker to see what you currently have and compare that to what you still need. Make sure to write these down or keep the tab open.
*Sometimes what you have in your Locker does not show up in the VC Coaching Center. If this is the case, email with your name and NCCP number so it can be updated.
Step 5: Get‘er Done
Now that we know what you need to coach your team, let’s find when those courses are being offered so we can get’er done.
Just a reminder that to be “Trained” you need to complete the required NCCP Modules and Volleyball Specific Workshop for your coaching context ex. Development workshop. Once you have completed those steps, to become “Certified” you need to register to be evaluated through the Coaching Center.
Step 6: Stay Current!
Great job coach, you did it! Your NCCP certification is an important step but only a step in your coaching journey. There is so much to learn when it comes to coaching, which is why we love it. We know coaches are learners by nature, but sometimes life gets busy and we just don’t prioritize our own development. In order to give some accountability to our growth as coaches, the NCCP created a “Maintenance of Certification and Professional Development Plan.” That’s a mouthful so we will just call them PD Points for now.
To maintain the “Certified” status you worked so hard to achieve, you need to collect a certain number of PD Points based on your coaching context. Development Coaches & Advanced Development Coaches will need to accrue 20 points over a period of 5 years. Certified Performance Coaches will need to accrue 30 points over a 5-year period.
There are lots of ways you can accumulate points to maintain your certification, including simply coaching your current team. Try this. Map out your development plan each year and make sure that plan ties into getting PD Points. To find out more about the “Maintenance of Certification and Professional Development Plan”, click here.
*6 Steps to Simplify Your Coaching Certification revised and shared with permission from the original content contributor, Ryan Adams, VBC Coach Development Manager.
Reimbursement is available for mandatory coach training. Please review the contact information below to get your training reimbursed.
Volleyball Yukon will reimburse for volleyball-specific, mandatory courses:
1. Foundations of Volleyball
2. Development and Advanced Development Workshops and Evaluations
email receipts to:
YG Sport and Rec Branch will reimburse for NCCP & CAC Multi-Sport Modules that are offered online:
1. Making Ethical Decisions
2. Making Headway, etc.
3. Find the course list HERE
After completion, email receipts to:
If you'd like to join our coaching team, have questions or feedback, email Subject: Coach Development. We would love to hear from you!
Many of our teams have a Head (Lead) Coach working within a team of 3 to 4 coaches.