Ramona Soccer League Board of Directors meetings are held on the second Monday of every month. Our Annual BOD elections is held at our December meeting and is open to all RSL members.
Ramona Soccer League is in need of volunteers for our board. As of right now we have an amazing group of people that are running RSL and volunteering countless numbers of hours to make sure that the children of our community have a good experience while playing soccer and making memories out on the fields. That being said we could always use more helping hands! We feel that if we had more people available to help with the daily tasks we could be even more successful and provide an even better experience for the kids. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering for the RSL Board please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to receiving your feedback and we sincerely hope that some of you will find it in your heart to give some of your time and attention to our league. We have been dedicated to the youth of Ramona since 1979 and we look forward to continuing this commitment.
Title/ Position | Name | |
President | Lauren Schulte | laurenschulte03@gmail.com |
Vice President | Charise McLaughlin | c.mclaughlinb@gmail.com |
Secretary | Meagan Perfect | secretary@ramonasoccer.com |
Treasurer | Thomas Perfect | ramonasoccerleague@gmail.com |
Registrar | Morgan Fisher | registrar@ramonasoccer.com |
Director of Coaches | Gabriel Oliviares | coaches@ramonasoccer.com |
Director of Referees | Nicole Koop | nicole19781@gmail.com |
Director of Fields | Wayne Edwards | sunvalleymotorsports@gmail.com |
Public Relations/RPRA Rep. | Danielle Leirmoe | dvonting1976@gmail.com |
Director of Fundraising | Desiree Desantiago | desireedesantiago11@gmail.com |
Director of Adult Soccer | No Programs Currently | |
Division 1-3 Rep | Charise McLaughlin (acting) | c.mclaughlinb@gmail.com |
Division 4 Rep | Alma Pureco | almapureco@yahoo.com |
Division 5 Rep | Desiree Desantiago | desireedesantiago11@gmail.com |
Division 6 Rep | Kristi Wagner | kristiw@ramonasoccer.com |
Division 7 Rep | Julie DeWitt | rnticute2@hotmail.com |
Division 8 Rep | Jessica Thrift | Jmaguilar3@gmail.com |
Director of INTRA | Brandon Hoffman | info@ramonasoccer.com |
Treasurer of INTRA | Lacey Bowman | lacey@hccjulian.org |