York West Minor Hockey Association
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Welcome Parents!

Thank you for allowing us the privledge of working with your child through hockey! If you are not aware, the YWMHA board is made up of volunteers that worked really hard all year round to put together an incredible season every single year... and with your help it can be even more awesome!!

Below are several documents that you must complete every season for each of your players.  We ask that you submit these to your Team Manager as soon as each season starts. 


A Medical Information Sheet MUST be completed for each player. Please submit your completed Medical Information Sheet directly to your Team Manager at the begining of each season.

A Fair Play Contract MUST be completed by each player and one parent. Please submit your completed Fair Play Contracts directly to your Team Manager at the begining of each season.

A Jersey Agreement MUST be completed for each player. Please submit your completed Jersy Agreement directly to your Team Manager at the begining of each season.

Online Course

FOR NEW PLAYERS ONLY - One parent/guardian MUST complete the Hockey NB Respect in Sport training course. There is a $12 fee for this course, it can be completed online by clicking the link above.


Social Media Policy

The Social Media Policy provides information on the risks of social media, inappropriate conduct and the resulting disciplinary action. Please review the Social Media Policy prior to the beginning of each season.

The YWMHA Constitution oulines the by-laws, rules, duties and regulations followed by the assocation. Please review the YWMHA Constituion prior to the beginning of each season.

Safe Sport provides a framework to ensure that everyone in the sport of hockey is able to enjoy the sport. Please review the Hockey New Brunswick Safe Sport Policy Manual prior to the beginning of each season.