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DIVISIONS:  Fun 1, Fun 2, Fun 3, U12B, U12A, U14B, U16B, U19B, 18+B, 18+C

DATES:  February 7 - 9, 2025

LOCATION:  Jemini Arenas - 2301 Grasswood Road (4 ice surfaces)
                               Lions Arena - 2205 Mceown Avenue

ENTRY FORM:  Registration Closed

REGISTRATION FEES:   Fun 1 and 2 - TBD (3 game/jamboree guarantee)
                                                         Fun 3 and higher - TBD (4 game guarantee)

SCHEDULES:   Coming in January

INFORMATION:  Fun 3 Division and up will be guaranteed 4 games.

Please note that the Fun 1, Fun  2 and Fun 3 Divisions will be using right sized nets for their games.

Rosters must be submitted once your team has been accepted into the tournament.  If your team uses scoresheet labels, please email these to  If your team does not use scoresheet labels, please email your list of players with jersey numbers and your coaching staff.

HOTEL INFORMATION:  Click here to see some hotel options for your team.

