PrimeTime Cornhole
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To play in a PrimeTime Cornhole league, all participants must register (including team captains, non-captain team members/subs, and free agents).

Team Captains: Create team and pay the full team fee.

Team Members: Join an existing team as a team member or sub. There is no charge to join a team. You should only join a team if a team captain has asked you to join their team. If you have not been asked to join a team, you will be removed from that team.

Free Agent: If you would like us to help match you with another player at a similar skill level, contact us.

Role Description
Team Captain Create team, choose team name, and pay the entire registration fee.
Team Member Non-captain team members, including subs. There is no charge to join a team. You should only join a team if a team captain has asked you to join their team. If you have not been asked to join their team, you will be removed from that team.
Free Agent If you would like us to help match you with another player at a similar skill level, please contact us.


Find the venue and day of the week in the list below for the specific league you wish to join. Then, select the appropriate button to register as a team captain or team member. If buttons are disabled and you think this is an error, please contact us