Slo-Pitch League Information

Play Dates and Times

  • Typical play dates will be Monday & Wednesday, with Tuesday's being used if necessary. 4:15 Start times.  Off Fields by 6:00 pm.
  • Typical dates will be followed where the schedule permits, however all days may be utilized to fit in games.
  • The only conflict dates accepted are Commencements and Graduation.


  • Open to all grade levels.
  • Students must be under 19 as of September 1st of the current school year.
  • There is a maximum of 3 years of eligiblity, beginning in Grade 10, regardless of participation.
  • Minimum of 800 instructional minutes and all other ASAA eligibility rules apply.
  • Joint School Teams: Although Slo-Pitch is not an ASAA Sport, we will still follow the ASAA policy. If you are running a Joint team, you must notify the Metro Office.

Rules of Play

  • Winning teams must report the score by using the TeamLinkt App or online at upon completion of the game by logging in at the bottom right corner.

League Standings:

  • Points will be assigned in the standings as follows:
    • ​Win = 3 Points
    • Tie = 1 Point
    • Loss = 0 Points

Host School Responsibilities

  • Host school is responsible for booking their field and ensuring it is properly marked.
  • Field should be set up and ready to the visiting team 15 minutes before the scheduled game time.
  • Home team must provide game balls, strike mat and bases
  • Host school MUST PROVIDE 1 Umpire, or teams can decide to umpire their own at bats

Other Rules, Procedures, Expectations

  • NO CHANGE ZONE is in effect for all gymnasiums/fields. Any male and female players must change inside dressing rooms only if provided.
  • STAFF SUPERVISION: Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games.  Staff sponsors must be employees of the respective School/District. The staff sponsor must identify themselves to the opposing team prior to the game and remain on site (in the gym or on the field) for the duration of the game.  In the event there is no staff sponsor on site, the game will be considered a default.  In the event of extenuating circumstances, the default is subject to Appeal to the Executive Committee. 
  • GAME CHANGES must be made through the Metro Office, at least 48 hours before game time. Please arrange an alternate date with the opposing team and then contact the Metro Office with the proposed change.
  • OFFICIALS: Abuse of officials will not be tolerated when they are provided. 

Rescheduling and Rain outs

  • Should a field not be playable, both coaches should come to consensus on the next available playdate for both teams.  Once reached, contact the Metro office to update the schedule
  • Due to games not requiring umpires until playoffs, rescheduling will be flexible to fit all regular season games in
  • The City of Edmonton typically posts field closure notices at 4:00 pm, please be sure to check your local municipalities field closures ahead of your game
  • Defaults will be recorded as a 15-0 score.
  • In the instance of severe smoke, Metro sports do not occur when the index is at 7 or higher

Tie-Breaking Procedures for Regular Season

  • Wins/Losses vs All Teams in Pool/Division
  • Win/Losses vs Tied Teams
  • Points For/Against vs Tied Teams
  • Points For/Against vs All teams
  • Least Points Against vs tied teams (Best Defence)
  • Most Points For vs all teams (Best Offence) 
Criteria will be utilized in sequential order until all ties are broken.


  • Players must have participated in a minimum of 2 league games to be eligible for playoffs (unless otherwise communicated to teams).