Rugby League Information

Season of Play

  • The official ASAA policy states that the Rugby season of play begins on February 15th and ends upon completion of the Provincial Championships of that Season.

Play Dates and Times

  • Typical play dates for all Senior Girls games are Tuesday
  • Typical play dates for all Senior Boys games are Wedesday & Thursday
  • Typical play dates for all Junior games are Thursdays
  • If the schedule requires, games will be scheduled outside of the Typical play dates dependent on Field availability
  • During Playoffs, the only Conflicts strictly adhered to are Commencements & Graduation, all other conflicts may not be honoured


  • Junior: maximum of two years of Junior eligibility (Grades 10 and 11 only)
    • A Junior player is allowed to play in one game at the Senior level.  Once the Junior plays or dresses in two games at the Senior level, they must remain at the Senior level.  Games won by teams using "ineligible players" will result in the loss of those games.
  • Senior: open to all grade levels.
    • Students must be under 19 as of September 1st of the current school year.
    • There is a maximum of 3 years of eligibility, beginning in Grade 10, regardless of participation.
    • Minimum of 800 instructional minutes and all other ASAA eligibility rules apply.
  • Two-Team Policy: ASAA policy states that high school students are not permitted to play on a non-school team in the same sport during the same season.
  • Joint School Teams: ASAA policy governs the possibility of having a joint school team. If you are running a Joint team, you must notify the Metro Office and fill out the ASAA Joint School form

Rules of Play

Leagues will follow Under 19 Laws   

  • Winning teams must report the score online at upon completion of the game
  • Both teams will be responsible for taking a picture of the gamesheet but the winning team will keep the gamesheet on hand until the end of the season; should the Metro office need it to clarify any scoring issues

  League Games/Playoff Games:

  • Four (4) 17.5 minute quarters;
  • Half-time - 5 minutes;   quarter time - 2 minute;
  • Substitutions only at the quarters and at half time;
  • Injury substitutions allowed.  If a player is injured and substitution of the injured player occurs, the injured player cannot return to the game;
  • Any player that is bleeding i.e. laceration, must leave the field. Substitution back into the game of this player will be allowed at the discretion of the referee. If the players uniform is bloodied, it must be removed and a new uniform worn.  (extra uniforms should be available);
  • Each team to supply a "knowledgeable" touch judge;
  • Mouthgards are mandatory - Mouthgard check and boot check will be made at the beginning of each game;
  • No items that are sharp or abrasive;
  • No items containing buckles, clips, rings, hinges, zippers, screws, bolts or rigid material;
  • No jewelry or hair accessories (bobby pins, clips, elastic headbands, bandanas, etc.);
  • No basketball/loose fitting long shorts;
  • Ankle supports must be under socks; no metal;
  • Loose head scarves may not be worn;  scrumcaps or sport hijabs may be worn;
  • No single stud at the toe of the boot; (Variation as per IRB Regulation 12)
  • Goal post pads are mandatory;
  • Players must be dressed alike;  no duplicate jersey numbers;
  • Regular Season League games ending in a tie will remain a tie
  • Playoff games ending in a tie will follow the tie breaking procedures below

Game Time:  

  • 4:15/6:15 or 5/6:30 or as soon as referee arrives.  If a team is later than 1/2 hour (5:15 p.m.) from game start time, the game may be considered a default unless there are extenuating circumstances. 


  • Win - 4 points
  • Tie - 2 points
  • Loss - 1 point for loss within 7 points or less of the teams that wins
  • Loss - 0 points for loss of more than 7 points
  • 1 point for scoring 4 tries or more in a match
  • Default/forfeit – are 20-0 with 4 tries; winning team receives 5 points (4 points for win and bonus point for 4 tries or more)
  • Default/forfeits - Any team that defaults a league game will be subject to review by the Metro Executive in order to qualify for playoffs.
  • For a game to count in league standings or playoffs, each team must have 17 players available to play with 4 trained front rows.  If 17 players are not available to play the game is considered a default.
    NUMBER OF PLAYERS: (in the event of injuries during the game)
    When there are fewer than 15 players the following will apply:
  • A Union may authorize matches to be played with fewer than fifteen players in each team. When that happens, all the Laws of the Game apply except that each team must have at least five players in the scrum at all times. 
  • Both teams must be in agreement with the modification/change
  • The table below indicates the numbers of suitably trained and experienced players for the front row when nominating different numbers of players.
  • 15 or less              =        players who can play in the front row
  • 16, 17 or 18           =        4 players who can play in the front row
  • 19, 20, 21 or 22     =        5 players who can play in the front row
  • Each player in the front row and any potential replacement(s) must be suitably trained and experienced
  • SIN BIN   (10 minute penalty) Referees will have the option to either send a player off the field or to the sin bin.  Severity of the incident will be a factor in the referee's decision.  If a player is sent to the sin bin (end zone - dead ball line), he will be penalized for ten minutes (team will play short-handed for the penalty time). Rule modification:  The only person that can talk to the player is the coach.  

Host School Responsibilities

  • UNIFORM COLOR:  During league play, it is the responsibility of the designated HOME team to ensure different uniform color.  In the event there is a problem with similar color uniforms, the HOME team shall wear uniforms of contrasting colours.    If you are unsure of the uniform color of your opponent, call them prior to the game.  In playoffs, the higher ranked team will have choice of uniform color.
  • Host school must provide the game ball.
  • Score sheets are to be filled out by both teams in correlation with the officials score.
  • If no official arrives to do the match, schools have the option of rescheduling the match or proceeding with an official agreed upon by both coaches.

Other Rules, Procedures, Expectations

  • NO CHANGE ZONE is in effect for all gymnasiums/fields. Any male and female players must change inside dressing rooms if provided.
  • STAFF SUPERVISION: Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games.  Staff sponsors must be employees of the respective School/District. The staff sponsor must identify themselves to the opposing team prior to the game and remain on site (in the gym or on the field) for the duration of the game.  In the event there is no staff sponsor on site, the game will be considered a default.  In the event of extenuating circumstances, the default is subject to Appeal to the Executive Committee. 
  • GAME CHANGES must be made through the Metro Office, at least 48 hours before game time. Please arrange an alternate date with the opposing team and then contact the Metro Office with the proposed change.
  • ZERO TOLERANCE CONDUCT: Team conduct (player/coach/supporter)
    There will be zero tolerance given by the officials of poor/objectional language.   A penalty will be charged against any team member who uses coarse or obscene language. Abuse of the officials in any way will not be tolerated.
  • GAME TIME: 4:45 or as soon as the referee arrives. If a team is later than 1/2 hour (5:15 p.m.) from game start time, the game may be considered a default unless there are extenuating circumstances.  

Tie-Breaking Procedures

To determine league standings in the event of a tie:
  • If 2 teams are tied, games between the tied teams;  If still tied, points for/against in the games between the tied teams if they played each other twice; If still tied, points for/against vs. next highest common opponent; If still tied, least points against in the entire round;
  • If 3 teams tied, games between the tied teams;  If still tied, points for/against in games between the tied teams; If still tied, points for/points against  vs. highest common opponent; If still tied,  least points against in the entire round;
  • Tie Breaker in incomplete round: Games between the tied teams;  If still tied, points for/against between tied teams; If still tied, points for/points against  vs. highest common opponent; If still tied, least points against in the entire round vs. common opponents;
Tie Breakers for Playoff Games as per ASAA Policy (League games finishing in a tie will end as a tie):
  • If there is a tie at the end of any playoff game, each team shall choose three (3) kickers from the athletes on the field at the conclusion of the game, to drop kick at goal from the 15m line. The referee shall select the spot from which the kicks shall be taken (approximately at centre). The kickers from each team will alternate. All kickers will kick and the team that scores the higher number of successful kicks out of three (3) shall be deemed the winner of the match.
  • If there is no winner at the conclusion of (a), teams choose one player that was on the field at the conclusion of the game (this may include one of the first 3 kickers) to take all remaining kicks. The kick will take place at approximately the 15m mark and may be either a place kick or drop kick. This series of kicks will end once one team has had a successful kick and the opponent an unsuccessful kick. After the first kick a the 15m mark, subsequent kicks will be placed using the following:
  • If both kickers are unsuccessful twice, the kick will be moved 5m closer to the posts to a minimum of 10m
  • If both kickers are successful, the kick will be moved 5m further from the posts
  • If there is a tie at the end of the Final, the teams will play one ten minute overtime period with teams switching ends at half, provided the game is not longer than 60 minutes. If there is still a tie at the conclusion of the overtime, the game will be decided by the Tie Break Procedure for Playoff games.

Provincial Representation