Outdoor Soccer League Information

Play Dates and Times

  • Typical play dates for Senior Boys & Junior Girls games are Tuesday and Thursday. 
  • Typical play dates for Senior Girls & Junior Boys games are Monday and Wednesday.
  • Typical dates will be followed where the schedule permit, however all days may be utilized to fit in games.
  • The only conflict dates accepted are Commencements and Graduation.
  • Any regular season games that are cancelled due to weather will not be rescheduled. They will be considered a 0-0 Draw, unless 40 minutes has been played. If the game had started, and 40 minutes of play DID NOT elapse, the score will be considered a 0-0 draw regardless of score when it was called off. If 40 minutes of play HAD elapsed, then the score will stand as it was when the game was called.

Metro Weather Related Delays for Soccer:

  • CSA Thunder rules are in effect.  If you hear Thunder, immediately suspend play and wait 30 minutes. If Thunder occurs again, the 30 minute clock restarts. Wait until the game can resume, or the time remaining does not allow completion of the game (see below).  If lightning is visible, but Thunder is not audible, it is at the discretion of all parties to assess and continue.
  • A reminder that 40 minutes of play constitutes a completed game.

    Time Remaining does not allow the completion of the game:

  • Teams have until 6:00 pm to finish games

  • Teams/Refs shall wait until they can resume play, up until a time where they cannot get in the 40 minutes minimum required, or 6:00 pm hits. Whichever occurs first.

  • Teams/Referees should not be leaving the game if potential to continue still exists with the time remaining before 6:00 pm
  • ​In the instance of severe smoke, Metro sports do not occur when the index is at 7 or higher


  • Junior: maximum of two years of Junior eligibilty (Grades 10 and 11 only)
    • A Junior player is allowed to play in one game at the Senior level.  Once the Junior plays or dresses in two games at the Senior level, they must remain at the Senior level.  Games won by teams using "ineligible players" will result in the loss of those games.
  • Senior: open to all grade levels.
    • Students must be under 19 as of September 1st of the current school year.
    • There is a maximum of 3 years of eligiblity, beginning in Grade 10, regardless of participation.
    • Minimum of 800 instructional minutes and all other ASAA eligibility rules apply.
  • Joint School Teams: Although Soccer is not an ASAA Sport, we will still follow the ASAA policy. If you are running a Joint team, you must notify the Metro Office.

Rules of Play

  • Winning teams must report the score by using the TeamLinkt App or online at metroathletics.ca upon completion of the game.
  • The winning team must also submit a scan or photograph of the game sheet by the following morning to shawn@metroathletics.ca
  • Games shall be played in accordance with the current laws of the Federation Internationale de Football
    Association (FIFA). The leagues will adopt all new rules of FIFA
    NOTE: Protective Shin Guards are mandatory and any player not wearing the Guards will be
    ordered off the field by the referee.
  • Game duration 60 minutes – 30 minute halves *** New as of 2023
  • Regular Season Games that end in a tie remain a tie.
  • Playoff games that end in a tie will follow the tie breaking procedures listed below
  • Inclement weather - Home Team should determine if their field is playable. (game cancellation)
    • NOTE: In the event the City or County Parks and Recreation Departments determine that a field is not playable, they will post as such on their city/county website. Please check regularly. 
  • Maximum players dressed is 20.
  • A forfeit will be considered a score of 5-0
  • The back-up goalie can play if the referee is notified. 
  • Players are not allowed to wear any article of clothing which covers their shorts, socks or shin guards. i.e. if sweat pants or tights are worn in inclement weather they must be worn under the socks and shorts. 
  • Unlimited substitutions are allowed in all leagues.
  • Substitutions are allowed
    • at the discretion of the referee;
    • when a goal is scored;
    • before a goal kick is taken;
    • injury;
    • substitutions may not be made on a penalty kick or a corner kick or subject to the approval of the referee. 
    • maximum of five (5) subs at one time. However, if game is delayed intentionally, substitution will be at the referees discretion. 
  • Games are to start at 4:15 pm unless otherwise scheduled. If a team does not arrive within 30 minutes of the scheduled game time the game will be considered a default, unless extenuating circumstances exist. Teams must be off the fields by 6:00 pm to allow for community bookings where applicable.
  • *** Addition as of June 2019, Athletic Director Decision - Any Regular season games cancelled due to a Rain out will be recorded as a 0-0 Tie and not be rescheduled.  Any game where a team is unable to play will not be rescheduled and recorded as a 5-0 forfeit win for their opponent, as games can not be rescheduled***

Sanctioning & Yellow-Card Tracking

Please note that cards will be issued in accordance to the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) by the officials during the game.
The following modifcation will take place as Metro will be tracking Yellow & Red Cards thorughout the season to identify repeat offenders. Submitting your game sheets is MANDATORY to allow for this process.
  • First 3 Yellow Cards - 1 game suspension
  • 2 additional - 1 game suspension
  • 1 additional - 2 game suspension
  • 1 additional - 4 game suspension & hearing
Note that an automatic suspension within a game due to a red card or two yellow cards advance a player to the next step in this system.

League Standings:

  • Points will be assigned in the standings as follows:
    • ​Win = 3 Points
    • Tie = 1 Point
    • Loss = 0 Points

Host School Responsibilities

  • UNIFORM COLOR:  During league play, it is the responsibility of the designated HOME team to ensure different uniform color.  In the event there is a problem with similar color uniforms, the HOME team shall wear uniforms of contrasting colours or pinnies.    If you are unsure of the uniform color of your opponent, call them prior to the game.  In playoffs, the higher ranked team will have choice of uniform color.
  • Host school is responsible for booking the game field (unless otherwise noted). Ensuring the field is properly marked and corner flags and goal nets are in place.
  • Field should be set up and ready to the visiting team 15 minutes before the scheduled game time.
  • Home team must provide a standard game ball and game sheet.
  • It is also recommended that benches be provided where possible for teams.
  • Host school MUST PROVIDE 2 linespersons.
  • Dressing room facilities provided by host school where possible.
  • If no official arrives to do the match, schools have the option of proceeding with an official agreed upon by both coaches. Once agreed upon, if the match is played, the results will stand.

Other Rules, Procedures, Expectations

  • NO CHANGE ZONE is in effect for all gymnasiums/fields. Any male and female players must change inside dressing rooms only if provided.
  • STAFF SUPERVISION: Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games.  Staff sponsors must be employees of the respective School/District. The staff sponsor must identify themselves to the opposing team prior to the game and remain on site (in the gym or on the field) for the duration of the game.  In the event there is no staff sponsor on site, the game will be considered a default.  In the event of extenuating circumstances, the default is subject to Appeal to the Executive Committee. 
  • GAME CHANGES must be made through the Metro Office, at least 48 hours before game time. Please arrange an alternate date with the opposing team and then contact the Metro Office with the proposed change.
  • OFFICIALS: Abuse of officials will not be tolerated.

Tie-Breaking Procedures for Regular Season

If two or more teams are tied at the end of league play, the following criteria will be applied:
  • Games between the tied teams only
  • If bullet 1 does not resolve tie, then the difference in goals for and against in the games between the tied teams ;
  • If bullets 1 & 2 do not resolve tie, then the difference in goals for and against for the entire season will resolve with the exception of teams invollved in defaulted games.
  • If bullets 1,2 & 3 do not resolve tie, the team which has the fewest goals scored against them from all games will attain the higher ranking.
  • If still tied, the team which has the greatest number of goals scored against the other teams will be ranked higher in the standings.


  • Players must have participated in a minimum of 3 league games to be eligible for playoffs (unless otherwise communicated to teams).
  • Junior Players cannot play up for Senior playoff games, as they did not participate in 3 regular season senior games.
  • Overtime for playoffs: ties will be decided by two 5 minute halves, not sudden death.
  • If still tied a shootout will take place as per the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)