Handball League Information

Season of Play

  • The official ASAA policy states that the Handball season of play begins on February 15th and ends upon completion of the Provincial Championships.


  • Senior: open to all grade levels.
    • Students must be under 19 as of September 1st of the current school year.
    • There is a maximum of 3 years of eligiblity, beginning in Grade 10, regardless of participation.
    • Minimum of 800 instructional minutes and all other ASAA eligibility rules apply.
  • Two-Team Policy: ASAA policy states that high school students are not permitted to play on a non-school team in the same sport during the same season.
  • Joint School Teams: ASAA policy governs the possibility of having a joint school team. If you are running a Joint team, you must notify the Metro Office.

Play Dates and Times

  • Typical play dates for all games are Monday/Wednesday for boys, and Tuesday/Thursday for girls with potential crossover dates to allow for a fluid schedule.
  • Tripleheaders - 4:45/5:45/6:45 Start times, Singles 5:30
    • The first match will be played by the host school and a visiting school
    • The second match will be played by two visiting schools
    • The third match will be played by the host school and the remaining visiting school

Rules of Play

  • Winning teams must report the score by using the TeamLinkt App or online at metroathletics.ca upon completion of the game.- The scoresheet must only be submitted via scan or photo if a Blue Card was issued in the match. (If the game is tied, the home team is responsible to submit)
  • The Rules of Play are as per IHF rules, with the following modifications:
    • Playing rules: www.teamhandball.ab.ca
    • All games are 2 x 20 min halves (Playoffs and Finals are 2 x 25 min halves)
    • Half time is three minutes in duration
    • Each team is allowed three time outs per game.  A team can use a maximum of two time outs per half and can only use one in the last three minutes of the game
    • Teams can have up to 16 players dressed for each game, and only 16 can play in a game. 
    • Warm ups between games is discretionary up to a maximum of 10 minutes.
    • Eligibility as per ASAA policy (See Above)
    • Double sided tape is allowed to assist athletes in gripping the ball. No Stick Um is permitted.
    • Forfeit scores will be recored as 10-0
    • An accumulation of Three 2-minute penalties against one player in a game results in a red card. The player is removed from the game and is not permitted in the playing area at the discretion of the official, but this instance of a red card does not constitute a suspension for their next game.
    • Players should be registered with ASAA prior to the first league game in order to establish Metro Eligibility. Must play in 1 regular season game to be eligible for playoffs.
    • The official game ball - Size 2 for Boys and Size 1 for Girls (Updated 2023) Approved Brands
    • Uniforms and protective equipment must conform to IHF rules and regulations. All players are expected to dress in team uniforms that are consistent with school colours, no club insignia is permitted. The goalkeeper must wear colours that distinguish him/her from the court players of BOTH teams and the goalkeeper of the other team. No duplication of numbers is allowed.
    • Should the visiting team and home team have similarly coloured uniforms, the host team will be required to wear pinnies.Should both visiting teams have similar uniforms, the team listed as "Home" on the score sheet will require pinnies provided by the host.
    • Round robin games ending in a tie, remain a tie. Playoff games ending in a tie will follow the format of: 2 x 2 minute overtime with no halftime break. No time outs are permitted in overtime. Over time periods are NOT sudden death. If still tied there will be a three player shoot-out (All three shooters must be different members of the team), and if still tied after three shooters, a sudden death shoot out will take place (Sudden death shooters can be any member of the team, even the same one multiple times).
    • Particularly during the last seconds of a game with one team holding a narrow lead, it might occur that this team try to prevent the opposing team from executing their last attack or throw by means of infractions of all kinds or unsportsmanlike conduct. In doing so, the team deliberately accept the risk of a potential disqualification followed by a punishment of the respective player, knowing it may mean victory. To prevent these negative game developments from occurring in the future, according to the new rule 8:10 c-d referees can from now on award a 7-metre throw in addition to a disqualification during the last 30 seconds of a game!
    • Aside from a yellow and a red card, from now on referees can also make use of a third, blue card.  After they have decided on a disqualification (red card), the referees – having had a brief discussion – show the player an additional blue card, provided the disqualification will be accompanied by a report.
    • Noisemakers of any kind are not permitted

Host School Responsibilities

  • Host school will have gym ready for warm up at 4:30 p.m.
    • This includes having the nets set up as well as team benches.
  • Host school MUST PROVIDE 2 scorers.  
  • Score sheets and dressing room facilities provided by host school.
  • If no official arrives to do the match, schools have the option of rescheduling the match or proceeding with an official agreed upon by both coaches.

Other Rules, Procedures, Expectations

  • NO CHANGE ZONE is in effect for all gymnasiums. Any male and female players must change inside dressing rooms only.
  • STAFF SUPERVISION: Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games.  Staff sponsors must be employees of the respective School/District. The staff sponsor must identify themselves to the opposing team prior to the game and remain on site (in the gym or on the field) for the duration of the game.  In the event there is no staff sponsor on site, the game will be considered a default.  In the event of extenuating circumstances, the default is subject to Appeal to the Executive Committee. 
  • GAME CHANGES must be made through the Metro Office, at least 48 hours before game time. Please arrange an alternate date with the opposing team and then contact the Metro Office with the proposed change.

Calculation of Standings

  • Teams will be awarded two points for a win and one point for a tie to be reflected in the standings

Tie-Breaking Procedures

If two teams are tied at the end of league play, the following criteria will be applied:
  • Head to Head - Who defeated who in Round Robin Play
  • The team who let in the least number of goals vs each other from the round robin games
  • The team who let in the least number of goals vs all teams in the division from the round robin games
If more than two teams are tied at the end of league play, the following criteria will be applied:
  • Head to Head - Who defeated who in Round Robin Play
  • The team who let in the least number of goals vs all teams involved in the tie from the round robin games
  • The team who let in the least number of goals vs all teams in the division from the round robin games