Badminton League Information
Season of Play
- The official ASAA policy states that the Badminton season of play begins on January 3rd and ends upon completion of the Provincial Championships.
- Provincial Age categories are:
- a) Junior: Under 16 before September 1 of that school year
- b) Intermediate: Under 17 before September 1 of that school year
- c) Senior: Under 19 before September 1 of that school year
Play Dates and Times
- Play dates for games can be any weekday
- First matches are scheduled to start at TBA (Roughly 4:00 pm)) , and the following matches will commence once finished. This structure of play should be followed and may be started earlier or later dependent on arrival times:
- The first match will be played by the host school and the first visiting school to arrive
- The second match will be played by two visiting schools
- The third match will be played by the host school and the remaining visiting school
- If you are scheduled with 4 teams in one night, the game start times will be specifically scheduled on the website. Your arrival and play times will need to be followed.
League Format/Equipment
- Winning teams from each round must report the score by using the TeamLinkt App or online at upon completion of the game.
- A team must consist of a minimum of 4 girls and 4 boys for regular season play. A “round” shall consist of one school meeting another school in 5 simultaneous events. Each event will be a best 2 out of 3 games to 21, win by 2 and cap at 30. A school winning 3 or more of the 5 events will consistute a win.
- Event #1 – Boys Singles
- Event #2 – Girls Singles
- Event #3 – Boys Doubles
- Event #4 – Girls Doubles
- Event #5 – Mixed Doubles
- If you are short a girl or a boy, you can still compete, you will unfortunately have to forfeit a match. It is courteous to inform the school ahead of time if you are forfeiting a certain match so they can tell their athletes ahead of time.
- Prior to each round, the coaches that are playing against each other must declare in writing, his/her selections of athletes that are playing each event. Before any athletes start their match, you must have exchanged line-ups with the opposing coach. This is important that this is done because in the past schools would wait to see what the other team is going to put on the court and they would manipulate their own line up to give them a competitive advantage.
- You are allowed to change up your line up once you start another round. You must then again fill out the ENTRY FORM and exchange with the opposing coach again.
- Dress Code
- Athletes should compete in a uniform that identifies their school. Uniforms contrary to this rule could be considered illegal. When playing doubles, the uniforms should match. Clothing with offensive language or symbols will not be allowed. Shorts should be worn during play. No hats or head wear are permitted unless for religious reasons. Clean indoor shoes must be worn. The venue coordinator will instruct player(s) to change if not in compliance with the dress code.
- Official Shuttle
- The brand of badminton shuttle to be used at competitions shall be the Yonex Mavis 300, Green Cap Slow. Shuttles for league play need to be provided by the host school. Shuttles for the Provincial Qualifying Events will be provided by Metro.
Rules of Play
- The rules governing badminton shall be the laws of badminton as adopted by the International Badminton Federation and the Canadian Badminton Association.
- Intervals: A one minute interval is allowed during each game once one side reaches 11 points. The athlete is not allowed to leave the court and no coaching is allowed.
- Coaching: Coaching will be allowed after the first set for one full minute and after the second set for two full minutes. During which time neither the coach nor the athlete may leave the court.
- Line Judges: players can request that a line judge be provided, ideally by a neutral team, at any point before or during the match. This practice should be avoided but can be utilized if necessary.
- Note: Sufficient water and extra racquets should be with the player on court at the start of the match.
- Each athlete should be saying score out loud before each point.
- Host school should go through any specific rules in their gym (basketball hoops etc…). In most situations it should be a loss of a point.
- Athletes must call their own lines. The rule is, if you do not see the shuttle land then the point goes to the other team. There should be no re-serves.
- At the end, each athlete should go report the score at the draw desk to make sure it’s accurately recorded. Please leave the shuttle on the court after you are done.
Host School Responsibilities
- Host school will have gym ready for warm up at 3:45 pm
- This includes having the nets set up
- A minimum standard of 5 minutes for warmup must be provided to all schools if requested.
- Host school MUST PROVIDE a draw desk and someone to manage the desk to accurately record results.
- Dessing room facilities provided by host school.
Other Rules, Procedures, Expectations
- NO CHANGE ZONE is in effect for all gymnasiums. Any male and female players must change inside dressing rooms only.
- STAFF SUPERVISION: Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games. Staff sponsors must be employees of the respective School/District. The staff sponsor must identify themselves to the opposing team prior to the game and remain on site (in the gym or on the field) for the duration of the game. In the event there is no staff sponsor on site, the game will be considered a default. In the event of extenuating circumstances, the default is subject to Appeal to the Executive Committee.
Calculation of Standings
- Teams will be awarded two points for a win (One win = A best 3/5 Round Victory)
Tie-Breaking Procedures (Please note a "Round" consists of 5 "Matches" Boys Singles/Girls Singles/Boys Doubles/ Girls Doubles/Mixed Doubles)
- If two teams are tied after the round robin is completed - we will use head to head results from the round between the two tied teams. (If they have played each other more than once, we will look at head to head rounds first, then head to head matches)
- If three or more teams are tied after the round robin is completed - we will use the following criteria to break the tie (criteria are used in order until all ties are broken):
- Rounds between the tied teams
- Matches won/lost in the Rounds played between the tied teams
- Matches won/lost for all the Rounds played in the entire round robin
- Flip of a Coin
League Structure 2022 onwards
Current: Addition of New Policy; and in as e) and move other points down
e) Divisional Structure for Badminton
A minimum of 8 teams and maximum of 12 teams can declare to a division. The only division that permits more than 12 teams is the lowest division available that is not developmental.
Based on the previous season results, the top 2 teams in a division will move up a division the following season and the bottom 2 teams from a division will move down a division the following season. The bottom teams are only required to move down should the division they are declaring to is at capacity. If it is not at capacity and they would like to remain in that division, it is permitted.
If there are multiple teams that want to move up or down and that division is at capacity, or a Division does not have the minimum number of teams required, then it will be based on previous years results as to who is placed where. The higher place teams will have priority in moving up and the lower place teams will have priority in moving down.
In an effort to move Badminton in the same direction as other Metro sports, structure is needed as there has always been an uneven number of teams dispersed amongst the 4 Divisions. There are a few consistent teams in Division 1 and then a large number of teams in Divisions 2 & 3. Over the years, Division 1 is dwindling down. Typically, we see the same teams at the top of their Division. League structure would give more competitive matches for all teams in the league. Badminton typically does not have many schools wanting to ‘move up divisions’, we have schools that want to ‘move down’. A lot of this stems from the trickle down effect from Division 1. By creating structure, we will create a better league for all teams with competitive games.
Provincial Qualifying
- Provincial Age categories are:
- Junior: Under 16 before September 1 of that school year
- Intermediate: Under 17 before September 1 of that school year
- Senior: Under 19 before September 1 of that school year
- Students with a birthday on September 1 of that school year must compete in the higher category.
- An athlete may opt to play at an older age level.
- Each school is allowed to enter 1 team into each event:
- If an athletes does not make it in an event, they can try another event.
Example: If you don’t make singles and don’t make doubles, you can still try for mixed if you want.
- It is imperative that any athletes competing in the provincial qualifying are able to compete in the Provincials.
- As well, if you qualify for an event, you must go in that event. You can not default your spot and then tryout for another event.
Any school that does not submit their initial Entry Form to the host by the deadline listed below WILL NOT be allowed to participate in that event for the Qualifier.
Preliminary Round Format
- Depending on the size of the draws. Teams will be put into 1 pool or 2 pools.
- OPTION A: 1 POOL – If you have 5 or fewer entries for an event.
- OPTION B: 2 POOLS – If you have 6 or more entries for an event.
- Matches in the Round Robin will be 1 game to 15 cap at 21. You must win by 2 points. Athletes can choose to switch sides at 11 points/8 points respectively.
- The playoff structure will be as follows, once any tiebreaking matches have resolved who is 1st and 2nd (see below for Tiebreakers):
- With just one Pool (5 or fewer entries):
- With two Pools (6 or more entries)
- SEMI FINAL #1 – 1st in Pool A vs 2nd in Pool B
- SEMI FINAL #2 – 2nd in Pool A vs 1st in Pool B
- First/Second – Winners of Semi Final #1/2
- Matches in the Playoffs will consist of a best of 3 games to game to 21 with a cap at 30. You must win by 2 points. Athletes should switch sides at 11 points if it goes to a third game.
Tiebreakers for the Playoff Round Robin
- All two way ties for first in the round robin will be used to determine rankings going into playoffs , by using the result of the game between the two tied players/teams.
- No team will ever be eliminated due to the mathematics of the tie break. So if there is a 3+ tie for first or a 2+ tie for second place an elimination round between the tied players/teams will occur.
- In a three+ way tie for first place, the players/teams will be ranked 1, 2 and 3 etc based on the following criteria: matches between the tied teams, points for/against between tied teams, points for/against between all teams in pool, flip of a coin. The first ranked player/team will gain their berth, the second and third ranked players/teams will then play one game to 21 points (cap at 21), to determine second place in the round robin.
- In a three+ way tie for second place, the players/teams will be ranked 1, 2 and 3 etc as described above. For example; the second and third ranked players/teams will play one game to 21 points (cap at 21), to determine who will play the first ranked player/team in one game to 21 points (cap at 21). The last remaining player/team after all of the elimination games will be the second rank.
Finals Events
- SEMI FINAL #1- 1st in A/B vs 2nd in C/D
- SEMI FINAL #2- 2nd in A/B vs 1st in C/D
- If both semi final winners/losers come from the same area (2 A/B 2 C/D), they will use the previous results from the qualifying round to decide who gets 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
- If the semi final winners/losers are from different areas (1 A/B 1 C/D), they will play the Gold medal and Bronze medal matches to decide 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
- Matches in the Crossovers will consist of a best of 3 games to game to 21 with a cap at 30. You must win by 2 points. Athletes should switch sides at 11 points if it goes to a third game.