Lake Zurich Flames Youth Football And Cheerleading
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This camp is for all youth enrolled in grades 1-8 who are interested in improving their skills in the sport of football.  The LZHS coaching staff will focus on football safety, fundamentals, and basic football skills.

Even if you aren't registered to play for the Flames, we want to see you there. This is a great opportunity to try football, ask questions, learn about both programs, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

LZHS football coaching staff and Flames board members will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the sport and why you should let your child play.

WHO: Anyone interested in football -  Grades 1-8
WHEN: 3 days:  Monday 7/21, Tuesday, 7/22and Wednesday, 7/23 6:00-7:30pm
WHERE: LZHS Athletic Stadium
COST: $80

Wear workout clothes and cleats or gym shoes. Bring a water bottle labeled with your child's name. Particpation in the HS camp will go towards the required 6 hours of Flames tackle conditioning. 

Questions? Contact: Jeff Bartlett:

TO REGISTER: For current D95 students, click here:!/products/ZRZVHBP7LO. For out of district families interested in attending, click here:!/products/ZYI5DVQP7F