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2025 Outdoor Season Pricing

The table below provides a summary of the registration information for each age group and gender. Detailed information for each group can be found following the table.

GroupOptionGenderPriceDue  at RegistrationInstallment 1 (30 days)Installment 2 (60 days)Practices
per week
per week
Tournament(s) IncludedUniform Provided (Players Keep)Technical Training Included
(See Note 1)
U4/U5 Grassroots1 Mixed (Co-Ed)$150$50$50$501none0Shorts, socks, Timbit jerseynone
U6/U7 Grassroots1 Boys, Girls$185$65$60$601none0Shorts, socks, Timbit jerseynone
U9 Recreation (BRSA)1 Mixed (Co-Ed)$220$80$70$701111 jersey, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U11 Recreation (BRSA)1 Mixed (Co-Ed)$250$90$80$801111 jersey, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U13 Recreation (BRSA)1 Mixed (Co-Ed)$270$90$90$901111 jersey, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U15 Recreation (BRSA)1 Mixed (Co-Ed)$290$100$95$951111 jersey, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U9 Girls Community2 Girls$280$100$90$901102 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U11 Girls Community2 Girls$360$120$120$1201212 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U11 Semi-Competitve Tournament2 Boys$400$140$130$1302See Note 232 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U13 Semi-Competitive Tiers 4-62 Boys, Girls$390$130$130$1301212 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U15 Semi-Competitive Tiers 4-62 Boys, Girls$400$140$130$1301212 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U17 Semi-Competitive Tiers 4-62 Boys, Girls$410$140$135$1351212 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2-3 individual Friday sessions
U8/U9 Competitive (EMSA Club Groups A-C)3 Boys, Girls$390$130$130$1302112 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey2 team Sunday aft/evening sessions
U10/U11 Competitive (EMSA Club Groups A-C)3 Boys$430$150$140$1402112 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey3 team Sunday aft/evening sessions
U12/U13 Competitive (EMSA Club Tiers 1-3)3 Boys$500$170$165$1652112 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey3 team Sunday aft/evening sessions
U15 Competitive (EMSA Club Tier 2)3 Boys$510$170$170$1702112 game jerseys, shorts, socks, training jersey3 team Sunday aft/evening sessions



  1. Competitive players may also be offered individual Friday sessions if they are not fully utilized by rec & semi-comp players.
  2. No regular season games; exhibition games will be arranged if possible.
  3. EMSA - Edmonton Minor Soccer Association
  4. BRSA - Battle River Soccer Association

If you want your participant to be evaluated for competitive or semi-competitive teams, please select the most advanced level you would like them to evaluate for. After evaluations, if your participant is placed on a less advanced team, you will be refunded the difference.

Option 1: For U5-U7 Grassroots and U9-U15 Recreation teams, select the first option in the dropdown menu.
Option 2: For  U9-U11 Girls Community (Non-Tiered),  U11 Boys Tournament Teams,  and U13-U17 Semi-Competitive Tiers 4-6, select the second option.
Option 3: For U8-U15 Competitive teams (EMSA Club Tiers 1-3), select the third option.

Important Note: You only need to register your participant through this site for EMSA league play. There is no need to access the EMSA portal for registration.

All participants in the Recreation, Semi-Competitive, and Competitive programs will have access to technical training sessions.

This year, all players will get to keep their game jerseys. Additionally, each player will receive a training jersey to be worn during practices.

!! IMPORTANT Registration Deadlines !!

Competitive Registration now closed.    

Competitive team rosters will be announced by March 17, 2025.

Players who are selected for a Competitive Team will have 24 hours from the time of notification to accept their spot. Those who do not confirm within this timeframe may forfeit their place, and the spot could be offered to another player.

There are still some spots available on our U15 Boys Tier 3 and U9 Girls Competitive team - please email for details.

Season Length and Important Dates

ProgramAge GroupSeason LengthRegistration DeadlineEvaluations
Grassroots  U4-U7  May to June  April 7th  None
BRSA Recreation  U9 to U15/17  Late April to end of June  April 7th  None
Semi-Competitive: Tournament  U11 Boys  Late April to end of June  March 28th  March
Semi-Competitive: Girls Community  U9 & U11 Girls  Late April to end of June  March 28th  None
Semi-Competitive: Tiers 4-6  U13 to U17  Late April to end of June  March 28th  March
Competitive: Club Tiers 1-3  U8 to U15  May to mid/end of July  March 1st  First 2 weeks of March

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U4 & u5 Grassroots - 2021/2020

Participants in this program must be born in either 2021 or 2020. It is a co-ed program for both boys and girls, held exclusively in Leduc. There is one session per week, with U4 & U5 ran as separate groups starting in May 2025. 

Leduc Soccer will supply Head Coaches to demonstrate/explain the session plan, it is MANDATORY that Parents(Guardians) are on the field with their Child at all times. Parents/Children can split off into groups to perform drills together. 
Season:  May - June

Practice Night/Time:     U4: Monday & U5: Wednesday

Fees:  $150  (includes Timbits jersey, shorts, socks, soccer ball and medal at the end of season)

Failure to adhere to the MANDATORY Parent (Guardian) participation may result in Leduc Soccer asking you to leave the session.

Volunteer Commitment:  $100 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled.  The volunteer commitment is one hour of club-related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $75 of the $100 total bond.

U7 Grassroots - 2019/2018

Participants in this program must be born in either 2019 or 2018. Starting Outdoor 2025, Boys & Girls will be split by gender. It features strictly in-house programming with two sessions a week. Leduc Soccer will provide Head Coaches to organize training stations, including a game station, for each session.

Parent volunteers are essential for each session to maintain a favorable coach-to-player ratio and ensure smooth program operations. There will be weekly sign-up sheets available online for volunteer positions. Those who fulfill their volunteer commitments by assisting with the program will not have their volunteer deposits cashed at the season’s end.

Season:  May - July
Practice Night/Time:  Tentatively: Monday & Wednesday

Fees:  $185  (includes Timbits jersey, shorts, socks, soccer ball and medal at the end of the season)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

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U8 - U9 Boys - 2017/2016

U8 - U9 boys must be born in either 2017 or 2016. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the two options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U9 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreation Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternatiave: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants and play exclusively in Leduc. 

Season:  May to June

Game Night: Tuesday

Practice NightTBD

Fee:  $220 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U8 - u9 Club: Competitive - CLOSEd for the 2025 Outdoor season

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. Starting Outdoor 2025, we will be offering U8 and U9 Club. Players will be divided by their birth year. Each team will have one game per week, with tentatively two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until the end of July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June. If you are unable to commit to July, please register in the Community stream.  If we do not have enough players for a U8 Club team, we will combine the U8 and U9 together and place players on the appropriate team.

TEAMS ARE SPLIT BY YEAR OF BIRTH. Leduc Soccer is focused on establishing teams at each age of birth for Club. U8 will be formed with 2017 born players & U9 will be formed with 2016 born players.

Season: End of April to End of July

Game Night: TBD

Practice Night: TBD

Fee: $390 (includes League and ASA Fees and one tournament).

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event. Evaluation fee is included in your registration.

Team Placement: These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitve level. All players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on the U9 Co-Ed Rec Team. The differenece in registration fees will be refunded accordingly.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debt (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of team related volunteering and one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

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U9 GIRLS- 2017/2016

U9 girls must be born in either 2017 or 2016. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the two options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U9 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: REcreation Co-ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League,  we will form an Internal League from registered participants and play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June

Game Night: Tuesday.

Practice Night TBD

Fee: $220 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering and one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U9 COMMUNITY

Description:  This program is suited to female players who wish to play in an all girls league.   No previous experience is required. Tentatively the teams are schedule for one practice & one game per week.  Both home and away games will all be played in Beaumont or South Edmonton. For this age group, the league is not tiered, providing a welcoming environment for all skill levels; however, more experienced or highly skilled players may find the level of competition less challenging.

Season:  End of April to the End of June

Game Night: Thursday in Beaumont or South Edmonton (no home games).

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $280 (includes League fee, ASA fee)  No Tourament included.

Evaluation:   No evauations are required for this league.

Team Placement:  There is no evaluations required for this league.   If there is insufficient registration for this league, then participants will be offered a spot on a U9 Co-Ed Rec Team.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 3: U9 Competitive

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. One game per week, with two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until sometime in July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee

Season:. End of April to End of July

Game Night: TBD

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $390 (includes League fee, ASA fee and 1 tournament registration fee)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place at the end of April. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitive level.  All players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on the U9 Community Team. The difference in registration fees will be refunded accordingly. 

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

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U10 - U11 Boys - 2015/2014

U10 - U11 boys must be born in either 2015 or 2014. We have three programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the three options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U11 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a league, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June

Game NightWednesday.

Practice Night TBD

Fee: $250 (includes League and ASA Fees) 

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. Our hour of Team related volunteering and one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U11 Tournament TEAM

Description:  This program is suited to Players who:

  • New to soccer or sports in general
  • Have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. 
  • Lower-commitment playing experience

Two practices per week, tournament weekends are TENTATIVELY as followed: 
May 23, 24 & 25th.
June 13, 14 & 16th.
June 20, 21 & 22nd.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD

Practice Night: TBD 

Fee: $400 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event. Evaluation fee is included in your registration.

Team Placement: These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitive level. All players who do not make the Tournament team will be offered a spot on the U11 Co-Ed Rec Team. The difference in registration fees will be refunded accordingly.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering and one hour of Club related fundraising. There is a option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 3: U10 - U11 Club: Competitive - closed for the 2025 outdoor season

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. Starting Outdoor 2025, we will be offering U10 and U11 Club Teams.  Players will be divided by birth year. One game per week, with two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until the end of July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June. If you can't commit to playing in July, please pick from the other options available in this age group.

TEAMS ARE SPLIT BY YEAR OF BIRTH. Leduc Soccer is focused on establishing teams at each age of birth for Club. U10 will be formed with 2015 born players & U11 will be formed with 2014 born players.

Season: End of April to End of July

Game Night:  TBD

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $430 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation: Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitive level.  All players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on either the U11 Tourament Team or U11 Co-Ed Rec Team. The difference in registration fees will be refunded accordingly. 

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U11 GIRLs - 2015/2014

U11 girls must be born in either 2015 or 2014. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the two options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U11 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: RECREATIOnAL Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season: May - June

Game Day:  Wednesday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $250 (includes League and ASA Fees).  

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1,2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U11 GIrls COMMUNITY

This is to register for U11 Girls EMSA Community League, players must be born in either 2014 or 2015.   

If you are applying for a Jumpstart or Kidsport grant for your participant, please follow the instructions here.  If you have any questions please email

Description:  This program is suited to female players who wish to play in an all girls league. No previous experience is required. Tentatively the teams are schedule for one practice & two games per week. Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee. Both home and away games will all be played in Beaumont or South Edmonton. For this age group, the league is not tiered, providing a welcoming environment for all skill levels; however, more experienced or highly skilled players may find the level of competition less challenging.

Season:  End of April to the End of June

Game Night: Monday & Wednesday in Beaumont or South Edmonton (no home games).

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $360 (includes League fee, ASA fee and 1 tournament registration fee)

Evaluation:   No evauations are required for this league.

Team Placement:  There is no evaluations required for this league.   If there is insufficient registration for this league, then participants will be offered a spot on a U11 Co-Ed Rec Team.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 3: U11 Competitive: CLUB TIers 1-3 - closed for the 2025 outdoor season

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. Players will be divided by birth year. One game per week, with two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until the end of July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June. If you can't commit to playing in July, please pick from the other options available in this age group.

Season: End of April to End of July

Game Night:  TBD

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $430 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation: Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitive level.  All players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on either the U11 Tourament Team or U11 Co-Ed Rec Team. The difference in registration fees will be refunded accordingly. 

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U12 - U13 Boys - 2013/2012:

U12 - U13 boys must be born in either 2013 or 2012. We have three programs on offer for this age and gender. Please read from the two options below and select which option in the questions section whilst registering.

Option 1: U13 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June.

Game Day: Thursday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $270 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U13 Semi-Competitive: TIERS 4-6

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentatively the teams are schedule for one practice & two games per week, practices in Leduc with games throughout Edmonton. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD 

Practice Night: TBD 

Fee: $390  (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 3: U12 - U13 Competitive: CLUB TIERS 1-3 - closed for the 2025 outdoor season

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. Starting 2025, we will be offering U12 - U13 Club Teams. Players will be divided by birth year. One game per week, with two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until the end of July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June. If you can't commit to playing in July, please pick from the other options available in this age group.

TEAMS ARE SPLIT BY YEAR OF BIRTH. Leduc Soccer is focused on establishing teams at each age of birth for Club. U12 will be formed with 2013 born players & U13 will be formed with 2012 born players.

Season: End of April to End of July

Game Night: TBD

Practice Night: TBD 

Fee: $500 (includes League and ASA Fees and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  These evaluations are crucial in determining whether we have enough participants that can compete at a competitive level.  All players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on the U13 Semi-Competitive team. The difference in registration fees will be refunded accordingly. 

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U13 GIRLS 2013/2012

U13 girls must be born in either 2013 or 2012. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the two options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U13 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season: May - June

Game Day:  ​​​​​​​Thursday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $270 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1,2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U13 Semi-Competitive: TIERS 4-6

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentatively the teams are schedule for one practice & two games per week. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD

Practice Night: TBD

Fee: $390 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March.   We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U15 Boys - 2011/2010

U15 boys must be born in either 2011 or 2010. We have three programs on offer for this age and gender.

Please read from the three options below and select which option that best suits your child's interests and skill level when completing the registration process.

Option 1: U15/17 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June.

Game Day: Monday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $290 (includes League and ASA Fees).  You can select an installment plan during registration.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U15 Semi-Competitive: Tiers 4-6

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentatively team are scheduled for one practice & two games per week, practices in Leduc with games throughout Edmonton. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD

Practice Night: TBD 

Fee: $400 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 3: u15 Competitive: CLUB TIERS 1-3

Description: This program is suited to Players who have already played in Soccer programs previously and are willing to commit to the additional training and coaching demands. One game per week, with two practices per week. Practices are based in Leduc. Games could involve more traveling than other options listed. This program plays until sometime in July, whilst other programs end for the most part around the end of June.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season: End of April to End of July

Game Night: TBD

Practice Night:  TBD

Fee: $510 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March, We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  Our goal is to compete at Tier 2, but final placement will depend on the results of player evaluations. If evaluations determine that Tier 2 is not feasible, the team may compete at the Tier 3 level instead, ensuring the best fit for the players' skills and development.Players who do not make the competitive team will be offered a spot on the U15 Semi-Competitive Team, with the difference in registration fees refunded accordingly.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U15 Girls - 2011/2010

U15 girls must be born in either 2011 or 2010. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.

Option 1: U15/17 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June.

Game Day: Monday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $290 (includes League and ASA Fees)

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U15 Semi-Competitive: CLUB TIERS 1-3

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentatively team are scheduled for one practice & two games per week, practices in Leduc with games throughout Edmonton. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD

Practice Night: TBD 

Fee: $400 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 31, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond

Register Now!

U17 Boys - 2009/2008

U17 Boys must be born in either 2009 or 2008. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender. 

Option 1: U15/17 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June.

Game Day: Monday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $290 (includes League and ASA Fees).  You can select an installment plan during registration.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U15 Semi-Competitive: TIers 4-6

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentaively the team is scheduled one practice & two games per week, practices in Leduc with games throughout Edmonton. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game Night: TBD

Practice Night: TBD

Fee:  $410 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!

U17 Girls - 2009/2008

U17 girls must be born in either 2009 or 2008. We have two programs on offer for this age and gender.  

Option 1: U15/17 Battle River Soccer Association (BRSA) League: Recreational Co-Ed

Description: This program is suited to Players who may be newer to Soccer/Sports or those who are looking for less of a commitment to playing. One practice & one game per week, practices in Leduc with games in Leduc and throughout the Battle River District (Calmar, Millet, Devon, Thorsby) Teams are Co-Ed (Boys/Girls mixed).

Alternative: Should there not be enough teams within the District to form a League, we will form an Internal League from registered participants & play exclusively in Leduc.

Season:  May - June.

Game Day: Monday

Practice NightTBD

Fee: $290 (includes League and ASA Fees).  You can select an installment plan during registration.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising.  There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Option 2: U17 Semi-Competitive: Tiers 4-6

Description: This program is suited to Players who may have participated in this program before or those who have played previously. It is recommended that the Players who wish to participate in this program have an understanding of the rules of Soccer and are able to take instruction from the coaching staff. Tentatively the team is scheduled for one practice & two game per week, practices in Leduc with games throughout Edmonton. Teams are split by gender.  Each team is provided with one tournament registration per outdoor season, which is included in the participant's registration fee.

Season:  End of April to End of June

Game NightTBD.

Practice Night: TBD

Fee: $410 (includes League fee, ASA fee and one tournament)

Evaluation:   Evaluations will take place in March. We will email you with all the necessary details before the event.  Evaluation fee is included in your registration.    

Team Placement:  For U13 and up, evaluations will help determine the appropriate tier for team registration. Please note that while we aim to accommodate all players, we may encounter roster size limitations in the semi-competitive group, and positions will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Volunteer Commitment:  $200 volunteer cheque post dated July 1, 2025 or Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form. Cheques and PAD forms are only cashed if volunteer commitments are not fulfilled. One hour of Team related volunteering & one hour of Club related fundraising. There is an option to buy out of volunteering  by paying $150 of the $200 total bond.

Register Now!