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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Leduc Soccer offer any financial assistance?

It is the goal of Leduc Soccer to ensure that any child that wishes to participate in one of the soccer programs has the opportunity to.  There are various options available, such as,

  • Payment Plans
  • Jumpstart
  • Kid Sport

Leduc handles all correspondence in the strictest confidentiality.  Should you require more information or need assistance, please email our Registrar at

What Clothing and Equipment does my child need to play soccer?


Participants in U4, U5 and U7 are given a Timbits jersey, shorts and socks by Leduc Soccer and are theirs to keep.

SHIN PADS - Players without shin pads will NOT be allowed to participate in practices or games. Shin pads are to be worn under the socks.

A good set of runners is recommended for each participant. Outdoor cleats can be used during the outdoor season. Outdoor cleats are NOT allowed on the surfaces at the LRC.

Each Recreation participants will receive one game day jersey. All participants will receive one practice jersey.  

SHIN PADS - Players without shin pads will NOT be allowed to participate in practices or games. Shin pads are to be worn under the socks.

CLEATS - Cleats are recommended for all U9-U15 participants for the Outdoor season. Indoor soccer shoes are recommended for the Indoor season. Please note that outdoor cleats are NOT allowed on the surface at the LRC or in some venues where games are played. If in doubt, please discuss with your coach or appropriate LSA Director.


Each Semi-Competitive and Club player is issued with a home and away jersey for the duration of the season. All participants will receive one practice jersey.

SHIN PADS - Players without shin pads will NOT be allowed to participate in practices or games. Shin pads are to be worn under the socks.

CLEATS - Cleats are recommended for all U8-U19 participants for the Outdoor season. Indoor soccer shoes are recommended for the Indoor season. Please note that outdoor cleats are NOT allowed on the surface at the LRC or in some venues where games are played. If in doubt, please discuss with your coach or appropriate LSA Director.

Wearing of jewellery (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc) is NOT allowed when practicing or playing games. As per FIFA, Law 4 clearly states "All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, etc) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is not permitted". Medical-Alert jewellery or clothing required by a player's religion may be worn only if the coach or referee deems it safe.

How do I cancel my Registration?

Please contact our Register at to start the process of your withdrawal and refund.  

    How do I access my team on Teamlinkt?

    Once you have registered your participant on TeamLinkt your participant will been assigned to a team by our Registrar and you will be informed by email.  if you have not used Teamlinkt before then you need to perform the following to sign up.

    1. Please download the Teamlinkt app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
    2. Enter your email address in the yellow highlighted field below and click "Get Started".   Please use the same email address you used during registration.
    3. Then enter your Full Name and a Password in the yellow highlighted fields
    4. NOTE: the name of your assigned team will show up as shown in the red box.
    5. Then click "Create Account".  

    Once your account is created you should see your assigned team details appear in the app.
    If you don't see a team please contact our Registrar at

    How to Add Contacts To Teamlinkt

    In Teamlinkt, you have the flexibility to include any desired contacts on your player's profile, whether they're other parents, guardians, friends, grandparents, or even the player themselves (provided they have their own email and phone). You can follow the instructions outlined here:

    Contact Types
    • Team Admin: This grants administrative permissions over the entire team
    • Player Admin: This will allow the contact to manage only the player, including the chat, availability, etc
    • Team Fan: These contacts can only view the team in the app and will only be able to see events listed as Games in the schedule

    Adding a Contact
    1. Navigate to Teams in the left menu bar
    2. Click into the team the player is currently on
    3. Click on the player's name in the name column
    4. Go to the contacts tab in the upper right
    5. Click Add
    6. Choose the Contact Type
    7. Fill in the rest of their information and click Add

    Be sure to designate the "Permission" of each contact appropriately. Choose "Player Admin" if you want them to be able to edit the player's profile, or select "Fan" if you prefer to grant them read-only access.

    When will I know the nights of play and schedule?

    Best to ensure the same night of play are used each season per age group.  The following factors affect scheduling:

    • Number of registrations
    • League Schedule as defined by the various leagues our teams participate in
    • Number of hours available for facility rental (Indoor season)
    • Tiering of teams

    Email communication will be sent out prior to the start (roughly two weeks) of the season with a schedule.

    When will I hear from my coach?

    As soon as registration has closed, the program directors will work to arrange teams and coaches.  As soon as this is done, you will receive communication from your program director or coach.  If you need to discuss or are concerned that you have maybe missed some communication, please email our Techncial Director at U9-U19 teams will also use TeamLinkt to communicate and post team schedules.

    How do I get involved in coaching?

    Leduc Soccer is run by volunteer coaches.  These coaches are the backbone of our organization and without them, there would be no soccer program in Leduc.  All interested parties who want to be involved in coaching are asked to complete the online registration also email the Technical Director at

    How to I become a sponsor of Leduc Soccer?

    Click here toLeduc Soccer is a non-profit and is always looking at ways to keep costs down and also provide a quality program to its membership.  If you are interested in sponsoring or contributing to soccer in Leduc, please email our President at or our Fundraising Director at

    Do I need to have completed a coaching course to coach?

    It is highly recommended.  All coach education is paid for by Leduc Soccer.  Coaches should have the following coaching courses completed for the respective programs:

    • U4 - U5 - Active Start
    • U7 - FUNdamentals
    • U9 - U11 - Learn To Train
    • U13 - U19 - Soccer for Life

    All courses are accredited to the NCCP Program.  For more information, please email our Technical Director at

    Do I need to complete a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) if I want to coach/volunteer?

    YES, Leduc Soccer takes the safety and security of its members very seriously.  All volunteers and coaches are required to complete a VSC check once a year.

    I am interested in becoming a referee or referring games in Leduc,  who do I contact?

    Simply email the Referee Director at for all information.