Kingston Grenadiers Football Club
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CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART is a national charitable program that helps financially disadvantaged kids participate in organized sport and recreation. We help cover registration, equipment and/or transportation costs up tp$300 per year, per child. More information at

KIDSPORT helps local kids overcome social and economic barriers, which have prevented or limited their participation in sport, through issuance of registration fee and/or equipment grants. More information at

THE DREAMCATCHER FOUNDATION is designated to provide support and address situations unique to the First Nations community. The foundation will provide grants in the areas of arts and culture, educational supports, health support, and sports recreation. More information at

BINGO VOLUNTEERING: We are members of the Play! Charitable Gaming Association (PCGA) fundraising program, by volunteering to assist the Grenadiers with this year-round initiative, a credit a $50 will be issued to the players account for every shift completed. The volunteer can be the parent, a family member, friend.. as long as they are over the age of 19. Contact us at to find out more!

#GRENSNATION: That’s us! If you need additional help, please contact us, we are experienced in working with families and players to break down obstacles to achieve a player's highest potential.