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Respect In Sport

For Parents

One parent / guardian from each family must take the Respect in Sport Parent (RIS) Program from Hockey Canada if you have children playing hockey. This is a zero-tolerance policy and no exceptions will be granted.  If you have a second child new to hockey, you do not need to take the program again, the new child must be added to your existing profile (Please ensure Ste Anne Minor Hockey is selected as your association).

Any players' family that have not completed the Respect in Sport (RIS) Parent Program by October 15 will not be able to participate in any team activities, on or off ice (dry land training, practices or games).

The main website for The Respect In Sport Parent Program is:

The cost of the program is $12 and is comprised of approximately 1 hour of video training that can be taken over multiple sessions.

For Bench Staff

All teams bench staff (Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers and Safety Person) are required to take Respect In Sport – For Activity Leaders.  This program is different and requires separate certification from the RIS – Parent.

Please refer to the Hockey Manitoba website for further information on RIS - For Activity Leaders: