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When are practices and games?

  • Practices are Wednesday evenings
  • Home games are on Wednesday evenings for U9 to U16
  • U20 boys play in the Seaforth adult league on Thursday evenings
  • Away games vary, depnding on when other clubs have ice time
  • Away game locations are Blyth, Mildmay, Palmerston and Paisley
  • U20 teams may travel a bit more

Volunteer Requirements

  • For every participant, 2 volunteer hours are required during the regular season and 3 hours during the Seaforth Tournament
  • The hours can be completed by the participant or a parent/guardian/family member, etc

Fundraising Requirements

  • We have no fundraising requirements

Time / Score Keeping

  • We schedule 1-2 time/score keepers for every home game. 
  • We can provide training for anyone interested in this role

Vulnerable Sector Check

  • AKA - Police check
  • Who requires to have one completed:
  • All Executive Board Members
  • All bench staff
  • A VSC is valid for 3 years. On the years a new VSC isn't required, a Offence Declaration Form is required to be submitted
  • Look in the Forms tab for instructions on how to obtain a VSC, as well as the Declaration

Annual Provincial Tournament

  • Open to all U12 - U20 teams
  • Location for 2023/24 season - Belleville, ON
  • A block of rooms at a hotel is usually organized. Details released when available.

Year End Banquet

  • At the end of every season, we have a family friendly/all welcome banquet, usually in early March
  • Held at the hall, at the Seaforth arena
  • More details are sent out once date is confirmed


  • We are very excited to be hosting a junior tournament on Dec. 13-15th, 2024.
  • All participants are required to volunteer with the tournament.


  • Yearly tournaments are held in Blyth (Mid-November), Mildmay (end of January) and the provincial tournament (February)
  • U20 also have a Qualifiers for Nationals tournament at the end of November. There are other optional tournaments available - it is a team decision if they wish to enter at ad additional cost.


  • F.B.A.O. is the Federation of Broomball Associations of Ontario
  • The F.B.A.O.'s purpose is to encourage, administer, and co-ordinate the development of Broomball throughout the province of Ontario
  • Our club is insured through them
  • F.B.A.O host the annual provincal tournament at the end of the season


  • CW is a short form of Central West Ontario Broomball Association
  • Central West is the region of play we are assigned to under the F.B.A.O. umbrella


  • RAMP is an online portal that Central West Broomball uses as a part of team registrations

More Questions?

  • You can use the Contact Us tab 
  • Or email us directly at