SFFL Policies
A) The primary goal of the SFFL 'Roster Policy' is to:
Within the details below, the term 'Executive Committee' may imply the full complement of the Executive Committee and/or a portion of it designated to monitor, coordinate and discipline Team Roster issues.
The 'Roster Policy' will be used by the Executive Committee and supported by all Team Captains (and players) within the League. The policy will be enforced through the material defined, collected and maintained herein. Day-to-day execution of this policy will involve the Executive Committee as well as every Team Captain. Only players registered with the SFFL are insured under the League's insurance policy provided for by League fees. Teams cannot exceed the maximum of 12 active registered players at any given time.
Team Captains are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their team's roster. Players are only permitted to be a member of a single SFFL team at any given time.
To be officially registered, a player must be on the Team Roster's Game Sheet before the game in which he intends to play and must have completed and submitted a Player Registration & Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Agreement that provides the League with each individual player's information such as date of birth (proof of eligible age) and a signature (acceptance of release and waiver) to appear on the team's official roster (in full compliance with the League's 24-hr advance notice requirement for roster modifications). A player must be at least 18 years of age prior to playing their first League game, unless a parent or guardian assumes responsibility of the player.
Prior to the start of the first scheduled regular season game, the Team Captain is required to collect from each team member a Player Registration & Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Agreement. This form can be downloaded from the League website. The Team Captain must forward a list of the names of the players on the Team Roster to the League via email or hard copy. This list must contain the name of each player appearing on the Team Roster along with completed Player Registration & Waiver Forms that are in the Team Captain's possession. If known, players are also to be identified by jersey number. The Executive Committee generates a team list and makes this information accessible to the Team Representative no later than the third week of the regular season.
At each game, the Team Captain will ensure the game sheet is completed accurately for record of participation and attendance. Entries on this sheet must be consistent with the list of players on the Team Roster. Team captains are permitted to make modifications to the Team Roster by adding or deleting players as needed throughout the regular season. The Team Captain will e-mail the League Registrar with his modifications and ensure that the new player(s) have been deemed eligible to participate in games. The Executive Committee may at any time review the Team Roster and game sheet data for consistency and accuracy, as they see fit. This accuracy check will be limited to each player's name and eligibility status for playoff games.
Only players that have played (been credited with game participation/attendance) in a minimum of 1 regular season games of that same season are eligible to participate in playoff games.
The Executive Committee will review the Team Rosters and game sheets for accuracy and consistency. The Executive Committee will support inquiries made towards a player's playoff eligibility, such as investigating all such inquiries against the records of all data submitted (to date/time of the request). The League may identify a player as ineligible for playoff activity and/or dismiss a player and a team from playoff action (that season). Such discipline measures will also address which teams are allowed to advance in or be declared the winner of any playoff game. Such discipline actions may also extend towards future seasons of play for the player(s) and/or team(s) implicated. The Executive Committee may publish player eligibility and/or ineligibility lists as it sees fit for the current season.
Matters in which a game is prevented from starting or continuing due to actions or in-actions of one team and results in a 'forfeit', is covered in this section, the League's 'Forfeit Policy'.
It is League policy that a minimum of 4 players be present at the scheduled game time for the game to commence. If at the scheduled start time, one team is unable to comply then that team is given a grace period of 15 minutes to comply or the game will be considered to be a forfeit.
If the minimum of 4 players arrives within the defined grace period, then an abbreviated game will commence.
i) Unforeseen Circumstances and Acts of God - If a field becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control such as a power outage and/or the situation in which it would be reasonable to expect the majority of players to not be in attendance, such as a natural disaster, city-wide transit shutdown or any other major catastrophe, then in this instance both teams would be excused from a forfeit and the game will be rescheduled.
“The fine for a game forfeit is $125 if either no notice or notice on the day of the game is given to the League. A fine of $75 is assigned if notice arrives to the League before game day but less than 48 hours prior to the game time. In either case, the fine must be paid prior to the team’s next game. The non-offending team involved in the game forfeit will receive $50 as compensation. The League reserves the right to make adjustments in the fine amount should exceptional circumstances exist.” - As noted in the 2023 AGM package
So as to avoid a game default, a team may seek to have a game rescheduled. Honouring such requests are dependent on the availability of their opponents, game officials, and suitable field site.
Opponents are encouraged to be receptive to such game rescheduling.
Games may be delayed for various reasons including:
Whenever possible, games will be attempted to be played even if it means shortening the game. This decision will be made at the discretion of the Referee Liaison, and in their absence the Board of Directors.
Any player who receives two Objectionable Conduct penalties (OCs) during a game will be automatically ejected from the game.
Note: A player may be ejected from the game due to his/her conduct even without having received two OCs.
Players ejected from a game must clear the field of play immediately and not associate or interfere in any way with the players, referees or spectators for the remainder of the time allocated to that game. Failure to comply, that player and/or the team he plays for will be subject to even further discipline than that which is to be assigned for the ejection itself. Furthermore, an ejected player is placed on immediate suspension and is not permitted to play in any future SFFL games until notified by the league that they may do so. Finally, the discipline director will review each ejection incident in a timely manner. If appropriate, this director may assign further disciplinary actions such as, but not limited to game suspensions, fines, or expulsion from the League as it sees fit towards fulfilling the purpose of this League.
6. GAME EQUIPMENT AND SAFETY POLICY (See also #11. Uniform/Jersey Policy)
It is recommended that players do not participate in games wearing any sort of jewelry. This includes, but is not limited to; bracelets, earrings, watches and necklaces. However, if players choose to wear any of the above items, it is done at their own risk. SFFL is not responsible for any injuries caused by jewellery or if the jewellery is lost, stolen, or broken.
All athletic braces of a hard substance (example: knee or elbow braces) are required to be fully covered. Game officials will not allow players to participate in a game who are wearing an exposed (hard substance) brace. For example, neoprene sleeves, long sleeved sweaters and/or jogging pants should be used to resolve this issue.
The League's 'Weather Policy' relates to threats of severe weather surrounding the immediate playing field.
It is up to the Head Referee to decide to postpone a game if weather conditions are unsafe. This decision will be communicated directly to the team captain or team representative. If lightning is in the area, the Head Referee is to consider delaying the game until lightning has moved off and is safe to continue.
Although teams are expected to wait out the unfavourable weather conditions nearby (if safe to do so), officials should use their judgment to determine whether safe conditions for the game are likely to exist throughout the duration of the game.
Real-time observation and use of current weather reports should assist in determining whether to play the game or postpone it to another date.
The officiating crew is expected to remain on site through the original start time of both games in order to communicate its decision to all teams.
The 'Tie-Breaker Policy' explains the steps taken for breaking ties in the regular season standings.
At the end of the regular season, if a tie exists between two teams in the standings, the tie will be broken by point differential.
A) Rationale
B) League Uniform/Jersey Policy
C) Game
E) New Uniforms
Every team is now required to have a collectively uniform team shirt or jersey, with a numbering system that is unique to identify each individual player (no duplicate numbers and number should coincide with that player for entire season).
The following is a list of the League's team uniform requirements:
***** IMPORTANT NOTE *****
Teams that already (have) uniforms with large identifiable numbers on the front, will be considered acceptable and granted Grandfathered status.
A) Use of Personal Information
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