Scramble Flag Football League
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Author of this revision

Donovan Jacko

Approvers required

Board of Directors

Date of this edition


Effective date



This organization shall be known as Scramble Flag Football League, hereafter referred to as SFFL.

The SFFL is a not-for-profit organization.

The SFFL shall be comprised of two bodies: an elected Board of Directors and the League Membership.

  • Board of Directors – administrative officials elected to oversee and manage the affairs of the League consistent with the aims and objectives of the League
  • League Membership – any team or individual player who is registered and “in good standing” (e.g., fees are paid up-to-date to SFFL)


The aims and objectives of the SFFL are:

  • To provide a recreational service to eligible participants
  • To encourage sportsmanship and fellowship among all participants
  • To develop and organize team competition through cooperation
  • To build community relationships and develop community spirit

The interpretation of any clause contained in this Constitution will be to the benefit of these aims and objectives.


Each year, the SFFL will strive to support the growth of flag football. The SFFL may find it useful to support and/or join affiliations with other organizations with similar aspirations, including but not limited to:

  • Brampton Rugby Football Club from which the SFFL rents field of play. Maintaining this affiliation will help ensure that the year-after-year rental of fields occurs in a stable and predictable manner.

Regardless of affiliation, the SFFL shall operate as an independent league as per the articles herein. From a day-to-day operational perspective, the SFFL’s Board of Directors will ensure that the articles of this Constitution and its associated By-Laws are taken into consideration when dealing with any matter pertaining to any affiliation agreement held by or with the SFFL.


An elected Board of Directors (and other individuals authorized by said Board of Directors) shall manage the affairs of the SFFL through various activities including maintaining league affiliations, scheduling, registration, discipline, and administrative and financial business.

Management of the SFFL will proceed in a democratic fashion. The League President will, however, have final say on an SFFL matter in the circumstance of:

  • A vote that resulted in a tie amongst Board of Directors Members or League Members, in which the League President did not vote, OR
  • The Board of Directors itself, regardless of the exact number of roles assigned to each of the individual elected volunteers, is composed of only one other volunteer other than the President

The Board of Directors shall be authorized to collect revenues on behalf of the SFFL for the purposes herein. SFFL’s source of revenue is the League Member fees.

The Board of Directors shall provide transparency towards all SFFL’s financial matters and show fiscal diligence by:

  • Conducting all SFFL financial transactions through the use of an SFFL bank account
  • Ensuring all expenses above $100.00 have had prior approval by the Board of Directors
  • Reporting summary of all grants, fees, charges, expenses, allowances, and purchases at least once annually


The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following roles:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary/Record Manager
  • Treasurer
  • Discipline Director
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Registrar
  • Scheduler
  • Officials Liaison

One or more individuals as approved by the League Membership may fulfill these roles. Affirmation of the individuals fulfilling these voluntary roles will occur during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Other roles may be created and fulfilled as the Executive Committee sees fit for the purposes of fulfilling the aims and objectives of the SFFL.


Every individual on the Executive Committee is to ensure that the goods and services purchased by the SFFL are obtained at the desired quality as well as a competitive price. All purchases must be pre-approved by the Executive Committee and amount over $700 must be accompanied by a quote.

The Executive Committee should be comprised of at least three individuals.

The President and Vice-President are required roles.

  1. President

Duties are to administrate the affairs of the League. This individual is entitled to represent the League on all League matters.

  1. Vice-President

Duties are to assist the President in administrating the affairs of the League. This individual is entitled to represent the League on all League matters. If the President is unable to perform his role, the Vice-President will assume the duties of the President.

  1. Secretary/Record Manager

Duties are to retain a record of the Executive Committee meetings, registration information and other communications related to the business of SFFL.

  1. Treasurer

Duties are to plan, forecast, execute, and provide oversight into all financial matters. This individual will have co-signing authority on the dispersal of organization funds.

  1. Discipline Director

Duties are to form and coordinate the activities of the Discipline Committee whose goal is to gather information pertaining to significant discipline incidents stemming from the scheduled SFFL games. After information is obtained, this individual will present the findings and disciplinary action recommended by the Discipline Committee to the SFFL Executives and to the captain(s) of the teams of the individuals impacted.

  1. Social Media Coordinator

Duties are to maintain the organization’s website and social media outlets, including updating information (news, scores, standings). Maintain a professional and cohesive social media presence that aligns with the organization.

  1. Registrar

Duties are to acquire team and player registration, as well as game attendance information to ensure that teams and players comply with the objectives and By-laws of the organization for matters pertaining to member eligibility and identification.

  1. Scheduler

Duties are to communicate with the Brampton Rugby Football Club to acquire field agreements and ensure that the SFFL schedule is planned and executed in compliance with that agreement. This individual will communicate the schedule, and changes to it, to the League Members.

  1. Officials Liaison

Duties are to promote an understanding of existing rules and proposed rule modifications, as well as to foster opportunities for improved player-referee interaction. This individual will act as the main point of contact with the Discipline Committee in such events.


A quorum exists whenever a majority of members are present in person or through written proxy. For a motion to gain acceptance, over 50% of all the eligible votes must be cast in favour of that motion including votes from members present, members through proxy, and members absent without proxy.

For matters falling outside of the defined Constitution and By-Laws, the Executive Committee may choose to defer any action and/or defer the vote upon such issues to the AGM anticipated for the next season. The Executive Committee can make recommendations for specific actions which can be presented for approval through a vote afforded during the season and, if voted upon, will be acted on if a majority of total votes is cast in favour of implementing those recommendations.


The SFFL’s AGM shall be held before the start of each season. The Executive Committee will notify representatives (team captains) of the League Membership from the previous season as well as any interested new team applications and/or other parties or affiliations of interest.

At the AGM, teams are encouraged to have up to two members of their roster present although the team itself has only one ‘eligible vote’ as a part of the voting committee.


Dissolution of a team within the SFFL will result in that team losing its ‘in good standing’ classification within the SFFL. It will also result in the loss of the approved registration status held by the Executive Committee on behalf of the SFFL for that team. A dissolved team retains no rights to or benefits from the SFFL and a dissolved team is no longer a League Member.

Dissolution of a team does not imply the SFFL is required to refund any perceived or calculated unused portion of that team’s registration fees for that season.

Dissolution of the SFFL itself can occur at any time for various circumstances including but not limited to:

  • Insufficient available fields or fields at costs acceptable to League Membership
  • Insufficient number of teams and/or volunteers to maintain a viable SFFL
  • Inability to secure or demonstrate compliance to an SFFL or affiliated organizational requirement
  • The circumstance of a negative cash-on-hand balance and the unwillingness of League Members to reconcile this within the time period specified by the parties to which it is owed
  • Request from a recognized government authority (such as national emergency)
  • Court assigned judgment or order of execution

Should there be a need to start the dissolution process for the entire SFFL, the Executive Committee shall first suspend the authorization of further expense as best as possible and permitted by the implicated contract, as well as cancel any previously approved planned expense about to be obtained. Then it will ensure that provided the SFFL’s cash-on=hand balance permits it, that all outstanding pre-approved expenses purchased and received have been paid for.