Scramble Flag Football League
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Official Rule Book


  • a single bout of rock, paper, scissors will decide choice
    • the winner will have the choice of (1) receiving the ball to begin the game, (2) kick the ball to begin the game, (3) which end of the field to begin in, or (4) defer their choice until the second half
    • after the winner has elected to kick or receive, the loser elects which end to receive or kick off in
    • if the winner elects to defer until the second half, the loser will choose one of the first three options given above
  • if the winner elects any of the first three options, the loser still has the choice come the second half. ex. if winner of RPS elects to receive in the first half, the loser has the option of receiving, kicking, or side in the second half
  • a coin toss will replace a bout of rock, paper, scissors during the playoff rounds.
    • the lower seeded team will call heads or tails, if the coin matches their call they receive the same options listed above
    • all other decisions will follow the same as listed above
  • Each player on the field will wear the supplied belt with two flags attached at each hip
    • Only flags supplied by the league will be permitted - unless given the okay by the head official permitting they remain the same length as the provided flags


  • a touchdown will earn a team six points
    • these occur when the ball carrier has two feet in the endzone and ball crosses the goal line or is caught within the boundaries of the endzone
    • if the ball is turned over on offense, the defense becomes the offense and if they cross the opposing goal line, a touchdown will be awarded
    • on a kickoff, the returning team is the offense and if they run the ball back to the kicking side and cross the opposing goal line, a touchdown will be rewarded
  • a one point conversion will earn a team a single point
    • these occur after a touchdown is scored and consists of a one down drive from the five yard line
    • if the defense intercepts a one point try they can run it back to the opposing goal line for a single point
    • in overtime, a one point conversion try is an option for the offense
  • a two point conversion will earn a team two points
    • these occur after a touchdown is scored and consists of a one down drive from the ten yard line
    • if the defense intercepts a two point try they can run it back to the opposing goal line for two points
    • in overtime, a two point conversion try is an option for the offense
  • a safety will earn a team two points
    • if an offensive player is flagged in their own endzone a safety will be awarded to the defense
    • if the ball is snapped by the centre and the ball does not successfully connect with the quarterback and hits the ground in the endzone, a safety will be awarded to the defense

      Field Dimensions

  • Length
    • 100 yards in length (stride step)
  • Width
    • 50 yards in width (stride step)

      Gameplay lines

  • Scrimmage
    • The line of scrimmage is where the ball carrier has been flagged and the play has ended. The referee will mark with a marker bag
    • The offense cannot start on the opposite side of this marker bag, the defense cannot start on their opposite of the marker bag
  • Rush line
    • The referee will mark 5 yards from the line of scrimmage toward the defense with a second marker bag
    • If the defense opts to rush the quarterback they must line up behind this marker bag
    • The rusher must line up behind this line (front foot cannot be in front of the line) otherwise this player cannot rush the quarterback
  • First down
    • The referee will mark 20 yards from the line of scrimmage toward the defense with a third marker bag
    • The offense has 4 attempts to cross this bag for a new set of downs. If they fail to do so the ball will be turned over to the opposite team.
  • Endzones
    • the endzones will be 10 yards in depth, and will match the field's’ width
  • Conversions
    • after a touchdown has been scored the scoring team will have the choice to go for a one-point or two-point conversion
    • the one point try will be held five yards out of the endzone in line with the first marker out of the endzone
    • the two point try will be held ten yards out of the endzone in line with the second marker out of the endzone
  • Kickoffs/Restart
    • At the beginning of a game and after a team scores a restart will occur, the receiving team can opt for a kickoff from the 20 yard line, or to just start from the receiving teams own 20 yard
    • during kickoffs, the kicking team will line up anywhere behind the 15 yard line
    • teams are permitted to punt the ball or use a tee to kickoff


  • Regulation
    • the game consists of two twenty minute halves running time
      • stoppages of this running time will only occur during referee consultation, injury, and within the final two minutes of the second half
      • the referees will announce to both teams of two minutes remaining
      • the final minutes of play of the first half will continue to operate as run time and the only reason for non referee discretion stoppage is caused by a called timeout
      • the final minutes of play of the second half will change to stop time and will stop at the occurrence of an incomplete pass, out of bounds, or a timeout
    • after the ball is spotted the offense has twenty seconds to snap the ball and begin the play, if this is not done a penalty will incur
      • after the ball has been snapped, the offense has seven seconds to throw the ball or run it if permitted. if they fail to make a play in seven seconds the referee will blow their whistle and the play becomes dead
    • there will be a three to five minute break between each half at the referee’s discretion
    • in the case of extreme temperatures, water breaks will be called for both teams, at the referee’s discretion
    • in the case of extreme weather (ex. thunderstorms), upon the sights of lightning the time will be stopped and the game will be suspended until it passes
    • if either team does not show up at their scheduled game time, the officials will wait fifteen minutes and if the team still does not have the required number of players to begin, they will be forced to forfeit
      • the waiting team has the option to play after said fifteen minutes however the game will be cut short to accommodate the week’s schedule
  • Timeouts
    • each team is given two timeouts per half for a total of four timeouts in the game
    • if a team would like to use a timeout to stop the clock, the official must be informed directly so that they may relay the timeout to the timekeeper
      • during the timeout, the offense and defense must remain on their own sides of the line of scrimmage
      • the team who called the timeout will receive sixty seconds to collect their thoughts and devise any strategy they choose to
      • the team can elect to end their timeout early if they simply chose to stop the clock
    • if a team ends the first half with any of their two timeouts remaining, they will not rollover to the second half and any count will reset to two
    • in the case of overtime, each team will receive one timeout
  • Overtime
    • There will be no overtime in regular season and the game will conclude in a tie
    • in the event of a tied score at the conclusion of the second half, the game will continue into an overtime format so a winner can be declared (playoffs)
    • the format for overtime is a shoot-out style
      • the lower seeded team will undergo a coin toss to decide which team will try first
      • the team chosen to go first will elect to go for a 1 or 2 point conversion and try from the designated spot on the field.
      • the opposing team will have an opportunity to elect to go for 1 or 2 after. if they successfully earn a higher conversion, the game will end and they are declared the winner. if they successfully earn an equal valued conversion, the first team will try again. if they are unsuccessful with matching or scoring a higher amount of points on the conversion, the first team is declared the winner


  • Teams
    • Each team has a maximum roster size of 15
    • each player is responsible to sign in with the scorekeeper prior to strapping up a belt and playing on the field
    • 7 players will be permitted on the field of play, any more will result in a penalty
    • The game will only be played if a team has a minimum of 4 players
      • If a team is down players (ex. 5) the opposing team may still play with a full line of 7. It is ultimately up to the opposing team to sit players for ‘fair play’
      • If a team arrives to game time with three or less players on their roster, they must forfeit the game and are subject to a fine
    • Substitute players (those who are not on the team’s roster) are permitted to play if a team does not have sufficient numbers, provided it is agreed upon by a captain of the opposing team
    • with 7 on the field, a team is permitted 5 additional on the bench
  • Officials
    • depending on the success of the staffing process, there will be at least one official on the field who will hold control of the game
    • if there are more than one official on-field, one will be granted control and other officials will report to them
    • the timekeeper will remain on the sideline at middle field where they will operate the stopwatch
      • if there is no personnel for this task, it will fall onto the head on-field official
    • the scorekeeper will remain on the sideline at middle field where they will keep track of stats on the sign in sheet
      • if there is no personnel for this task, it will fall onto the head on-field official and the game will slightly slow down to accommodate for the increased workload
    • sideline officials will stand on line of scrimmage and have an eye for offsides or any illegal touching beyond five yards
      • these officials can be other players based on good standings and head officials discretion
  • Other
    • fans are permitted to be vocal and cheer for whichever team
      • any flagrant remarks or any sort of misconduct will result in officials asking these individuals to leave
      • Alcohol consumption is not permitted before and during play
      • smoking is not permitted
      • marijuana use is not permitted before and during play
      • illegal drug use is not permitted
      • Any alcohol or drug use are subjected to the city bylaws
    • players not currently playing are to adhere to the same rules as fans
    • guests and players are to use the garbage cans provided and to be respectful of the fields, those who mistreat and misuse the field will be subject to fine


  • Offense
    • the play begins when the ball is snapped between the legs of the centre
    • the receiver to this snap may pass the ball to a teammate, hand the ball off to a runningback, or run the ball themselves if permitted
    • the offense has four attempts to cross the first down marker, once this is achieved the down count resets until a turnover occurs or the endzone is reached
      • if fourth down occurs the offense has the option to try to convert the first down or to punt the ball away
      • there are no punt trick plays permitted as the offense must declare and follow through with a punt
    • Running
      • the offense may use multiple handoffs behind the line of scrimmage so long they are all backward handoffs
      • after a player who takes a handoff from the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage can throw the ball
      • once the ball leaves the quarterback’s hands any defensive player can pursue the runner
      • once the ball leaves the quarterback’s hands the seven second pass timer is void
      • the quarterback can only run once the blitzing defender has passed the line of scrimmage
      • the ball carrier can spin to avoid being flagged
      • the ball carrier is not permitted to jump directly at a defender as it will result in penalty and a possible fine
      • the ball carrier is not permitted to lower a shoulder at any defender or will be subject to penalty and a possible fine
      • once the ball carrier has been flagged, the play will end and the ball will be spotted where the ball carrier’s feet were, not where the ball is
    • Passing
      • the quarterback has seven seconds to throw the ball after it has been snapped, if they do not, the play becomes dead and down will be lost
      • only defensive players starting at the rush line can rush the quarterback
        • rushers must declare that they are pass rushers by raising one arm in the air until the ball is snapped
      • if the quarterback is flagged before throwing the ball a sack will be awarded to the defense and the ball will be spotted at the point of flag
      • if quarterback is flagged during the throwing motion it is up to the officials to decide whether the quarterback has been sacked or not
        • the officials will deem it a sack if the quarterback is in the initial stages of a throw
        • the officials will deem it a pass if the quarterback is in the final stages of a throw
      • for a throw to count the quarterback must release the ball before the line of scrimmage
      • if the quarterback passes the ball and the ball connects with the ground before a receiver, the play is dead as an incomplete pass has occurred
      • if the pass is completed to a defensive player it is deemed an interception and the play remains alive and the defense immediately becomes the offense until a flag is pulled
    • Receiving
      • all players are eligible to receive a pass, the quarterback included after the ball has been handed off
      • after the ball has been snapped, the centre can stand up and become an eligible receiver
        • This player has time to stand up and gather themselves before they can be pressed
        • This player must make an attempt to not run into the path of the rusher
      • forward motion toward the line of scrimmage prior to the ball being snapped is not permitted
        • horizontal motion is permitted
      • in the situation of a ball being sidelined, the receiver must have possession of the ball and have both feet in bounds before it is called complete
      • if a receiver steps out of bounds they are deemed ineligible
      • if a player receives the ball behind the quarterback the are able to complete a pass
      • after a player receives the ball all above rules for running now apply
      • if the receiver’s knee touches the ground when they have the ball they are giving themselves up and the play ends where the knee is down
  • Defense
    • a flag pull is equivalent to a tackle and ends the play once done
    • in the process of reaching for the flag, and shirt is grabbed instead, players are to immediately let go and try again or subject to a holding penalty
    • press coverage to a certain extent is permitted within the first five yards of the line of scrimmage, and hands on passed that line is deemed unsportsmanlike, illegal contact, or pass interference
    • if a defensive player catches the ball from the quarterback directly or catches a bobbled pass an interception occurs and immediately becomes an offensive runner
      • if an interception occurs on a conversion try, it can be returned for the designated amount of points
    • stripping the ball from receivers is not permitted and may result in a penalty
    • Rushing the Quarterback
      • any defensive player can rush the quarterback once a single arm is raised before the snap
      • defensive players can raise their arms and opt not to rush the quarterback
      • any defensive player who chooses to rush the quarterback must be behind the rush line prior to the snap
      • players not rushing may play anywhere beyond the line of scrimmage
      • a blitzer must stand at least 2 metres on either side of the centre at an attempt to avoid any incidental contact
      • the rushing defender is permitted to raise their hands at the quarterback in an attempt to swat a pass
        • if this player leaves their feet, a penalty will incur
        • if the ball ends up in the raised hands of a defender this will be deemed an interception
      • if the quarterbacks flag is pulled prior to a pass a sack will be rewarded to the defense
        • if this sack occurs in the offense’s own end zone a two pointed safety will occur and will receive the ball from a kick
  • Special Teams
    • Kickoff
      • a kickoff can occur at the beginning of each half, after every touchdown, and after a safety has been awarded
      • a kickoff will take place anywhere before the fifteen yard marker
        • either a kickoff with a tee or a punt is permitted
      • once the ball has been kicked, the kicking team is to chase the ball carrier down and make a flag pull
      • if the ball is kicked directly out of bounds, a penalty will occur and the ball will be spotted fifteen yards from where the ball crosses the sideline
      • if the ball is kicked and not caught directly the play is dead and will be marked where the ball made contact with the ground
    • Punting
      • an offense can elect to punt the ball on any down and must do so without trickery
      • offensive players must remain behind the line of scrimmage until after the ball is punted
      • The ball must be snapped by a centre to a punter
      • if the ball is kicked directly out of bounds the ball will be spotted where the ball crossed the sideline
      • if the ball is kicked in bounds and not caught directly the play is dead and will be marked where the ball made contact with the ground
    • Kick/Punt Return
      • a ball may only be run back if caught directly
      • blocking and setting picks on the return is not permitted
      • the ball carrier rules apply to the kick returner
      • on punt defense, any attempt to block the punt is not permitted
  • Deadballs
    • play is ruled ‘dead’ when:
      • official blows the whistle
      • any incomplete pass is made
      • ball carrier’s flags are pulled or becomes illegal
      • ball carrier steps out of bounds
      • touchdown or safety score
      • when any part of the ball carrier’s body, other than the hand or foot touches the ground
    • if the ball carrier’s flag falls off, the play will continue until the players is simply touched by a single hand
    • if a player has possession and continues to lose possession a fumble occurs, the play is dead and the ball will be spotted where the ball made contact with the ground
    • if a bad snap occurs the play will be called dead and the ball will be spotted where the ball made contact with the ground
    • player substitutions are permitted on any dead ball

      Code of Conduct

  • Sportsmanship/Roughing
    • Sportsmanship on the field comes down to the discretion of the referee
    • Player safety is important and any degree of intentional roughing will not be tolerated
      • The penalties and ejections will be decided on by the referees depending on the degree of the incident
      • Administration will handle any suspensions or further disciplines
    • When players are unsportsmanlike to a degree and/or when players are unnecessarily rough the referees will discuss and the captains will be called in
    • Any penalties can be accepted or declined from the opposing team
  • Offensive Penalties
    • Blocks and picks
      • Deemed a block of the defenders path is impeded by an offensive player who is not the ball carrier
      • 5 yards from the spot of the foul, loss of down
    • Impeding the rusher
      • Lining up or running a route through the rusher’s direct line of pursuit to the quarterback whether intentionally or unintentionally. Referee discretion on intent
      • 5 yards from LOS and repeat the down
    • Flag guards
      • The direct pathway from defenders hand to ball carriers flag, intentionally or unintentionally
      • Dead ball, 5 yards back from the Spot of foul
    • Pass clock
      • The quarterback fails to throw the ball within 7 seconds
      • Dead ball, loss of down
    • Illegal forward throw/run
      • Quarterback passes the line of scrimmage before a rush was sent
      • Throwing the ball on the defensive side of the line of scrimmage
      • A forward lateral in open play
      • Dead ball, loss of down
    • Offside
      • Any offensive player who lines up in front of the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped
      • If a player steps offside and the ball is not snapped they can step back before so to avoid the penalty
      • 5 yards, repeat down
    • Forward motion
      • Receivers stride toward the line of scrimmage before the snap
      • 5 yards, repeat down
    • Offensive pass interference
      • Offensive and defensive player both have rights to the ball, if the offensive player makes any motion that is not considered a non-football move towards the ball to catch (ex. A blatant push off) a penalty occurs
      • 5 yards from line of scrimmage, loss of down
    • Roughing
      • Offensive players who jump directly at a defensive player
      • Offensive players who drop their shoulder at a defensive player
      • Offensive players who stiff arm a defensive player
      • Spot foul, 5-15 yards depending on severity of event
        • This can lead to further disciplines
    • Delay of Game
      • The offense does not snap the ball before the referee play clock gets to zero
      • 5 yard, repeat down
    • Diving
      • If a player leaves his or her feet with the intention of gaining more yards
      • Dead ball where the diver left their feet, next down
  • Defensive Penalties
    • Holding
      • Defender impedes ball carrier by:
        • Grabbing and holding their clothing preventing the natural motion of the player
        • Holding on the player in a hugging type of motion
        • Ball carrier’s clothing must not be covering flags
      • 5 yards from the END of the play.
    • Defensive Pass Interference
      • Defensive player does not make a play on the ball. Plays the receiver instead of the ball;
      • Face guarding
      • Preventing the receiver from catching the ball
      • Contact with the receiver before the ball
      • Spot foul and automatic first down
    • Illegal Rush
      • The rushing defender leaves the ground to jump at the quarterback on the offensive side of the line of scrimmage
      • Defensive player not declaring a rush, rushes the quarterback and makes contact with the quarterback
      • Impeding the throwing motion of the quarterback by making contact with the throwing arm
      • 5 yard penalty and repeat down
    • Offside
      • Defensive player lines up on the offensive side of the line of scrimmage
      • 5 yard penalty and repeat down
    • Roughing
      • Any defensive player who makes a non-flag football move toward an offensive player that risks the player’s safety
      • Not committing to the ball carrier’s flags (ex. Wrap or shoulder bump)
      • Penalty comes down to referees discretion
    • Hands on
      • Defensive players continue to press beyond the 5 yards cushion is considered illegal
      • Defensive players who grab shirts to attempt to impede offensive momentum
      • 5 yard penalty added at the END of the play
  • Other Misconduct
    • Delay of Game (Kickoff and Punts)
      • Kicking team did not kick the ball off before the referee play clock reaches zero
      • 5 yards up from end of return
    • Early Chase (Kickoff and Punts)
      • Defenders leave the line of scrimmage (kicking line) before the ball is kicked - up to the referee’s discretion
      • 5 yards up from end of return
    • Kicked Out of Bounds (Kickoff only)
      • The ball was kicked directly out of bounds
      • 15 yards up from where the ball went out of bounds
    • Too many players on the field
      • This may occur during substitution or regular play, whenever there is more than seven players on the field at the snap of the ball
      • Play is dead and a 5 yard penalty occurs
    • Sportsmanship
      • All players and participants are to maintain a level of sportsmanship which adheres to the friendly game play of Scramble Flag Football
    • Harassment
      • Will not be tolerated in our league and may lead to severe discipline
      • This may occur, verbally, physically, sexually etc.