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For coaches

All bench staff are required to register themselves through spordle using the following link:
ROCKLAND MHA Registration Page (

  • Please select "Bench Staff" option instead of a team player option
  • If you have played/volunteered with minor hockey in the past, please select "returning"

New volunteers
Certification/qualification requirements
In order to become a head coach, assistant coach, on-ice instructor and/or trainer with R.M.H.A. you must go to the link below and find out what qualifications/certifications are needed. Once You get to the link, there will be a series of drop-down menus that will allow you to select the division, level and position you are interested in. Click on the submit button and below there will be bulleted list of what you need. There will also be a description and important information listed below the list for you to read.

Returning volunteers
As a returning volunteer, you are likely already have/know what is needed in regards to certification/qualifications unless you are looking at a different position/level from the previous season. Please use the above direction to find out what is needed.
*Please note that there are certain certifications that must be completed EVERY season and ones that only need to be done once. Below, there will be a list showing the distinction.

Hockey Canada Account
In order to verify the qualification/certifications you have already obtained; you will need to log in to your main Hockey Canada account at the Spordle website linked below. If you have never created an account through spordle, you can go through the “Sign up” link. This will require you to have access to your HCR# which everyone who has ever registered themselves or family for minor hockey has. If you do not know your HCR# please contact the RMHA registrar.

HCR Clinics
Any of the online clinics are found on the Hockey Canada Registry linked below. For example, the “Coach-Gender identity and expression course” is a free online, recorded, course that can be accessed at anytime at this link.

Coach 1 / Coach 2 levels
Both the Coach 1 and Coach 2 certification courses are held in person only and are scheduled by Hockey Eastern Ontario. You must keep an eye on the availability of the clinics at the link above under the “HCR Clinics” heading.  

All trainers must complete the online HTCP Level 1 course found on the Hockey Trainers Ontario site linked below.

Head Coaches
All head coaches are selected by the Player Development and Coach Mentor Director with RMHA. In order to put your name forward to be a head coach, you must complete the form at the link below.
2024/2025 Head Coaches Application

Assistant Coaches
Assistant coaches are selected by the RMHA designated head coach for any specific team. Once the head coach is announced, anyone interested in becoming an assistant coach must contact the head coach and communicate their interest. When the head coach selects his/her assistant coach, then the assistant will need to complete the courses listed in the link provided under “New Volunteers” section above.

Team Managers
Team Managers are selected by the RMHA designated head coach for any specific team. Once the head coach is announced, anyone interested in becoming an team manager must contact the head coach and communicate their interest. When the head coach selects his/her team manager, then the manager will need to complete the following items:
  • Respect in Sport Activity Leader (Link at bottom of page)
  • Gender Identity (Link at bottom of page)
  • Vulnerable Sector Check (See directly below for process)
The team manager must also make sure they create/log in to their spordle account to verify completed items. See "Hockey Canada Account" above.

Linking Respect In Sports Certification

If you have completed the course previously but are registering a new child with RMHA, then you must log into your profile and link your new player to the Respect in sports profile.  To do this go to the Respect in Sport Parent log in page -   Log in (if you are unsure of your user name or password then you can use the Retrieve User Name and Retrieve Password links at the bottom left part of the screen). Once you are logged in, go to Profile (it's menu at the top of the screen) and then a menu will show up on the left side of the screen.  You want the button that says Child Management.  That will take you to a page that has a button where you can add your new player to your Profile.  Once you add your player, then you can log off.

Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
In order to be any of the positions listed on this page, you must complete a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) with the OPP. Each VSC is good for 3 years time. This process involves 2 steps:
  • Step 1 - Request a "Volunteer Letter" from the Risk & Safety Director. This will allow you to get the VSC at no charge. Specific contact instructions to follow.
  • Step 2 - The VSC will now only be done online through the OPP website. Click the link below and follow the steps on the page to complete.
The Link -
Course list
  • Coach 1
    • 1 day in class course
  • Coach 2
    • 1 day in class course
  • Hockey University Online Coach 1 / 2
  • Hockey University - Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
  • Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders (coaches, trainers, on-ice instructors)
    • Complete the course here -
    • This course only needs to be completed once and does not need to be completed every year
    • There is a one time $12 fee for this course that RMHA will not reimburse for
  • Respect in Sport for Parents
    • Complete the course here -
    • This course only needs to be completed once and does not need to be completed every year
    • For new members, you will need to create an account. You will see the options once you get to the site.
    • There is a one time $12 fee for this course that RMHA will not reimburse for
  • Gender Identity Online Training
  • HTCP Level 1 - Online Certification