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River East Coaches' Drills




Welcome to River East Minor Hockey's Drill section. This section has been created at the suggestion of one of our coaches.

If you have a favourite drill that you would like to share, please send it in and we'll include it below. Remember to include the name of the drill, objective and a full description.

Drill #: Title Skills Developed
Drill #1: Swedish Shooting Warmup #2 Passing/Puck Control
Drill #2: 2 on 0 Regroup Passing/Positioning
Drill #3: Overspeed Change of Direction Support your Pass Passing/Shooting
Drill #4: Regroup Misdirection Passing/Skating/Communication
Drill #5: One Puck Continuous 2 on 2 Positioning/Attacking/Defending


Here are some additional links to websites with Drills: