League play games are intended to help develop your players, so your team is ready to compete in Tournaments
*Home/Away Team will be determined by "Coin Flip" at plate meeting
*Each Team is responsible for providing at least 2 game balls per game
All games with follow NFHS rules.
9u Games may choose not to allow "Lead Offs" or "Drop 3rd Strike", game time decision between coaches
9u/10u games may choose not do allow "Dropped 3rd Strike", game time decision between coaches
Pregame Warm-Up
*No warm-ups on infield prior to the game. Dirt area between baseline and dugout can be used for infield work prior to the game.
Slide rule
*Umpires will enforce an avoid contact or must slide rule at all bases. Malicious contact-runner will be ejected. It is the discretion of the umpire if the runner is trying to avoid contact or a collision. This is a judgment call by Umpire. Not open to discussion or protest - Umpire Judgment.
*A must slide rule will be in effect when an infielder is attempting to turn a double-play at any base. If the runner is not close enough to merit a slide, he must peel away from the baseline. The runner will be called out only if by his not sliding or peeling away affects the defensive play. Runner may also be called out or ejected for a malicious slide into any base. This a judgment call by Umpire.
Time Limit
*All Games in Divisions 9u - 12u Divisions will be 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes. In the event time has expired and the game is tied, the game will end in a tie.
*All Games in Divisions 13u and 14u will be 7 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes. In the event time has expired and the game is tied, the game will end in a tie.
Run Rules (change to rule can be made between both teams prior to game)
*1/2 inning ends upon completion of 3 outs with the following exceptions;
*Offense team has batted through entire batting order.
*8 runs recorded by offensive team. All runs which score on the play of the 8th run are recorded.
Cleat Restrictions
*no restrictions on metal cleats, with the following exception; Pitchers are not allowed to wear metal cleats on portable mounds, rubber cleats or turf shoes are required
Bat Restrictions
9u-13u; Bats must be 1.15 BPF Stamped USSSA or USA stamped.
14u; Only BBCOR bats will be allowed
*Only two coaches outside of dugout during games (does not include base coaches)
Field Dimensions (teams will never play "down" in field dimensions)
· 9u – 46’ pitching & 60’ bases
· 10u – 46’ pitching & 65’ bases
· 11u & 12u – 50’ pitching & 70’ bases
· 13u – 54’ pitching & 80’ bases
· 14u – 60′ pitching & 90′ bases