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Managers Corner
**Updated September 30th 2023**

Coaching/Managing Certification Requirements (For 2023 Season)

  • All registered team officials aged 16 and over must have the Respect in Sport certification.  A registered team official is any individual listed for insurance purposes.  This is an individual who will be on the ice with the team at practice or on the bench during games. #8.01.01.f)
  • Communicate with your minor hockey registrar and or division coordinators to make sure that your coaches have their proper coaching credentials.

    December 15: Final date for any TEAM OFFICIAL to be removed from a team roster. The appropriate certifications will be required after this date.
    December 20: Final date for all team officials to obtain appropriate certifications. Teams will be fined $50 per infraction by Hockey Saskatchewan as per regulation 8.01.01.b

    Manager, Trainer, Volunteer, Bench Person (U5 to U18 age groups)
    1. Respect in Sport
    1. Hockey Canada Safety Program
    HCSP Level 1 or HU SAFETY – One (1) of the registered team officials (manager, coach, trainer or volunteer) must have this certification

    Additional information can be found on

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