Parent info

Central Zone Soccer is a recreational, co-ed, NO CUT outdoor soccer program. The 2025 season will run for 6 weeks, from Monday, April 28 to Saturday, June 7 (weather dependent), with a year-end tournament and wind-up with BBQ (each player will be provided with a lunch) at Gocki Park (next to the spray pad!). Stay tuned for more information!

All games will be played in fields in central Regina neighbourhoods, such as Les Sherman, Gocki Park and Parkdale Park.

All U7 teams will play one evening per week, on Tuesdays. U10 teams will play Mondays and Wednesdays. U15 teams will play Mondays and Wednesdays. Games will be held weekdays weekdays 6 - 7pm and/or 7 - 8pm for all age groups.

Rosters and schedules will be available on TeamLinkt! Please be sure to download the TeamLinkt app, so that you can see your player's team roster, schedule, set their availability for each game, and get messages from your coach(es). You can also add a photo of your cute kid to their profile if you want!

All four U7 teams: First games will be on Tuesday, April 29, 2025 at 6:00pm
All four U10 teams: First games will be on Monday, April 28, 2025 at 6:00pm
All four U15 teams: First games will be on Monday, April 28, 2025 at 7:00pm

*Locations on TeamLinkt; first games will either be at Gocki Park or Les Sherman Park.*


We will have three age categories: U7 , U10, and U15. Central Zone Soccer registers children by the year they were born (similar to school registration). This may result in some players appearing to be in a different age group than expected.

2025 Age Groups by Birth YearFeesDays of Play
U7 - Children born in 2018, 2019, 2020 or 2021 (must be 4 by April 29th)$40Tuesdays
U10 - Children born in 2015, 2016 or 2017$60Mondays + Wednesdays
U15 - Children born in 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 or 2010$60Mondays + Wednesdays

We may adjust age divisions based on registration numbers. Schedules and nights are subject to change and not final teams are finalized. We reserve the right to change the schedule.

player equipment

  • Each player will receive their own Central Zone soccer jersey to keep.
  • All children playing Central Zone Soccer need to wear running shoes/cleats and shin pads/guards to each game. NO METAL CLEATS ALLOWED.
  • SHIN PADS/GUARDS ARE MANDATORY. These can be purchased at sports or department stores for a reasonable price, or on resale sites such as Facebook Marketplace. We also have a limited supply to shin guards, so if you need help obtaining shin guards, please reach out to
  • Please dress your player in appropriate athletic wear for the weather. Early May evenings can be quite cool, and June can be hot!
  • We also recommend bringing a water bottle, bug spray, and sunscreen to games.


Players can register and pay online by credit card (through TeamLinkt). Players who complete the online registration also have other options for payment (e-transfer, cash, cheque, debit, or sponsorship).

If you would like to avoid paying credit card processing fees, you can complete online registration and then pay by etransfer (; make sure to include player's first and last name), or arrange for another form of in-person payment (debit/cash/etc).

In-person registration options:
  • Drop-in registration at Heritage's Mitakuyé Owâs’ā Centre, 1770 Halifax St. (Tuesdays to Thursdays from 1:00pm - 4:00pm)
  • By appointment at Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre, 2900 13th Ave. (email

Refunds will be issued prior to the end of the initial registration period closing. Refunds are subject to a $5 fee to cover transaction and administration costs. Refunds will not be issued after the initial registration period has closed.

After online registration closes, teams will be built and a limited number of spaces in each division may be available. A late registration period with limited spaces may occur after registration closes, and these spaces will be first come, first served.


  • All communication will take place on TeamLinkt. Please download the app to stay in touch!
  • Please try to send a message to your coach if you are unable to attend a game.
  • Please support your coach by offering to assist if he/she is alone at a game, or is unable to attend a game.
  • Please remember that you are ultimately responsible for the supervision of your child(ren) at all times. Central Zone Soccer, its volunteers (coaches/assistants, etc.), and its referees are not responsible for supervision before, during, or after games.
  • Please remember to be encouraging and cheer for good play on both sides of the field, and equal playing time for all! The focus of recreational outdoor soccer is sportsmanship, skill development, and fun!

game cancellations

Games may be cancelled for the following reasons:

  • The City of Regina has declared the field(s) closed due to poor field conditions. We do NOT play on fields that have been closed. You can check the status of fields HERE. The city usually updates the field conditions by 3:00 pm each day.
  • Your coach may cancel/suspend a game due to inclement weather or other possible dangers. Your coach should contact you via TeamLinkt or other agreed upon method to alert you of the cancellation. 


If you need sponsorship in order to help cover the costs of this soccer season, Kidsport and Jumpstart are funding supports that will sponsor your child. You must apply for this online yourself. When filling out a form, please include: payable to Cathedral Village Community Association (2900 13th Ave. Regina, SK S4T 1N7) for the Central Zone Board Soccer league.

KidSport funding is available for eligible children. You can apply here:

Jumpstart website:

If you are applying for sponsorship, please complete either an online registration or fill out a paper registration and indicate that you have applied for sponsorship.