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Player's Safety Matters

Avalon Minor Football is committed to providing a safe environment for your players during practice and games.  As part of that commitment we have set certain guidelines for coaches and trainers to follow:

  • If a player must leave the field in a practice or game due to an injury, they will require the permission of the parent/guardian or medical professional to return to play
  • The Head Coach may request a Doctor's note stating that the player may return before allowing the player back on the field
  • All coaches and trainers are required to complete the "Making Head Way" module provided by the Coaching Association of Canada
  • All coaches will follow the Return To Play guidelines established by the Coaching Association of Canada

Concussion Awareness

Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreational activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it’s important for all coaches, parents, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs.

Please click the link to access resources and information related to concussions

Concussion resources