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Avalon Minor Football is a non-profit organization committed to the development of youth through the sport of football. As an organization we rely on the dedication and commitment of our volunteers to act in the best interest of your players, the communities we serve and the sport. If you have questions/concerns regarding the actions or conduct of one of our representatives then please follow the process as outlined below.

We are an independent organization and all issues should be directed through the proper channels within Avalon Minor Football. All grievances will be taken seriously and decisions from the Avalon Minor Football executive will be in the best interest of the players to ensure that the environment we create, on and off the field, is one guided by safety, respect and teamwork. Avalon Minor Football thanks you for your continued support.

Step #1

Contact the Head coach directly. The Head Coach is available to discuss issues or concerns that you may have and are available to discuss those items in person before or after practice. Please do not disrupt practices or games and maintain respectful communication. If you prefer, you may also contact the coach via e-mail or cell phone and schedule a time to discuss your concerns. Please do not contact assistant coaches directly to discuss your concerns as all team issues should be directed to the head coach.

Step #2

If you feel that you have not received the support or assistance that you need to resolve your issues or concerns, you should contact the team manager. The team manager can bring your concern to the executive.

Step #3

If you are not satisfied with the outcome after steps one and two then you may request a meeting with the executive to present your concerns in person. You can make this request in writing, via email, or any Avalon Minor Football executive member. Once all of the facts have been collected and reviewed the executive will convene privately so a resolution can be reached. The decisions of the executive will be communicated to all parties involved.

Decisions made by the executive will be final and will not be open to further discussion.