Subzero Volleyball Club
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2023/2024 Season Outstanding Volunteer Nominations

Subzero is run by volunteers who give their time, energy, and talents to deliver our programming. Each year our coaches, board members, and parents all come together to serve our athletes. We couldn't do what we do without the support and dedication of our volunteers!

This year, we asked our members to submit nominations for outstanding volunteers within the club. These nominees will be entered into a draw to win travel certificates donated by our sponsor Air North, Yukon's Airline. We want to ensure that our nominees see how appreciated they are, which is why we've posted the nominations below! Read on to see some of the amazing things our members have said about our volunteers!

2024 Nominees:

All of the Team Raffle Coordinators (Trish, Dawn, Sofie, Kirsten, Heather, Sandy, Mia, Mary, Erin, Diane, Jenny)
Andrea Wilson
Anthony Grottoli
Caroline Holway
Connie Gleason
Dawn Atkinson-Kelly
Heather Milford
Jeffrey McLean
Jenny Imbeau
Jeremy Staveley
Karen Zaidan
Kenji Tatsumi
Kirk Gilbert
Kirsten Pattimore
Marisa Whyte
Marisa Whyte and Buffy LaBonte-Sias
Mia Ouellette
Natasha Bilodeau
Nathan Bingham
Nicole Yurkoski
Sandy Miller
Sean McCarron
Shirley Ng
Sofie Maurice
Taylor Phillips
The Stokers
Tina Freake

All of the Team Raffle Coordinators (Trish, Dawn, Sofie, Kirsten, Heather, Sandy, Mia, Mary)
It’s a lot of work wrangling players to submit their stubs and cash!

Andrea Wilson - winner!
* For being awesome and supporting coaches, kids, families. Always being available and being so helpful

She is incredible, puts in numerous hours and makes the club run as efficiently as possible. Thanks Andrea, you are a life saver!

Her professionalism and prompt replies to alllll emails!

Does a ton of work that people are not even aware needs to be done.

*Her communication, inclusiveness and organization has been exceptional for out-of-town athletes, and I can't thank her enough for all she has done.

Andrea for doing everything!

Andrea has put countless hours into Subzero over the past few years, to make it run smoothly, fairly, and give volleyball players the best chance they have to participate in as much volleyball as possible across seasons.

Anthony Grottoli
He's a wonderful coach and organizer; I appreciate how he includes the players not able to attend Nationals.

Caroline Holway - winner!
* She is always at every practice and very understanding and goes out of her way to encourage and help.

* Caroline is one of the founding members of Subzero and has been with the club since its inception. Not only does she sit on the Board and coach two teams, but she works tirelessly to provide athletes with better training, equipment, competition, and opportunities to improve in their sport. She is a driving force in Subzero!

Connie Gleason
Connie is our Complaints Chair and has taken on the difficult role of managing issues that arise within the club. This is a very important job and one that NO ONE wants to take on. Connie does an amazing job. She is thoughtful, thorough and takes the time to work through any issues that come up. We really appreciate you, Connie!

Dawn Atkinson-Kelly
Dawn for running our raffle tickets, I know how much effort she has put in!

Heather Milford - winner!
She is awesome! Very supportive!

Jeffery McLean
* Jeffery is a stand-up role model, he’s always there at practice early and the last to leave he talks to every player individually and makes sure that everything is ok and that they are healthy and eating well. He also creates a safe space for his players to be themselves and not be afraid to criticize.

Because of his effort and time put into coaching us. He’s always there and is very supportive to all players.

Jenny Imbeau
Jenny has been instrumental with the organization of the raffle tickets for UG14! She is flexible, patient and kind to the girls and the parents. She was an invaluable teacher to me on how to work with spread sheet and with the funds collected. Thank you, Jenny! Good luck!

Jeremy Staveley
* He puts in so much time and energy into the sport of volleyball and wants the kids of all ages to succeed! I see how much he cares and the time commitment he makes. So many coaches go above and beyond all for free and in the spirit of volunteerism and it should be acknowledged!

* Jeremy genuinely cares about his athletes and about making them better players as well as better people. He goes above and beyond to provide his athletes with a great volleyball experience and ALWAYS volunteers to help out with extra events.

* His time and dedication to the team went over and beyond what I’ve seen my years coaching

* He has done a great job creating a fun and welcoming atmosphere for the U13 boys team….and the growth in their level of play since fall is outstanding!

Karen Zaidan
She is giving her time to provide additional support to the U16 boys teams at nationals!

Kenji Tatsumi - winner!
He helps at every practice and is going to Nationals with the team

Kirk Gilbert
As a parent volunteer, he has gone above and beyond to support all the kids in the 13UG. From picking up and dropping off other parent’s children (including the coach’s!), to organizing a fun volleyball practice, swimming, and pizza for all who can make it, and organizing the lodging arrangements for the Calgary trip in May. Not only does he make sure the children feel supported, he ensures the parents do too!

Kirsten Pattimore - winner!
* Kirsten does a ton of behind-the-scenes work. She is the Game Night Coordinator this year and can be found at every tournament and special event, helping out, cleaning up, taking pictures and making sure everything runs smoothly.

I always see her at everything and she always has a smile on her face. Has also helped through my first ever time as a fundraising parent. Yay Kirsten

Kirsten has been an amazing volunteer for Subzero. She has organized and arranged fundraisers and she has been very quick to respond to emails and texts when contacted. I am grateful for all that she has done for the last few years to keep the rest of us parents in the know. She is the top of my list for this nomination.

Marisa Whyte - winner!
* Marisa goes above and beyond for the players. She stepped up to run game nights after the original organizer couldn't. She has a great rapport with all of them, not just the players on her daughters team. Marisa believes that youth sports should be about fairness, and building confidence.

*Outstanding dedication to game night!

Marisa Whyte and Buffy LaBonte-Sias
* Marisa and Buffy are the first to always jump at the opportunity, every Saturday game night to volunteer. This dynamic duo make game night a great time for all 45 youth who show up, which is no small feat. They are always smiling, laughing, handing out treats and keeping the games moving. They ensure the teams are evenly balanced so that fun is had by everyone. Take your pick on who is Batman and who is Robin on this dream team, because at the end of the day, they are both Batman's in my eyes. They take the lead, they are there early and make sure everything is neat and tidy before they shut the doors at the end of the night. They ensure that all youth are accounted for and have a drive home before they leave. This A-Team is irreplaceable and are truly the definition of supportive, dedicated parents. Google it, their picture is there I'm certain! Thank you Buffy and Marisa for taking time out of every Saturday evening to do what you do!

Buffy and Marisa for being amazing at Game Days and always being there

Mia Ouellette - winner!
She is committed in coaching the U13 girls. Mia is a kind coach and she is connecting with the athletes and helps them develop their skills and abilities in volleyball! She is also an excellent team player and shares her passion with young athletes.

Natasha Bilodeau
* Her dedication, support and guidance to all the girls at U14 is above and beyond. She's not only a coach but also a friend, counselor, therapist, role model, and a mama bear to all of them.

She is an amazing coach! She has lots of understanding, compassion and she respects the girls and treat them with fairness and dignity! Thank you ?

*She puts a lot of time and heart into coaching the girls!!

Nathan Bingham
Always willing to help... aways in a good mood.

Nicole Yurkoski
* Because she organized the travelling for Calgary which wasn’t easy. She did her best to ensure that everything will run properly for everyone.

Sandy Miller
* Sandy has been on the Board for almost two years now and always steps in to help. She has done all of the paperwork to organize a club-wide raffle, which will potentially generate over $70k that athletes can use towards travel costs. She spends hours every week diligently managing the club's finances.

Sandy puts in tons of hours through the treasury position, but also helps out with the U15B team and is always there to add some extra support.

For her work to fix financial reporting for the Club and her efforts in making this year's 50:50 raffle so successful.

She’s always been kind, and always tries her best to help out

Sandy goes above and beyond what any volunteer Treasurer would do for an organization. Not only does she put in countless hours bookkeeping and creating financial statements, for two years in a row now she has been the point person for the Subzero Travel Raffle that brings in much needed funds in order to keep the cost of out-of-territory travel for Subzero families. This behind the scenes work often goes unnoticed. Sandy give up her Saturday evenings to volunteer for Game Nights thus assisting the club with creating an active, social, and fun way for teens to spend their evening. Finally, Sandy always has a smile to share and positive outlook. She's an outstanding volunteer!

Sean McCarron - winner!
* For giving rural kids/youth to level up their game and lots of opportunities to discover their athletic and planning talents as well as establishing good friendships with youth from other teams.

Sean for coaching our wonderful girls

Shirley Ng
Shirley has been willing to step in and scorekeep, provide Timbits, help with trip planning, and even coach during a play-day with Heat. Her energy is boundless and her attitude from the stands or the bench always positive. Shirley is at almost every practice as well, so if there's anything the team needs I know we can count on her to be there.

Sofie Maurice
Sofie is always quick on responding to parent questions and is always willing to help. She is a friendly face at practices and does an amazing job organizing fundraising efforts for the U16 boys team. Sofie, without a doubt, is the most kind and genuine volunteer I have met so far.

Taylor Phillips
* Taylor is a superstar in Subzero. Not only does she coach the 25 players in the 17UB team, but she volunteers for every clinic, organizes all of her own team trips, endlessly advocates for her players and even helps us put together the team first aid kits. Taylor is a driving force in volleyball coaching for Arctic Winter Games, Canada Cup, beach and even for school teams. Volleyball wouldn't be the same without Taylor!

Taylor is a great coach who is giving of a tremendous amount of time and resources. She really cares about the athletes, growing the sport of volleyball in the Yukon, and helping out in every way she can while maintaining a positive attitude and maturity.

The Stokers
They took great photos of us.

Tina Freake
For all of her support and service to the U15 girls volleyball club. Helping to get donations and funding so that Faro members can participate.

subzero would like to thank each and every one of our volunteers. you are all outstanding!