YYC Elite League WTN

YYC Elite League Rules and Regulations 

Teams and Participants

  • 5 teams, one captain per team. (The captain is responsible for communicating with their team about upcoming matches, fees and subs. Captains and players are responsible for finding a suitable substitute if someone is away for a match-up, and this substitute needs to be approved by the other team or commissioner.) 
  • Participants will register as free agents or captains (If there are more captains than teams, the commissioner will randomly select the captain for the teams). 
  • Anyone can register (juniors and adults), and all participants will be drafted to a team which will consist of the starting lineup and a sub list if players are unable to make their matchup. The draft will be by rank (WTN or UTR if there is no WTN ranking), things that may affect you being drafted to a team are injuries, away dates, and how much you are playing. Please note that not everyone drafted to a team will play on a regular basis. 


  • Captains will meet in person with the commissioner and take part in a draft before the league begins. At the draft participants (free agents) will be selected by a team captain.
  • Order of the draft will be determined randomly, each team captain will choose a number from a can. 
  • When the draft begins it will follow a snake-like format, e.g. (1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1,1 etc) until all players have been selected to a team. Not all players on the team will play each week, teams will have subs in case some players are unable to make it to their match-up. 
  • After the draft, team captains will be allowed to make trades with other team captains for 10 minutes, once that time has elapsed, the teams are final.


  • Round Robins (teams in the box will play against each other once, and each team will have one bye week).
  • 4 singles matches (best 2 or 3 short sets, regular tiebreaker at 3-3, no ads, returners choice for deciding point). *** Possible 10-point tiebreaker in the third ***
  • 2 doubles matches (pro set up to 8 games, regular tiebreaker at 7-7, with ad)
  • Once the round robin has completed the top 4 teams make the playoffs. In the first semifinal, Team 1 in the rankings will play Team 4 and Team 2 will play Team 3. The higher-ranked team will get to see the other team's lineup before submitting their own. Winning teams advance to the championship, while the other two play for 3rd/4th.
  • During the season, lineups need to be made by both teams prior to starting the match and both teams are not allowed to see the other teams lineup.


  • Before the season starts each team captain is required to submit their lineup, (e.g. ranking from position 1 to 6). 
  • For singles, no player is allowed to play more than one spot up or down (unless the players above are all unable to attend), this is to prevent stacking. (E.g. player in position 2 can play position 1 or 3 for singles but cannot play in position 4).
  • For doubles (based on singles position) the second team must equal 5 or more points, (e.g. Players 1 and 3 cannot play #2 doubles because that equals 4, however, players 1 and 4 can play #2, same with players 2 and 4 which equals to 6).
  • Subs have to be from the same team, or the sub list. Worst case scenario, subs can be chosen from the team that has a bye week, however, the player subbing has to be the same level or in the same position on that team as the player that is away.

Standings and Points

  • Each singles match is worth 1 pt and each doubles match is worth 2 pts, a team needs 5 points to win the match-up. If the score is 4-4 in points, then the closest doubles match will have to play a superbreaker (up to 10 points) to end the tie.
  • 3 points for a Win
  • 2 points for a Tiebreaker Win
  • 1 point for a Tiebreaker lose
  • 0 points for a Loss.