YMCA of Snohomish County
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Team photos, May 18

Marysville YMCA Picture Schedule



IMPORTANT - if you have make adjustments to the schedule, Your TEAMS PHOTO TIME IS INCONVENIENT OR YOU HAVE questions or need  help, please contact us at…….. CUSTOMER SERVICE EMAIL -> star@starimages.org

 Coaches –  Could you or someone on your team complete this form prior to photo day and then bring it when we take your teams photos???  This will speed up the process immensely.  We will bring blanks to be completed prior to your team is photographed if you can’t get it done before photo time.



Please be ready 10-15 minutes early your photo time is when your team should be in front of the camera not your arrival time.  Arrive early and as soon as your team is ready, we will work with you.  We photograph your team first then individuals so we have to wait until everyone on the team is present before beginning.  As soon as your team is ready, we will begin to take your photos.  Have everyone looking awesome. Complete uniform, jerseys tucked in, shoes tied, and looking great.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ordering photos: See the document attached to this email all photo ordering is completed online.  Complete photo product ordering information and links are available on the attached document.  Product ordering can take place any time between now and 11:00PM the day after photo day.   At that time the pre-ordering link disappears from our website.


This is the link to our website for pre-ordering photos.  Click the link or copy and paste it into your browser and order your photos.



Parents, coaches, team members - Thank you for your business


Customer Service

Youth Sports Photography Services!!!
