In 2016, WMBA instituted a volunteer bond program to highlight our need for volunteers and increase the number of volunteer hours we have available.
WMBA is run completely by volunteers so the need for help is great. Following the lead of many other sports organizations, WMBA continues to implement a volunteer bond each season. Although not everyone has the baseball experience or skills to volunteer for on-field roles, there are many other roles that contribute greatly to the success of our Association, including clinic support, tournament aids, score-keeping, special committees/projects, fundraising, and banquet workers.
In 2025, we revised this program based on feedback to ensure ample opportunities for volunteerism were both available and well communicated ahead of and during the season to ensure all members could step up to the plate and volunteer if they choose to.Purpose
The purpose of the WMBA Volunteer Bond Program is to encourage all Association members to become actively involved in the operation and success of the Association. The Woodstock Minor Ball Association (WMBA) has a membership of nearly 600 players from over 450 families, with players ranging from 3 to 18 years in age. Many of our Association members are unaware of just how many volunteer hours go into a successful season.
The Volunteer Bond Program should encourage Association members to step forward and get involved, and keep registration fees as low as possible. Without the help of volunteers, the cost to operate WMBA would need to be substantially higher. Volunteers must be a minimum of 14 years old to participate in the completion of the Volunteer Bond Program. High School volunteer hours must be separate from these hours for approved sign off.
Please Note: Only one volunteer bond is required per family regardless of the number of players registered in that family.
A mandatory $50.00 fee will be added to the first registration per family and will be immediately collected by WMBA at that time. To have your $50 bond returned, a parent or guardian must volunteer to help our Association. Once the volunteer commitment is complete, and reported to the Volunteer Coordinator, the $50 bond will be credited to the volunteer through the same method of payment used at registration.
For those interested in volunteering, specific opportunities with dates and times will be available by May 1st, 2025 along with updated instructions here on signing up!
1. Why is there a Volunteer Bond?
Woodstock Minor Ball Association is run completely by volunteers. Although the Executive Board commits many hours to ensure the success of the organization, there are activities throughout the season that require additional volunteers. The Volunteer Bond Program is intended to encourage Association members to step forward and get involved.
2. Who decided to have a Volunteer Bond?
The Executive Board of the Woodstock Minor Ball Association in 2016. The program has been reviewed each year and continues to be supported by the current board.
3. How much is the Volunteer Bond?
$50.00 per family.
4. How many hours do I need to put in?
The Volunteer Program runs on opportunities listed on our website, see above for all available types of volunteer opportunities.
5. I don’t want to volunteer or I’m really busy, do I have to volunteer?
No. You can opt out of volunteering. Your $50 bond will not be returned.
6. What volunteer opportunities are available?
The official list of volunteer opportunities is published on the website at Click on the Volunteer Section under Volunteer Roles. New opportunities will be posted throughout the year as the need arises. A call out for assistance by email will also happen periodically throughout the season as well.
7. I don’t know baseball but would love to help out, what can I do to help?
Review the list of volunteer opportunities on the website and submit your interest by email by contacting the Volunteer Director at
8. I don’t want to give the Association a Volunteer Bond. What happens if I refuse to pay it?
The volunteer bond is mandatory for all members and is collected at registration. Unfortunately, your family member(s) will not be able to participate in WMBA baseball programming until they have successfully completed registration, which cannot occur unless the $50 bond is paid.
9. What happens, if I do not complete my volunteering before September 30th?
Your $50 bond will not be returned.
10. If I only complete some but not all of the required commitments, will I receive part of the $50 bond?
No. All commitments must be fully met in order to receive the $50 back.
11. There are no more roles on my team, (Coach, Assistant Coaches and Manager). What can I do?
The Association has many opportunities that help the association. There may be open board positions and understudy roles to each board position. The intent of the Volunteer Bond is to encourage involvement from the membership, so we can offer more clinics, tournaments, and services which can bring more value to the organization.
12. Who is tracking my volunteer credits?
You are responsible to report your own volunteer time to the event or opportunity organizer
13. Who do I talk to about volunteer opportunities?
Opportunities will be listed in the approved roles, noted at time of registration or posted on the website.
14. Can I work off my bond for the next year?
No, at this time we are working only for this year. Once this year closes (Sept. 30) and we move into the new season, you can begin to work off the new season bond requirement before the season starts.
15. What happens with the money collected but not returned?
WMBA does not budget expenses against this unreturned money. Some of the money will be used to acquire paid staff and the remaining funds used to fund capital projects.
16. What if my child’s registration is paid by JumpStart or another social funder that doesn’t cover the Volunteer Bond fee?
Families of players whose registration are paid by JumpStart or another social funder are not required to pay the Volunteer Bond but are expected to volunteer their time. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information and opportunites.