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2024-2025 Warren Park Hockey
All Divisions
House League
House League / U5
House League / U7
House League / U8
House League / U9
House League / U11
House League / U13
House League / U15
House League / U18
Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles
Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U7 Eagles - CDP
Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U8 CDP
Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U9 Red CDP
NYHL Select Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U9 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U10 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U11 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U12 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U13 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U14 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U15 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U16 Eagles
NYHL Select Eagles / U18 Eagles - Red
NYHL Select Eagles / U18 Eagles - White
NYHL Select Eagles / U21 Eagles
All Teams
U11 - All Players (House League / U11)
U11 - Mimico AtoMc Team 1 Blue (House League / U11)
U11 - Mimico AtoMc Team Purple (House League / U11)
U11 - Parkdale Canadians (Red) (House League / U11)
U11 - Parkdale Jets (Blue) (House League / U11)
U11 Warren Park AtoMc Team Black (House League / U11)
U11 Warren Park AtoMc Team Red (House League / U11)
U11 Warren Park AtoMc Team Silver (House League / U11)
U11- Parkdale Senators (Black) (House League / U11)
U13 - All Players (House League / U13)
U13 - Mimico Team Black (House League / U13)
U13 - Mimico Team Orange (House League / U13)
U13 - Parkdale Canadians (Red) (House League / U13)
U13 - Parkdale Jets (Blue) (House League / U13)
U13 - Parkdale Senators (Black) (House League / U13)
U13 - Weston Sandstorm (House League / U13)
U13 Team Blue - Sepia Painting (House League / U13)
U13 Team Gold - Superkids Dentistry (House League / U13)
U13 Team White - Falafel World (House League / U13)
U14 Eagles (Pushed Forward) (NYHL Select Eagles / U14 Eagles)
U15 - All Players (House League / U15)
U15 - Parkdale Canadians (Red) (House League / U15)
U15 - Parkdale Jets (Blue) (House League / U15)
U15 - Parkdale Senators (Black) (House League / U15)
U15 Eagles (NYHL Select Eagles / U15 Eagles)
U15 Team Blue - CityPro Aluminum (House League / U15)
U15 Team Gold - Cheese Boutique (House League / U15)
U15 Team Grey - Autumnwoods (House League / U15)
U15 Team White - Vector Consulting (House League / U15)
U5 - All Players (House League / U5)
U5 Black (House League / U5)
U5 White (House League / U5)
U7 - All Players (House League / U7)
U7 Black (House League / U7)
U7 Blue (House League / U7)
U7 Eagles (Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U7 Eagles - CDP)
U7 Grey (House League / U7)
U7 Orange (House League / U7)
U7 Red (House League / U7)
U7 White (House League / U7)
U8 - All Players (House League / U8)
U8 Blue (House League / U8)
U8 CDP (Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U7 Eagles - CDP)
U8 Grey (House League / U8)
U8 Orange (House League / U8)
U8 White (House League / U8)
U9 - All Players (House League / U9)
U9 Blue (House League / U9)
U9 Eagles - Red (Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U7 Eagles - CDP)
U9 Eagles White (NYHL Select Eagles / U9 Eagles)
U9 Grey (House League / U9)
U9 Orange (House League / U9)
U9 Red CDP (Competitive Development Program (CDP) Eagles / U7 Eagles - CDP)
U9 White (House League / U9)
Warren Park U18 House League - Team #1 (House League / U18)
Warren Park U18 House League - Team #2 (House League / U18)