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Respect in Sport - Parent: Information and Test

Respect In Sport Parent Program
It is a mandatory requirement that one parent of each child registered must complete the Respect In Sport Parent Program.  On completion of the program you will be issued a certificate of completion and a RIS number.  Your child will not be able to play until that number has been issued.
The program is an online session which takes a little over an hour to complete.  It consists of a series of videos addressing such topics as how to be a good sport parent, how to interact with coaches, officials and other parents and even a module on concussion awareness.
Completion of the program is easy.
The first step is go to:
Next, register yourself and your child (or children).  A simple matter of filling in some basic information, name, user name, creating a passcode, etc.  You must select Warren Park as the hockey association you are affiliated with – chose HL - Warren Park House League Hockey.  

Third step is payment for the program.  $12 plus tax, payable online via credit card or debit (Paypal).

The fourth step is to begin watching the series of videos.  You can do it all in one session, or if time does not allow, you can go through one or two of the modules, and then return at a later time to complete the remaining modules – it’s up to you.  At the end of some of the modules is a simple multiply choice question relating to the topic discussed in the module.  And don’t worry – if you get an answer wrong, you simply answer the question again. 
Once all the modules are complete you are done.  Your certificate is issued, along with the RIS parent number.
Your number is automatically uploaded into the Warren Park registration system, so there will be no need to email WP the number separately.

A few additional points to make on this program:

  1.  This program is mandatory for one parent or guardian of each child. 
  2. If you have more than one child registered in hockey at WP, or any other league, you only have to complete the program once.
  3. You only have to complete this program once.  This is not a yearly requirement.  
  4. If you have a RIS Parent number from another league, it is transferable to Warren Park.  Conversely, if you should change leagues the RIS number stays with you and your child.
  5. If you are a coach with WP, and as such have completed the RIS Coaches program, you or another parent/guardian of your child must take the Parents program.  These are two separate programs and are non-transferable.
  6. There is a help link/phone number within the program, so if you are having any difficulty help is only a click or call away.