A girl may not be thrown out at first base by any fielder.
All teams must have matching shirts for every game.
Each team will receive enough new balls for 1 of each of their home games. You are to supply one new, and one used ball per game.
Each team will supply a set of bases. The home team will set them up.
All teams must email scores to mspscores@gmail.com the night of the game. Failure to do so will result in a 0-0 tie.
There is no 150' line.
SPN Rules Reinforced
Maximum 6 runs per inning to match SPN 4-4-F. "In all divisions, a 6 run rule will be used in each inning except when an inning is declared an "open inning" by the umpire, and each inning thereafter"
Mercy is 12 Runs as per SPN rule 4-4E. "The mercy rule (12 runs) is in effect after five or more complete innings (or four and a half innings, if the home team has scored the 12 runs to mercy). The mercy rule applies after 4-1/2, 5, 5-1/2, 6, etc. The home team must have as many opportunities to bat (to tie or win the game) as the visiting team. In all divisions a mercy rule of 12 runs after 5 innings and 20 runs after 4 innings will apply to all games including finals. In any inning where the mercy rule applies, a team is allowed to score enough runs to bring them inside the run spread. (example: A team that trails by 18 runs in the 5th inning will be allowed to score up to 7 runs to get inside the 12 run rule.)