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ADA Request

for players who need ADA accommodations

Your Name *

Your Email *

Manager Name *

Manager Email *

Manager Phone Number *

Team Name *

Division of Play *

Identify the impairment(s) for which you are requesting accommodation(s) and the expected duration of the impairment(s). *

Explain how the impairment(s) affects your ability to participate in softball play in accordance with the rules as prescribed in the current ASANA Softball code or USA Softball rules. *

What specific accommodations are you requesting? *

Has a physician, vocational rehabilitation specialist or other health professional recommended a specific accommodation? *

If a physician, vocational rehabilitation specialist or other health professional recommended a specific accommodation please describe. *

Provide any additional information that may be helpful in reviewing your accommodation request(s). You may also email any supporting documentation directly to *

Medical Documentation is Required to fulfill your ADA request. Please email documentation from your provider to *

I understand and will email my supporting medical documentation to

Thank you for letting us know of your ADA needs.

We will follow up with your team manager with any necessary documentation.