Don’t just cheer, be a volunteer! FMFA would not function without a dedicated group of volunteers who help with running the programs, managing the teams, coaching the kids, or simply helping on game days.
Fundy Minor Football Association is always looking for assistance to support and grow minor football in our community. To help us keep participation costs low, it is crucial that we get support from all our members. FMFA’ s success is directly related to the number of volunteers and volunteer hours we get from our membership.
There are many opportunities to volunteer each season, such as:
- Board of Directors
- Head Coach/Assistant Coach
- Division Coordinators
- Team Managers
- Game Day Managers
- Stick Crew and timers
- Fundraising or Registration Events
On game days, during both flag and tackle seasons, there are volunteer jobs that parents and caregivers can help with such as field set up and take down, clean up, commissioner/play counter, and stick crew.