Spring 3 on 3 Registration is now open! Registration is available for U9, U11, U13 & U15.
Please visit estevanminorhockey.com and click on the "Register" tab to sign up. Make sure to register in your current division for the 2024-2025 Season.
Fees are $200 and due at the time of registration.
For more information on the rules and format of 3 on 3, please visit our website and click on the "3 on 3" tab.
Game days for each division are as follows: U9 - Wednesday's & Friday's, U11 - Monday's & Wednesday's, U13 and U15 - Tuesday's & Thursday's. Each division will have occasional Friday and Saturday games.
The schedule will be available in March on our website under the "Schedule" tab. Emails will be sent out in the following weeks with more details, including the full schedule and jersey pick up nights.