Island Hoops Basketball Society
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sunday 3x3 league RULES


don't want to read all the fine print? A quick-reference guide is available here.


  1. Teams are required to have 5 players, but strongly encouraged to have 6. Remember that players may travel, be sick, or be injured throughout the season.
  2. Teams with 4 players or less on a game night are permitted to request subs to join their team on a one-night basis.
  3. Teams with 2 players or less on a game night will record forfeits in the standings (by having the score entered as "0" for all games, with the other team receiving a "10" if they have 3+ players), but receive subs to allow games to still be played.


  1. Games are 13 minutes running time. First possession is decided by rock, paper, scissors. There is NOT a score cap.
  2. No time-outs except for injury or other extenuating circumstances.
  3. Baskets are worth 1 point. Division 1 only: shots from behind the arc (“3-point shots”) are worth 2 points. (FIBA Rule Reference: 16.2.1). 
  4. A size 6 (28.5” / “women’s”) basketball is used.


  1. Players cannot wear jewelry or hair accessories that may cause injury to other players. Players with long fingernails are directed to use caution and IHBS reserves the right to require player fingernails to be closely cut. The following is not permitted:
    1. Bobby pins, plastic hair clips or pins, or other hard or plastic accessories.
    2. Fitbits, Apple watches, or other bracelets with hard or plastic parts.
    3. Any earrings, necklaces or bracelets that are big enough that a finger could be caught in them.
    4. Anything else that could reasonably be considered to pose a risk to other players on the court.
  2. Using athletic tape to cover piercings/permanent jewelry is acceptable. However, IHBS strongly recommends any piercing jewelry be taken out to avoid the risk of them being torn.
  3. Religious head coverings, headbands, hair elastics, sweat bands, etc. are permitted.
  4. Players must wear reversible jersey/pinny with a white and a dark side. IHBS provides an opportunity to purchase reversible jerseys at the start of each season. Please do not bring two t-shirts, as lost t-shirts or digging in bags will add delays to an already-tight playing schedule.


  1. Substitutions can be made on the fly or during a dead ball, however the player substituting must enter the game from above the free-throw-line extended and physically touch the playing exitting the game (e.g. high five, tag). Physical touch is not required if the sub is for a medical or emergent reason.
  2. Once the defense has the ball, they must clear the basketball outside the arc by passing or dribbling prior to starting an offensive attack.  It is not required that all players leave the area within the arc. (FIBA Rule Reference: 30)
  3. In Division 1: after a made basket, defense cannot play the ball when the offensive player is inside the charge semi-circle.  In all other situations, defense can challenge the ball and prevent the ball from clearing outside the 3-point line. This includes intercepting a clearing pass. (FIBA Rule Reference: 30)
  4. In Division 2: Players may not defend or challenge the clearing of the ball by the defense. This includes no interceptions of a clearing pass. The players clearing the ball must still follow the rules (no violations are permitted, such as travelling or double dribble, e.g.).
  5. If a jump ball is called, the ball always goes to the defence. (FIBA Rule Reference: 12)
  6. “Checking the ball” means an offensive player is standing outside of the arc and hands the ball to the defensive player, who is also outside of the arc. They must be approximately 1 m away from each other. Once the defensive player passes it back - it's game on! (FIBA Rule Reference: 17)
  7. The ball must NOT be checked after a made basket (as the ball is live). (FIBA Rule Reference: 10.2)
  8. The ball must be checked after any violation or foul.  (FIBA Rule Reference: 17)
  9. The following violations are monitored by officials:
    •    Travel
    •    Double Dribble
    •    Carry
    •    Hold
    •    Jump Ball (see #5 above)
    •    Out of Bounds
    •    Kick Ball
    •    No-cleared ball
    (FIBA Rule Reference: 22-29, 30.3.1)

    The following violations are NOT monitored by officials:
    •    3 Seconds ("3 in the key")
    •    5 Seconds (maximum time for a player to hold the ball)
    •    12 Seconds ("shot clock violation")
    •    Back to the Basket


  1. Shooting fouls: ​​​​​free throws are worth 1 point. One free throw is awarded per shooting foul.
    In Division 2: All free throw shots are ‘dead’ (no live rebounding), and the team that shot the free throw keeps possession and checks the ball at the top of the arc.
    In Division 1: The last free throw shot is live and regular FIBA rules apply (i.e. lining up outside the key/restricted zone) (FIBA Rule Reference: 43.2)
    In Division 1: Fouling on a shot taken outside the arc (3-point line) results in 2 free throws worth 1 point each. If a shot taken outside the arc (3-point line) is successful despite a foul occuring, only 1 free throw is taken.
  2. Fouls on the ground result in the team that was fouled checking the ball at the top of the arc.
  3. Neither team nor individual foul count is kept. No one ‘fouls out’ and there is not a team bonus situation.
  4. If an unsportspersonlike ('flagrant') or technical foul is called, the opposing team immediately takes one free throw ('dead', no live rebounding) and then retains possession. The offending player will be asked to leave the gym immediately, and will not be permitted to play for the remainder of the season, due to being in violation of our Code of Conduct. This is a recreational league with no space for dangerous or malicious decisions.
  5. The following fouls are monitored by officials:
    •    Illegal Screen
    •    Charge/Block
    •    Push
    •    Hold
    •    Hand Check
    •    Hit to the Head
    •   Illegal Use of the Hands
    •    Excessive Elbow Screens
    •    Technical fouls (non-contact fouls for unsportspersonlike conduct. Occur if player is not cooperating with referees, Island Hoops organizers, scorekeepers, or other players; and is not upholding values of fair play and supportive spirit) (see #4 above)
    •    Unsportspersonlike foul (contact foul with an excessive, hard or dangerous contact). (see #4 above)
    (FIBA Rule Reference: 33, 34, 36, 37)