What should I bring?- Basketball shoes or court shoes. Regular runners or cross trainers can be okay, but they will increase your risk of injury as they won’t grip the gym floor as well or cushion your feet in the right places.
- A reversible jersey or a light and a dark shirt (this helps with making teams, but isn’t crucial - we have clean spare reversible jerseys we can lend!).
- A water bottle.
- A size 6 (“women’s size”) basketball (optional). Island Hoops has a few basketballs, but not enough for everyone.
It's been YEARS since I've touched a basketball, but I want to come play! What should I know?We proactively build a welcoming environment for all abilities (beginner to experienced). If you are very new to basketball (e.g. haven't played since middle school, or maybe never), we recommend showing up a few minutes early. Our facilitators would be happy to do an orientation and introduction with you before everyone else arrives. If you can't make it early, that's ok! Our facilitators keep an eye open for new faces and will do their best to introduce themselves and answer any questions you have.
How do you make teams? What if I'm picked last?The facilitator help make teams at the beginning of the night. There is no draft/picking teams! You will be assigned to a team based on the vibe of the evening (could be by height, could be numbering off, could be personal preference, etc.). If you want to be on the same team as someone, please tell the facilitator and they'll do their best to make it happen. The goal is to make relatively evenly-matched teams.
How are games played?Generally speaking, games are usually between 6-10 minutes running time with water breaks in between. We adjust game lengths based on attendance/number of players and fitness levels. Often, we will have enough players for 3 teams with a few subs per team. Two teams will play each other while one rests, in a "play 2 games / rest 1 game" structure.
Are there any special rules, other then 'standard' basketball rules? - We permit player-to-player defence only (no zone). This allows matchups based on experience and ability, which improves inclusivity of beginner players.
- We are self-officiated; call your own fouls (either offensive or defensive players involved in the foul may call it).
- All violations and all fouls, whether in the act of shooting or not, result in the ball resetting to the top of the 3-point line. No free throws.
- During a stoppage of play (foul or violation) in the front court, ball will be checked at the arc (3-point line). This is how it is done in 3x3 / half-court games; we have adopted it due to lack of floor space outside the in-bounds areas at some gyms. This removes opportunity for sideline or baseline plays.
- 'Jump balls' go to defence. Always. Don’t fight for a jump ball – keep those shoulders in their sockets please.